Kappa Report # 55 (2001-10-25)

This report was submitted by LC Astarosta

Kappa Squadron Report - October 25th, 2001 - LC Astarosta

Squadron News

-For those of you who didn't get it when Tempest sent it, he created a program called "Tempest's Tailoring Tool". It is an amazing Uniform making tool. It makes great unis only by entering your ID line info. His latest version (listen to this) actually CONNECTS to the tc.org database, scans your ID line and makes the uni with that info! and it works perfectly! He's working on new versions with minor bug fixes and when the templates are released it will feature both dress and duty unis, .bmp or .jpeg files, and two different sizes. Anyone else wanna help me yelling "uber cool" and doing some reverences to Temp? ;)

-And as the cherry on top of Tempest remarkable week, he was awarded a Bronze Star of the Empire for his work on the Advanced Guard. Ok, do you have a sister to sell so you can pay your party, Tempie? :p

- October 26th. Two submissions for Kappa vs Stalker. Participation in two out of five medals at stake on the Oktoberfest. Nooooot good. C'mon guys, all I need are submissions on Kappa vs Stalker to even reach the 6 top high scores needed. And in the Oktoberfest, with only sending something, anything on Fiction, Graphics and Mission Creation you're likely to win a medal since there are no submissions on those. I show you candy, you don't take it. Strange. GOOOOOOOOOO NOW!!!!!!

-Congrats go to Hermann who reached the Centurion FCHG rank this week with his maddening flying frenzy :p

-And good work to him too, as he is working on cadet help, seeking for possible new recruits. Well done!

-Watch out for the next Sov wide comp from the hands of LCM Jack Stone, scheduled to start on Nov 1st, after the comp madness of October :p. Check the orders section for more

-Tim has decided to change his name to Timmay, so we're waiting approval from the FO tto start calling him like that ;)
Also, on other roster news, LT Zyrax has changed his mail addy too, also pending FO approval. Update your adress books with this sweet puzzle: lanzerman@lufysik.fysik.lu.se :p

-And let's welcome back a classic, straigth from Roasty's colorful RL experiences and thoughts:

-This week's Ol' Roasty's word o' advice: "If a friend tells you to join him on a short fishing trip just when your coxis bone moves around in bad weather premonition, just don't go" :p


Squadron Orders

-Kappa vs Stalker is ON!!!!! Fly TC-TIE 34 (attached) and get some highscores!! Top 6 scores from each squad will be averaged and the top average wins. An IS-BW is at stake for the top scorer. Deadline is October 31st. The more inputs we have, the better chances we have. I expect 100% participation even if the score doesn't make it to the top 6. GOOOOO KAPPA!!!!!!!

-The Wing II Pilot League season 2 is ON!!!! After a rather shaky 2nd round with a small issue, we have a battle to fly !! The deadline for the current round is 6PM GMT on Sunday 28th October and the mission is TIE-TC 123. Send it to Algy and CC me for the BSF.

-The Oktoberfest is ON!!! Time to get drunk as hell and mistake the Cat with your grandma and take it for a walk on the neigborhood wearing long femenine leather boots and nothing else and...all those stuff you do before entering ethilic coma. Divisions and awards:

Flying division - standard flying comp, top laserless scorer on TIE-TC #182 (attached) earns an IS-BW

FCHG race division - top FCHG earner of the period earns an IS-BW. MUST submit at least a battle a week to participate.

Fiction division - short story about Kappa's wild Oktoberfest party. Best submission judged by me earns an IS-BR

Mission creation division - best free mission with a plotline involving Kappa and Oktoberfest earns an IS-BR.

Graphics division - Best submission of a graphic in any medium (from Paint to 3D renders to pencil scans to photo compositions) relating Kappa and Oktoberfest (beer :p) earns an IS-BR

For the fiction and graphics division, I'm not looking at high standards of quality, more to the side of originality and fun. Anything you can come up with and amuses me will do. For the fiction division I will demand at least 3 paragraphs.
For the FCHG race remember that you MUST submit a FREE MISSION a week MINIMUM to participate. Also, the battles MUST be never flown before, so it really adds to your FCHG ranking. I'll check your profiles before submitting. High scores and MP victories will also be counted on the total.

-Jack's Ultimate Scramble is around the corner!

Key Dates:

Nov. 1st: Competition begins at midnight no matter your time zone.
Every Wednesday after: Progress reports to be handed out
11:59:59 December 31st: Final battles to be received
January 1-4: final scores posted, Wing Champions determined
January 5th, The Final Showdown: The six Wing Champions compete in the ultimate test, it has been decided that if all pilots have XWA, the Showdown will be held in #Airlock54 at 17:00 EST (5:00 PM)

Now the Rules:
1. All battles must be received between the exact times of 00:00:00 November 1st and 23:59:59 December 31st
2. Wing Champions must respond to the Showdown invitation on January 4th (seperate from the final scores) or else Wing Runner-Ups will be declared Wing Champions
3. All pilots should submit at least 4 battles and/or free missions each week
4. Battles previously flown for database may be reflown for the competition.

1. Absolutely no person may use invulnerability or unlimited weapons unless I rule it nessacery to use them
2. Any battle found using the above violation will not be counted for anything and will be stricken from the record
3. Wing Champions must participate in the Final Showdown.

Medal Awards:
Wing Champion: IS-SW
Wing Runner-Up: IS-BW
Showdown 3rd: IS-BW
Showdown 2nd: IS-SW
Showdown 1st/Sovereign Champion: IS-GW


Squadron Activity

LC Astarosta/Kappa 1-1

10-19-01 Sent a battle beta test review to the TAC office
10-23-01 Playtesting Tempest's uniform utility

CMDR stuff


LT Zyrax/Kappa 1-2

10-25-01 Changed his mail addy to lanzerman@lufysik.fysik.lu.se
10-26-01 Submitted a "2 on 2" comp idea


LT Razor/Kappa 1-3

no activity reported


LCM Tim/Kappa 1-4

10-21-01 Requested a name change to "Timmay"
10-24-01 Played TIE-TC 182 for Kappa's Oktoberfest

continuous work on a site for the "New Sov site" comp


CPT Algaron/Kappa 2-1

All week activity running the W2PL II


CM Hawkins/Kappa 2-3

no activity reported


CM Jan Wemmel/Kappa 3-1

high mail activity


LCM Tempest/Kappa 3-2

10-21-01 Sent his first release of "Tempest's Tailoring Tool"
10-23-01 Sent TTT v 0.4
Awarded a BS for his work on the Advanced Guard


LCM Hermann/Kappa 3-3

10-21-01 Played TIE-FREE 5 and 12
10-22-01 Played TIE-FREE 8 and 10
10-24-01 Helping a cadet on Daedalus


XWA ingame cheats

As noticed by Major Linkan and tested by myself, it looks like using the ingame unlimited ammo feature of XWA do not reduce your total of points, unlike the invulnerability feature. As nothing can prevent you to use this feature, and furthermore as nothing can be done to track the use of this feature, using the unlimited ammo feature within XWA to achieve high-scores is tolerated. I guess some had already noticed that trick and used it for high-score, now it will be fairer as it is made public.


There is going to be some delays in the operations of the Training Office over the next few days. This is because I've just recently purchased two new hard drives (40GB IBM, yum) and I'm transferring all the data off the old drives to the new ones. In addition, I'll have to reinstall all my applications, download others, etc. As such, competition approval and test marking may be delayed. Hopefully, my system will be up and running fully by Monday.

New Weekly Competition

I'm pleased to announce the creation of a new weekly competition... The Night of the Lost Souls!

It will take place Thursdays from 3:00-5:00 PM EST, or 20-22 GMT. Matchmaking will be done in #EHCOC as with all combat events, but participants are encouraged to socialize in #ISD_Immortal, as the Immortal is hosting this competition.

Happy hunting everyone!

2nd Polish Meeting

Most of you probably didn't know that we has meeting of Polish pilots last summer. Yes, we are going to do it again, but this time with better participation and an even bigger party. Just like last year, the meeting will take place near city of Bialystok. If you don't know where it is, check 200kms east from capital city of Warsaw. The location is in a great summer house among the woods. Swimming pool included! :)

I am going to organize it again, but time a bit later. Let's say around 10th of the July 2002. If you would like to join us, just e-mail. If you need more information, do it too. Last summer we had 10 participating EH Pilots and I want to see more next year!

The Holonet Journals, Issue #1:

Finally, after over a month of hard work, the Internet Office has finally done it! The Holonet Journals, our own publication, has been released. It features rants, humor, coding snippets, site reviews, and other interesting tidbits. The entire IO and THJ staff have all put enormous effort into making this publication come alive, and we hope you'll take the time to look through and enjoy it.

Check it out at http://www.ehnet.org/thj/!

Flag Officer Promotions

Congratulations to the following Flag Officers who have been promoted for the exemplary work they've done in their various areas of command:

Lieutenant Colonel Reaper, Wing IV WC - promoted to Colonel.
Rear Admiral Jeff 'Tiger' Loruss, SubjugatorCOM - promoted to Vice Admiral
Colonel Smitrock, Wing XX WC - promoted to General

Again, congratulations on these well-deserved promotions!

Newsletter #79 released

As promised, here's Newsletter #79 (3.74 mb)! You can download it at:
http://thunder.prohosting.com/~surefire/hammer79.zip (N. America - Fast)

Attached: TIE-TC 34 for Kappa vs Stalker

TIE-TC 182 for Kappa's Oktoberfest


Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: LC Astarosta (astarosta@copetel.com.ar)
NICKNAME: The Spirits of Wing II
BANNER: kappa.jpg
MOTTO: If it Flies, it Dies
HOMEPAGE: http://www21.brinkster.com/algaronx/kappa/
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=12

Nickname: Smashing Kegs
Motto: In Eternal Quest for Party
Homepage: http://www.kappa-flight1.f2s.com/
1) LC Astarosta (astarosta@copetel.com.ar)
2) LT Zyrax (lanzerman@lufysik.fysik.lu.se)
3) LT Razor (pedroamado@eudoramail.com)
4) LCM Tim (tiecorps@swirve.com)

Nickname: The Dark Avengers
Motto: Hatred Breeds Strength
Homepage: http://www21.brinkster.com/algaronx/Flight2/
1) CPT Algaron (algaronx@btopenworld.com)
2) TBA
3) CM Hawkins (Nedius@yahoo.com)
4) TBA

Nickname: The Lunatic Roastars
Motto: Be Afraid, for we are the Defenders of the Keg!
Homepage: http://www21.brinkster.com/algaronx/Flight3/
1) CM Jan Wemmel (Jan1506@gmx.de)
2) LCM Tempest (EH_Tempest@gmx.net)
3) LCM Hermann (ehhermann@yahoo.com.ar)
4) TBA

Total: 9


CMDR-TCT/LC "Roasty" Astarosta/Kappa/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
SMS/CM Astarosta/FMC-TC/SSSD Sovereign [DOC]
GRD Astarosta (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan {SA:CORE}
FL-XO/CM Astarosta/Enforcer 3-1/Wing II/MC-90 Renegade/IW/EH

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