Kappa Report # 59 (2001-11-29)

This report was submitted by LC Astarosta

Kappa Squadron Report - November 29th, 2001 - LC Astarosta

Squadron News

-Well, the exam was exhausting and I think I performed well. I'm proposing that professors who make exams first written and if you pass you get to give oral exam get impaled.

-Congratulations go to CM Jan Wemmel who will transfer to the elite Praetorian Squadron for a tour of duty!! We are proud you will take Kappa's name and show it to the rest of the fleet! See ya round, my friend, may the Keg be with ya! And come back in one piece! :p

-Interesting medal shower for Kappa this (little more than a) week :p 1 LoA, 1 IS-SR, 2 IS-BW, 2 IS-BR, and 1 MoT-BH. The amount of metal on the Kappa quarters will soon be enough to make us a new MIS :p

-LCM Tim's site got 3rd place overall on the Sov Site comp!! well done Timmy, and great news are that Proton is using parts from all the sites for the final new Sov site.

-Yes, my computer got hit by lightning ;p Wondered what else could happen to it? Here ya have it. Luckily, the modem got half fried and I can use it normally. but if I'm not on Internet and the phone line is on, my telephone goes dead. The wonders of technology :p

-Luckily, CM Hawkins got to fix his mail problems and he's back in action!! Welcome back H!

-Head over to Algaron's new project, the first full EH novel and get anxious for the next chapter http://www21.brinkster.com/algaronx/rising/

-Wing II is now in RED ALERT!!! Our number are dropping steadily and fast, we need new pilots BADLY!! Bring over any possible candidate you find, offer help to cadets (not spamming them) or blackmail them. Anything, but let's get Wing II full!!!

-This week's Ol' Roasty's word o' advice: "Thunderstorm=get off downloading shareware crap and unplug the damn computer" :p


Squadron Orders

-The Wing II Pilot League season 2 is ON!!! With Kappans fighting in all of the divisions, the struggle is hard yet very fun. Let's prevail over em all!! This week we fly TIE-FREE 176, submit it before Sunday Dec 2nd to Algy CCing me of course. GO KAPPA!!!

-Mascot Power Battles is ON!! Let's wait for the next division after Graphics, so let's heat our engines and wait!


Squadron Activity

LC Astarosta/Kappa 1-1

11-21-01 Played TIE-FREE 177 for the W2PL
11-25-01 Submitted corrected battle to the TAC office
11-26-01 Awarded a MoT-BH for work on the TAC Office

CMDR stuff


LT Zyrax/Kappa 1-2

11-18-01 Played TIE-FREE 177 for the W2PL


LCM Tim/Kappa 1-4

11-18-01 Awarded an IS-BR for third place on the Sov Site comp. Grats!


CPT Algaron/Kappa 2-1

11-26-01 Created a website for his long fiction Apocalypse Rising
Awarded an IS-BW for first place on the Flying division - Oktoberfest

All week activity running the W2PL II


CM Hawkins/Kappa 2-3

11-20-01 Sorted out his mail problems and reported back on action
11-21-01 Submitted a free mission to the TAC office

welcome back!


CM Jan Wemmel/Kappa 3-1

11-18-01 Awarded a LoA for his fiction submission to the EH Newsletter
11-22-01 Played XWA-IW 26 for Mascot Power Battles
11-27-01 Finished Praetorian Trials, awaiting transfer. End of current record.

May the Keg be with you, my friend!


LCM Tempest/Kappa 3-2

11-18-01 Played TIE-FREE 177 for the W2PL
11-26-01 Awarded an IS-SR for the ISC splash banner comp

helluva lot of mail activity :p


LCM Hermann/Kappa 3-3

11-17-01 Played TIE-FREE 177 for the W2PL
11-26-01 Awarded an IS-BR for first place on Mission Design division - Oktoberfest
Awarded an IS-BW for first place on FCHG race division - Oktoberfest



-Design a bad guy competition

There is a new competition running, "Design a bad guy". Basically the idea is to design an enemy for the EH. The best will be selected for use in future competitions. For details, go to http://www.imperialacademy.org/comps/badguy/.

-2,000 missions in the Mission Compendium

327 Battles, 300 Free Missions, for a total of 2,000 missions online... check out the latest TAC report for the celebrations.

-Newsletter cover contest

Clues to the Newsletter cover contest have been revealed on the Executive Office homepage at http://www.kawolski.com. So far, nobody has figured out the puzzle. The IS-GR can still be yours!

-More promotions

Congratulations to the following on their Flag Officer appointments today:

Rear Admiral Absolut Vodka - new Colossus Commodore
Lieutenant Colonel Drake - new VIII Wing Commander.

-Subjugator COM Resigns

Due to unavoidable RL issues, Rear Admiral Smitrock has announced his decision to step down as Commodore of the ISD Subjugator and move to the Reserves. A new COM will be selected soon.

-XWA Week of War

The X-Wing Alliance Week of War starts today! Here is the URL to the war page:


For those of you that have flown in WoWs before, you should all know what to do :) For those that have not, check out the instructions for signing up in my COO Report #1.

Good luck and good hunting everyone!

-TIE Corps Battlegroups Commander selected

I've finally made my decision on the new BGCOM...many congratulations to Vice Admiral Mell! Mell is a veteran of the Battlegroups and has all the command experience and skills I would require of any BGCOM. I'm sure that he'll not only carry on the good work of the previous BGCOMs, but also work to bring his own successes. Congrats Mell!


Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: LC Astarosta (astarosta@copetel.com.ar)
NICKNAME: The Spirits of Wing II
BANNER: kappa.jpg
MOTTO: If it Flies, it Dies
HOMEPAGE: http://www21.brinkster.com/algaronx/kappa/
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=12

Nickname: Smashing Kegs
Motto: In Eternal Quest for Party
Homepage: http://www.kappa-flight1.f2s.com/
1) LC Astarosta (astarosta@copetel.com.ar)
2) LT Zyrax (lanzerman@lufysik.fysik.lu.se)
3) TBA
4) LCM Tim (tiecorps@swirve.com)

Nickname: The Dark Avengers
Motto: Hatred Breeds Strength
Homepage: http://www21.brinkster.com/algaronx/Flight2/
1) CPT Algaron (algaronx@btopenworld.com)
2) TBA
3) CM Hawkins (Nedius@yahoo.com)
4) TBA

Nickname: The Lunatic Roastars
Motto: Be Afraid, for we are the Defenders of the Keg!
Homepage: http://www21.brinkster.com/algaronx/Flight3/
1) CM Jan Wemmel (Jan1506@gmx.de)
2) LCM Tempest (EH_Tempest@gmx.net)
3) LCM Hermann (ehhermann@yahoo.com.ar)
4) TBA

Total: 8


CMDR-TCT/LC "Roasty" Astarosta/Kappa/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
SMS/CM Astarosta/FMC-TC/SSSD Sovereign [DOC]
GRD Astarosta (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan {SA:CORE}
FL-XO/CAP Astarosta/Enforcer 3-1/Wing II/MC-90 Renegade/IW/EH
[MC1x6-MC2x2-CVB-WCx2-PotWx2] {IWTA-SRC-REC}

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