Tornado Report # 10 (2002-04-07)

This report was submitted by CPT Master

Tornado Squadron, No-One Likes Us, We Don't Care.

Tornado Squadron Report 7th April 2002.

Forgive me for the lateness of this report, i had to stay back at work today :/ and im hung over.

~CMDR's Rant~
No Rant this week.

~Squadron News~
Will everyone if you havent already welcome CM William Flechette to our squadron.

With Flech this brings Tornado up to 8, keep going we arnt that far from 12.

I have been Promoted to Captain, WOOOOOOOOOOO, i suppose drinks are on me for the next couple of days, take advantage while you can.

FCHG Race.
After a discussion in #isd_challenge on mIRC the other day, i have decided to start up a FCHG Race, basicly you fly lots you get FCHG Points and you may get a IS-BW. The Score Site is available at

So far im winning :)
Comp ends May 1st 2002.

If you have a Hangover cure send it to me now and ill be nice to you if it works.

~Wargame News~
No battle at the moment, but im sure there will be one soon, Boliv's and Kaneda fuzzy forces cant outsmart us forever.

~Squad Orders~
Fly for the FCHG Race.

IWATS - See what life is like after IWATS.


~Wing/Battlegroup News~

Challenge Newsletter Submissions Being Taken Now.
The first issue of this will be out at the end of April.
Please send any submissions you think may be suitable to

Wing X Mascot:
Don't forget that you can still vote for the Wing X Mascot at:
Due to popular request, MAJ Triji Boliv has also been added to the list. :P
(Vote for Boliv and ill demote you to Cadet :P)

Thunder is still capturing planets, Go the Thunder-Tornado Alliance!
Time we did a little capturing and destroying too.

Trivia Competition:
Just for fun, we're still playing trivia! Thanks muchly to CM Chris McCollum who is moderating this for me this month. Trivia works thusly:
The Pilot with most correct answers will receive 3 points, the second 2 and the third 1. When two pilots have the same number of correct answers the one who submitted first will get the point.

At the end of the month the pilot with most points will receive an IS-SR, the runner-up an IS-BR. The third in line will get an extra point for the next month’s contest.

Im One C-Service Username Short, help me if you have one.

New Battlegroups web site is available here

~Fleet News~
We are Tornado Squadron and we dont care.

~From the Vault~
Hidden deep somewhere in the Challenge is a giant safe hidden from everyones eyes, inside are detailed files on the EH Command staff (and other staff) and what can be used as discriminating evidence, as well as lots of infomation and Kessler's private pic's of several cadets (YUCK). Only few know of the Vaults existance even fewer have the combination to get in, Master is lucky enough to know it, so for you heres a small snipit of info

Red Six's Flight Recorder Recovered From Yavin

The newly formed Imperial Survey Corps today reported on their successful reconnaissance of the orbital space around Yavin IV, and it seems that the Flight Recorder of Jek Porkins, the Rebel pilot known as Red Six, has been recovered from the debris zone surrounding the last known location of the first Death Star. The following is a transcript of the last minutes of Red Six's flight.

Porkins: "Red six standing by"
[fumbling noises and the distinct sound of a zipper being undone]
Pfssssst! [massive glugging gulps followed by a large belch]
[crackle of plastic wrapper]
Pop! cruch crunch.
Red Leader: "Cut the chatter"
Porkins (mumbling): "cut this you SOB"
[loud vibrant Pooot!]
Porkins: "aaaah, damn!"
Red Ten: "I've got one on my tail"
Porkins (Muffled): "shit"
[another raucus fart]
Porkins: "Whoo! I'm with you Red Three."
Porkins: "I've got a problem here!"
[several farts]
Red Three: "Pull up Porkins!"
Porkins; "I can hold it."
Porkins(muffled): "damn nachos"
[more farting]
Red Three: "EJECT!"
Porkins: "I can hold it AAAARRRRGHH!"

Analysis of the wreckage indicates that Porkins forgot to take into account the weight of the pork pies, hostess cupcakes, salami, leg of ham, cheesesticks, bucket of coleslaw, bratwurst, beef jerky, doritos, Cadbury's Milk Chocolate Bars, pork rinds and bacon sandwiches he had stashed in the glove compartment.

If only he hadn't eaten the bag of salted peanuts before he took off, he'd never have been able to get the X-Wing off the ground and would still be alive today.

Kiss my ass, fatty!

~The Usual Suspects~

CPT Master
4/2 Wrote MSE
4/4 Flew XWA-FCHG Battle #3 - Ronin's Deception (18,845)
4/4 Promoted to Captain
4/4 Passed IWATS Flash Course (92%)
4/5 Awarded ISM
4/5 Submitted Turn 006 for Wargame
4/6 Flew XWA-TC Battle #20 - The Tug Menace

LCM Sint Seelasi
~No Activity Reported~
Sint dont make me AWOL you.

LCM Tomaas Montte
4/2 Flew TIE-TC Battle #193 - The Trouble with Harold (155,660)
4/2 XWA-TC Battle #19 - Evaluation of the ISD Vanguard (8,315)
4/4 Awarded PC
4/4 Flew XvT-TC Battle #27 - Wing XV: Mantis Squadron (71,563)
4/4 Flew XvT-TC Battle #13 - Graduates, Graduate! (86,228)
4/6 Wrote Flight 2 Report

LT Julius Marcus Aurelius
Tie Problems

CPT Mauser
~None Reported~

CM William Flechette
4/6 Awarded ISM

CPT Shakur
Having modem problems
4/5 Completed IWATS Graphics Course (100%)

COL Ramos
4/4 Awarded ISM
4/4 Awarded LoC
4/4 Flew TIE-TC Battle #188 - Battle for Endor (25,260)

BANNER: tornado.jpg
MOTTO: Before Glory, Loyalty...Before Pride, Honor...Before Self, the Empire.

Nickname: The Missile Magnets
Motto: Fighter Pilots make movies... Bomber Pilots make History
1) CPT Master (
2) LCM Sint Seelasi (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Nil Satis Nici Optimum
Motto: We have fought 1000 wars and we'll fight 1000 more for we fight the good fight
1) LCM Tomaas Montte (
2) LT Julius Marcus Aurelius (
3) CPT Mauser (
4) CM William Flechette (

Nickname: The High Priests of Love
Motto: We're the Love Commandos and this is a Raid!
1) TBA
2) CPT Shakur (
3) COL Ramos Kanzco ( )
4) TBA

~Quotes of the week~
I havent heard any quotes worth mentioning this week.

~Dark Lord of the Week~

The highly prestigious title of Dark Lord of the Week is only given to the person who has most advanced the success of the Squadron, amused the CMDR, or slipped me the most £5 notes in a brown paper bag. This week's winner is:

CPT Master

For being Promoted :D

~Ewok of the Week~

Yub Yub!

Every story has a hero, every journey has a first step, every Fleet has a pilot who's about as much use as an ashtray on a speeder bike. This weeks' Prize Ewok is none other than:

Tempest Squadron

They got WC Squad of the Month, this goes with that :P

Respectfully Submitted,
CMDR-TCS/CPT Master/Tornado/Wing X/ISD Challenge

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