Scorpion Report # 4 (2003-07-10)

This report was submitted by CPT Alec Qarni


* APP_Silu wonders why Rebels had A-Wings, Y-Wings and X-Wings if they used Aurabesh...



Well, we had some actual stuff happen this week… anyone who might have taken a look at our squad roster today would notice that there’s a new banner… This is thanks to CM Sayo Hirosho, who, incidentally, is being promoted to FL of Flight 2 and XO of the squadron. This means that he’s gonna be bugging you people to start doing stuff and trying to recruit a bit. So… anything you mail me (ha) that concerns the squadron (i.e., not battles), please cc him at

The other development of the week was that we received a new pilot, straight from Daedelus! Please welcome SL Cobalt Specter to the squadron, and we hope he’ll have a bright future…

Other news… Tarks is on vacation, Jer Stryker finally left to pursue RL opportunities, and there is a new COMP SYSTEM!!! #ehcoc is now running 24/7, so you don’t have to worry about what time the next comp is, cause it’s ALways on. I would really really like to see some of you there, just participating, because this is supposed to be an MP wing, and I’m the only one flying… Tarks tries, every so often, but the rest of you never show up… Come on, people!

Alec Qarni's Game of the Week: Caesar 3 (Sierra)
CD of the Week: Keepsake- Black Dress in a B Movie



1-1: CPT Alec Qarni: ISM, LoCx12, DFCx1, XvT TC 70, IS-BW, IS-SW, IRC, AIM, MBs
1-2: CM Sayo Hirosho: IRC, made the new banner, accepted promotion to FL. Yay!
1-3: LC Strahd: Zero
1-4: N/A

2-1: Soon-to-be Sayo…
2-2: LCM Victor Kage: Nope…
2-3: LT Steel: Nothin'
2-4: COL E. Tarkin: Emailed wing about vacation to Ios… have fun!

3-1: CM Patrick Blastfire: IRC, AIM, has no joystick at the moment.
3-2: SL Cobalt Specter: Joined the squad! Welcome!
3-3: N/A
3-4: See 3-3



1: Deal with Real. (Just made that one up!) Real life is where it's at, and nothing in the TC can supersede it, so remember that this is all fun… not an obligation.

2: Fly! It’s summer… If you’re off of school, you either have no time, or a lot of time! Please find some time, whatever you’re doing, to just fly a battle here and there, or hang around in #ehcoc and try to get a game or something.

3: Do other stuff! The banner is taken care of and the website probably is as well, but there are all kinds of things you can do… especially if you’re eligible for some sort of promotion (Blastfire, Specter, Steel in a month or so)… IWATS, fiction, graphics, all kinds of competitions… the FO has his INPR comp still running. And showing up on IRC or just mailing me for whatever reason can’t hurt at all.



Wing-wide: (as copied from Ship report for this week)
1) Vanflying Comp #11, fly XWA-TC Battle #35 - Hammer to Anvil, Part III
2) Vanflying Comp #12, fly TIE-TC Battle #212 - Dark Allies II Imperial Retribution

as per usual IS-SW to the highest scorer, IS-BW to the runner up.

3) Creativity Comp, Write/Draw.......create anything silly and funny & send to Sicky and Draxy, it can be anything, a short story, poem, graphics, just have it something to do with us and life on the VAN

IS-SR to the best and funniest/silliest
IS-BR to the 2nd best

4) Your COM needs your HELP!

Yes he needs someone to design a new template for his weekly crap ship report, something sexy and appealing to the eyes, i'm too busy judging bikini comps and going to beer festivals and just plain old dumb to do it myself, so it's up to you Vanmembers, create the ultimate template for Sicky to use.
IS-SR to the best and it will be used everyone week!!!!!!!

All comps above have deadline of 1st of August.

Also, the recurring comps, Drax’s FCHG race, CR race, Recruitment race, Vanguard Joust… So much stuff. Just fly random stuff and you’re bound to win some comp or another.



Gladiator [GLDR] (1000 points)
· [1321] COL E. Tarkin (+0)
· [1210] LC Strahd (+0)
Executor [EXCR] (750 points)
· [891] CPT Alec Qarni (+20)
Knight [KNGT] (250 points)
· [252] LCM Victor Kage (+0)
Dragoon [DRAG] (100 points)
· [145] CM Patrick Blastfire (+0)


Jedi 4th (500 points)
· [555] COL E. Tarkin (+0)
Top Ace 1st (400 points)
· [419] LC Strahd (+0)
Ace 1st (200 points)
· [246] CPT Alec Qarni (+17)
Veteran 3rd (80 points)
· [82] CM Patrick Blastfire (+0)
Trainee (1 point)
· [3] LCM Victor Kage (+0)

I don’t like it when I’m the only one gaining… I’m suppose to be bogged down with BSFs and such and not able to fly… Can’t be THAT hard!

CPT Alec Qarni
The Scorpion King
AIM PROF (Take it, foo'!)
PIN 7191

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