Eta Report # 0 (2002-03-23)

This report was submitted by LC Indaro Gallia

CMDR/LC Indaro Gallia reporting in for Eta Squadron on the 23/03/02




1. Squadron League - FREE-TIE #92 for Next Sunday and FREE-TIE #94 for whenever. (PHALK + VUFFI need to re-send their TFRs)

2. Squadron of the Month Competition - Fly anything, and fly lots of it.

3. History of the ISD Colossus - Fiction, Graphics and Mission Building.




Go download mIRC (, and come online and chat to me or anyone else on the Col. #ISD_colossus on any undernet server. Keep up-to-date with the latest gossip.

*New IWATS Course*
AD Havoc []
Thats right, theres a new IWATS course to take, IWATS XML. Do the Course today at!

*Flag Officer Appointments*
10:21 - FA Priyum Patel []
Congratulations to the following people on their recent Flag appointments:

Colonel Arso Slyth - new Wing XI WC
Rear Admiral Azazel - new Grey Wolf Commodore
Lieutenant Colonel Wes Janson - new Wing XIII WC

Also congratulations go out to the Vanguard Commodore, Rear Admiral Bevel Leeson, who has been promoted to the rank of Vice Admiral.

As some of you may have noticed, WE HAVE A NEW PILOT!!!!!

Welcome to SL Tarrafal, who takes up the 2-2 slot. Only a few more pilots ad we'll be able to win back our Squadron of the Month title.

Will people please remember to check in with their Flight Leaders at least once a week! And Flight Leaders need to hand in their Flight Reports by Friday night/Saturday morning GMT.




CMDR/LC Gallia
Wrote Report
Submmited to run-on
Flew TC-TIE #92

FM/LCM Trowa
Reported in
On Leave

FM/SL Tarrafal
Joined Eta
Made Contact

FL/CM Phalk Sturm
Returned from Leave
Flew TC-TIE #173
Flew TC-TIE #177

FM/CPT Vuffi Raa
Internet Problems
Next up for run-on!
No Contact!!




Everyone should mail our new pilot and say hello.

I need Phalk and Vuffi to re-send their TFRs for FM #92 and #94. We lie third in the Squadron league, but only one win behind Pi so there's plenty to play for.

We seem to be in last place in the SoM race, so i need a influx of TFRs. We're not gonna win it this time cuz we're too short handed, but i want to avoid last place.

Next month will be the important one. If Omicron win March they can our acheivement of 3 in a row in April. This must be prevented!!



Anyone not following these is subject to being removed.

1. I expect all FMs to contact their Flight Leaders at least once a week, either by email, ICQ or IRC etc.

2. I expect everyone to participate in all competitions, except when there is a clash with important RL events, i.e. exams, illness etc
3. I want everyone to fly at least one battle or two free missions a week, alternatively you can create graphics, write fiction or create missions as long as the effort is the same as flying a battle or mission. Competition TFRs count as double, so you only need to fly one free mission if it's for a comp.

4. Flight Leaders - You will report to me at the end of each week detailing which of members of their flight have or haven't reported in and what they've done during the past week. Also, you will pass on to me any TFRs, fiction, graphics etc. you receive from your pilots.

5. Flight leaders - You are expected to be an example to your flight members and should typify what they are trying to become. I expect regular contact from you and input into how the squadron should be run and any changes that could be made for the better.

It doesn't take long to fly 2 free missions, you can even do it on easy if you must, you only need to fly on hard when it's a comp and scores are important.




ETA SQUADRON : Assassination
COMMANDER: LC Indaro Gallia (
NICKNAME: The Assassins
MOTTO: Live by Honour, Kill by Stealth

Nickname: Spirit Flight
Motto: Instant Glory
1) LC Indaro Gallia (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Destroyer of Bonds
Motto: Pretty, what do we blow up first?
1) LCM Trowa (
2) SL Tarrafal (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Mind Flight
Motto: Mantis Hunters
1) CM Phalk Sturm (
2) CPT Vuffi Raa (
3) TBA
4) TBA


Respectfully submitted

Lieutenant Colonel Indaro 'Vermin' Gallia
CMDR/LC Indaro Gallia/Eta/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus
DJH (Sith)/House Galthain of Clan Satal Keto, GC/DC/(BN)

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