Wraith Report # 0 (2001-12-04)

This report was submitted by CM Karimicus Sukkarius

As members of Wraith Squadron file into Karimicus's office, he turns down the radio to issue his weekly report......

Both an interesting week and a very annoying week. I have still to hear from the majority but I am pleased by the boost of activity shown by LT Saber. Keep up the good work and you may get a few surprises in the next few weeks... Also I would like to place LT Saber as FL of Flight II. LT Saber inform me of any changes of either the motto of the nickname of your flight.

Because of the majority of Wraith Squadron NOT to reply to the Awol I issued over 3 weeks now, WC Fenn Logan has issued the follow requirements:

if you want to remain in your squadrons and the wing, I want a minimum of 2 Free Missions or 1 battle flown per week or 1 page of fiction or 1 graphic. Any other activity counts as well, including an irc presence and, oh yes, participation in competitions. I want everyone doing something on a weekly basis. One week of no activity without a valid excuse gets you a demerit. 2 demerits in a month gets you recommended for immediate removal to the reserves. Commanders I need you to track this and flag the inactive pilots with a demerit if they haven't given you a reason for inactivity or are not on leave.

Those members Who are not affected by this ruling atm are myself and LT Saber. So the Rest of you's had better submit something by the end of next week or else....


Tigers Competition is still on heres more details on it...

COM's Judgement if you have not signed up to play for a game platform in this then do so now. We are currently in our third month for this and I wish to see more from this comp- Very soon we will also have XvT, and XWA SP for the ladder like we have TIE. This is because members of the ATF have asked for it and far be it from me to keep you folks from doing something you want to :P

>In progress -ATF/Ship/Wing-Nick and Motto COMP

-ATF/Ship/Wing-Web site contest.

>Soon to commence -ATF Ship/Wing Banner Contest.

-ATF Battle Plotline contest..

Dates where given in last weeks report so look it up...

Also we have a weekly melee match on IRC in the #avenger channel on thursday @ 1am GMT. I hope to be there myself but I expect at least 1-2 of you's to be there so don't disappoint me.


The following must report to myself and the WC or else be removed PERMENTALY from this squadron and task force:

LT Iowa McGregor (iowamcg@yahoo.com)
LCM Thor (felix.specht@gmx.net)
SL Klick (boston85@msn.com)
CM Richthofen (von.richthofen@gmx.net)
LT Merick (merick@onewingedangel.org)
LT Messerschmitt (Me_262@gmx.net)

CMDRS Activity:
Marking Sabers submitted BSF's, Working on a php message board and improved Website for Wraith Squadron. Play JK and losing in HLK singles board. Creating images for the SHW, KHP and Pred.
Awarded ISM by the Secruity Office

Sabers Activity:
Completed the following battles: XWA-TC#7, XWA-TC#2, and XWA-TC#1
Completed the Folowing IWATS courses: GFX, ICQ, AIM
Been given Cmd of Flight II (when its been Processed)

Also we have a new Mailing list for the Avenger task force. To submit any news or anyother topic the mailing address is AvengerTaskForce@yahoogroups.com so please post there from now on.

CM Karimicus Sukkarius

CMDR/CM Karimicus Sukkarius/Wraith/Wing XVIII/SSD Avenger
DJK Karimicus Sukkarius (Sith)/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow,

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