Shin Report # 4 (2001-12-15)

This report was submitted by CM Seth Crimson

Here's my weekly report for December 16, 01- CM Seth Crimson

Squadron News: Well nothing much has changed this week ... except we have a new citation. YAY!!!!! now we are up to three that's pretty good. Anyway our number's are still low and we need people badly, especially after the end of the month when about all but two of the other pilots are getting kicked for not contacting me.

It was a late and Commander Crimson sat at the Wing, VI bar drinking heavily. When Commander Mark came and spilled a drink on Seth. In a fit of rage Commander Crimson leapt up and proceeded to shove Commander Mark. Well, lets say the stormtrooper's broke up the fight just in time.

The meaning of this little story... I've got us in a comp with Commander Mark from Nu Squadron onboard the Colossus. I have details on the comp on the Message Board ... speaking of which I want to see more of you talking on our message board, get a story going for the fun of it. Make something interesting up, anything to get you guy's to start talking on it.

Squadron Status:
As I stated already our number's are going to be low almost as bad as koph's... I don't want that so lets recruit so we have guy's to fill in the gap's... So since the recruitment comp is coming up in the Wing lets go and get people to join eh.

Squadron Activity:

CM Seth Crimson:
-Wrote on Wing and Squadron MB
-Flew TC-TIE # 2

LT. Conker:
-Wrote in squadron and Wing MB
-Flew TC-TIE # 4
-Flew TC-TIE # 5

LT. Kronos Omega:
-Contacted CM via AIM

CM Dark Archon:
-No contact made with CM

LT. TK-6448:
-No contact made with CM

LT. Harrison:
-No contact made with CM

COMMANDER: CM Seth Crimson ( - #6954
NICKNAME: Killer Angels

Nickname: Defender Avengers
Motto: Don't even try to shoot at us, we won't be there!
1) CM Seth Crimson ( - #6954
2) TBA
3) LT. Conker ( - #7697
4) CM Dark Archon ( - #3633

Nickname: Bomber Kings
Motto: Protectors of the Sovereign!
1) TBA
2) LT TK-6448 ( - #6448
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Tactical Shooters
Motto: Shoot straight and think hard!
1) TBA
2) LT Harrison ( - #7338
3) LT Kronos Omega ( - #7152
4) TBA

Total: 6

Pilot of the Week:

Well, the Pilot this week is again LT. Conker. Impressive LT. keep up the good work. Remember The POTW may be you so keep flying and we'll see who will be our lucky winner next week.

Well, thetas it for now hope you've had fun reading cuz I pretty much hated writing ... lol just kidding later all.

CMDR/CM Seth Crimson/Shin 1-1/Wing VI/SSSD Sovereign

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