Tav Report # 0 (2002-03-29)

This report was submitted by CM Argon Viper

Tav Squadron Weekly Report

Squad News
-The Rat Pack has arrived, wish me luck against those dirty WCs ;)
-Two Wing VI comps are in the making, contact Gen or Mage for info on them.

CM Argon Viper
-Trying to get the best score he can on the Rat Pack mission.

LT Coppa
-Responded near the beginning of the week... I'll need to hear from you again soon.

LCM Jennif Es'mith
-Keeping active. Lots of contact with her(she grew up where I live now...)

Squadron Orders
-First off, everyone needs to keep active. You guys are doing a good job of reporting in once a week, but let's try flying something too ;)

Squadron Roster


CMDR/CM Argon Viper/Tav/Wing VI/SSSD Sovereign IS-1BR/CoL/CoB/OV-2E [DRAG] {IWATS-RT-SM/2-TM-TT-XTM}

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