Nun Report # 14 (2003-07-07)

This report was submitted by CPT BubbaX

(This report written by LCM Andros Rok, Nun Squadron XO)

Lieutenant Commander Andros Rok reporting in, and welcome to Episode 3 in the Nun Squadron XO report on the 7th of July!

Sorry the report’s late, I wasn’t able to get it out yesterday cause I didn’t have access to the net. CPT BubbaX is on leave until the 8th of July and I have been left in charge as A-CMDR. If you have any problems or questions just give me an email and I’ll see if I can help. Send all pilot files direct to the new WC at or just hold onto your files for a day longer.

TC/EH News
Historical record updated
06:46 - SA Astatine []
Historical records will now calculate the time a member has held a particular position/ID line.
Recent Appointments
06:31 - HA Priyum Patel []
Following MAJ Devin's removal as Wing Commander of Wing V (anyone heard from him?), Admiral Proton has selected a replacement WC. Congratulations to Colonel Gen Es'mith! Gen is a hugely experienced Officer and should do a fine job in leading Wing.
Lieutenant Colonel Turr Phennir has stepped down as Praetorian Commander and taken up a Flight Member's position in the Squadron. Myself and SDIR/VA Mordann would like to thank Turr for all the work he's put into the Squadron over the past several months. We've also agreed on the new CMDR, congratulations go out to Colonel Andrzej Mezynski!
eMail Server Problems
06:18 - VA Kyle Katarn []
I heard some of you tried to send me mails and they were bouncing back. My A1 Net eMail server was down due of an update. However you can reach me at those Addy's:
All other accounts I had in the past in the TC are down. So please stick to those 2 accounts.

TAC on leave
06:49 - FA Marcin Szydlowski []
I will be on leave, starting this Wednesday (9th) and ending next Monday (11th), spending time and having time on EH Poland Meeting III. Philo is in charge of the office :)

Sovereign News
-- The Sovereign Squadron League playoffs begin July 5! Everyone watch the announcements from the chief judge, LC Todbringer, on Saturday, about which squadrons have advanced to the playoff round of eight in each of the three platform divisions, and which battles will be flown. Note to all playoff participants: The absolute deadline for flying the first-round playoff battles is July 15! As for round 8 of the regular season, you have three days left to fly XvT-FREE 90, TIE-FREE 218 and-or XWA-FREE 55.

-- In conjunction with the SSL, AD Proton has commissioned a graphics competition for the creation of award emblems (or certificates, medallions, patches, posters, or whatever else captures the artist's fancy). It is known as the Sovereign Squadron League Graphics Grab:

Iron Star-Gold Ribbon for first place
Iron Star-Silver Ribbon for second place
Iron Star-Bronze Ribbon for third place

Competition details:
Entrants are invited to create award images for squadron and individual winners in the SSSD Sovereign Squadron League.
Any award format may be chosen (emblems, patches, plaques, certificates, medallions, ribbons, etc.).
Here are the required texts on the awards:
Squadron Champion, TIE Division, SSL 2003
Squadron Champion, XvT Division, SSL 2003
Squadron Champion, XWA Division, SSL 2003
Top Gun, TIE Division, SSL 2003
Top Gun, XvT Division, SSL 2003
Top Gun, XWA Division, SSL 2003

The winner(s) may be commissioned later to create secondary awards, such as space superiority and assault winners, etc.

The SSL Graphics Grab is open to pilots of the SSSD Sovereign plus any other members of the TC interested in the SSL.

-- GN Stele Pellaeon's General's Summer Patrol comp is into its second week. Only a handful of pilots failed to survive the first week of the patrol. Details at:

Wing News
Welcome to the new Wing V Wing Commander, COL Gen Es'mith. He’s a Wing V veteran and and extremely experienced officer! Good luck in your new position!

Squadron News
CPT BubbaX is away on leave.
LCM Andros Rok is A-CMDR until Bubba gets back

Nun Beer Corporation: We need titles for each position in the Nun Beer
Corporation! Winner gets an IS-BR for the best titles.
Nun is needing new motto's and nicknames! Anyone who can come up with
replacements for the entire squadron gets an ISM

Roster Changes

NICKNAME: Sovereign's Wrath
BANNER: nun.jpg
MOTTO: Good Strategy leads to glorious Victory, devoid Bravery ends with useless Death.

Nickname: Dogs of War
Motto: Act like a man of thought - Think like a man of action
1) CPT BubbaX (
2) LCM Efherman (
3) TBA
4) TBA
Nickname: The Red Wings
Motto: Excitate vos e somno, liberi fatali. Somnus est non
1) LCM Andros Rok (
2) SL Lyon Krilbrook (
3) CM Dakar Romson (
4) TBA
Nickname: Immortals
Motto: We don't die. Ever.
1) TBA
2) CPT Death Angel (
3) LCM Jason Kotare (
4) TBA

Total: 7

Squadron Citations (12):
TIE-TC Battle 48 - "Ski Hoth" - Star Wars Mercenaries
XWA-TC Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter
XWA-TC Battle 2 - First Contact
XWA-TC Battle 4 - Privateer
XWA-TC Battle 5 - Show of Force
XWA-TC Battle 6 - Enemy Defector
XWA-TC Battle 7 - Assault on Chimera
XWA-TC Battle 8 - Hammer to Anvil
XWA-TC Battle 10 - The Phare Encounter
XWA-TC Battle 11 - Heroes of the Immortal
XWA-TC Battle 12 - Imperium Deception
XWA-TC Battle 16 - The History of the ISD Relentless

[429] CPT BubbaX
[345] CM Dakar Romson
[324] CPT Death Angel
[122] LCM Andros Rok
[87] LCM Jason Kotare
[81] LCM Efherman

Lieutenant Commander Andros Rok
Nun Squadron XO
Executive-Vice President of the Nun Beer Corporation
FL/LCM Andros Rok/Nun 2-1/Wing V/SSSD Sovereign

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