Iota Report # 4 (2001-09-13)

This report was submitted by CPT Samuel Shadd III

CMDR/CM Daniel Stephens reporting in for Iota

Tie Corps News:

For more information go to

And I am side tracking a bit here but at around 9am
EDT Tuesday Sept 11 the World Trade Center in New York
City and the Pentigon in Washington DC was attacked by
terrorists, and it is expected that over 10,000 people
died in this. In my sole opinion I think we need to
stop assing around and find who done this and shove a
cruise missile up his ass. I am an american and really
that doesnt matter I would be pissed off if it
happened anywhere else. I think terrorism is the most
cowardly thing you can do, and I ask that all of you
that see this please pray or if your Athiest or
otherwise then please have a moment of silence, for
those who passed away.
Okay Im done ranting about this.

Ship News:
*Exercise Cantina Run is on!!! you must write a 500+
letter story about the Battlegroups role in Imp Storm
2, go to for info about IS2, but
do NOT give it to anyone outside of this ship.

Squadron News:
Well we are in a BoW but I am suspending it till the
end of ECR so you will have no reason not to do

Activity Reports:

CM Daniel Stephens:
* Errr haevnt done much I got Diablo 2 Expansion pac
and have been playing it.
LT Trideo Arkson:
* TC-TIE 44
LT Bizzare:
* Nothing to report.
CM Anthony Starr:
* Nothing to report.
LCM Aidan Pryde:
* Passed AIM w/91%
* Passer VBS w/83%
Final Thoughts:
Well not much to report this week, but considering
what happened I can understand, but I want to see your
ECR stories, ASAP the deadline is Sept 19. (AKA the
day before my 17th Birthday) :P
That is all.

Respectfully Submitted:
CMDR/CM Daniel Stephens

"Remember the Titans"

CMDR/CM Daniel Stephens/Iota/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus
Zero] PIN#5448
PRT Daniel Stephens(Obelisk) Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae

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