Eta Report # 0 (2001-10-06)

This report was submitted by LC Indaro Gallia

CMDR/LC Indaro Gallia reporting in for Eta Squadron on the 06/10/01.

Round 2 deadline is approaching, the ship is rushing around trying to finish their submissions.


1. Missions for the second round of ECR are needed very soon!!

2. Go download mIRC, and come online and chat to me or anyone else on the Col. #ISD_colossus on any undernet server.

All Competitions other than the ECR are suspended. Once it’s over I’ll be on the look out for other squads to challenge.


Will people please remember to check in with their Flight Leaders at least once a week! And Flight Leaders need to hand in their Flight Reports by Friday night/Saturday morning GMT.
Go check out and Advertise where you can. We need more pilots! There are threats of the smallest Squadron closing, and that must absolutely NOT be Eta!!!

Weekly BSF Count (missions):

Phalk Sturm 4 (18)
Mark Schueler 4 (21)
Zept Leeartic 1 (5)

Total 9 (44)

October BSF Count (Missions):

Phalk Sturm 4 (18)
Mark Schueler 4 (21)
Zept Leeartic 1 (5)

Total 9 (44)


CMDR/LC Gallia
PC problems, still using other people's connections.
Wrote this report.

FL/CM Andrew Strinder
Creating battle?
No contact

LCM Mark Schueler
Flew XWA-IW #24
Flew XWA-TC #18
Flew TC-TIE #02
Flew TC-TIE #173

FM/LT Trowa
No contact

FL/LCM Phalk Sturm
Wrote Flight III report
Flew TC-TIE #181
Flew TC-TIE #161
Flew TC-TIE #110
Flew TIE-DB #6

FM/LT Zept Leeartic
Flew TC-TIE #15


COMM Assistant open for applications
Since our former COMM Assistant (COMMA), Jacob Van Nowak, has been promoted to CA2:RO, we are now taking applications from anyone interested in being COMMA should send applications to both Vice Admiral HackSolo and Vice Admiral Motti. Be sure to include your EH Resume as well as one personal reference. There are no prerequisite abilities applicants should have, except basic arithmetic skills. All applicants should however be able and willing to do the following:
- Spend an hour or two each week counting message board posts in order to award Medals of Communication (this will be your main duty)
- Report directly to HackSolo and Motti
- Do small tasks for the COMM & CA:COMM, since we're both busy college men. :P

That's about it, the job isn't an excessive amount of work, but if you do a good job, it's very helpful for advancement in the EH, just look at our last COMMA Jacob... in June he was FM/LCM, and now in September he's CA:RO/RA. All are encouraged to apply.

New TCS and TCT sought for XvT/BoP
With the many changes in command over the past months concerning the XvT part of the Tactical Staff, there is currently a lack of playtesters (TCS) and correctors (TCT) for Xvt/BoP, with as well a growing backlog on XvT battles. Therefore, the Tactical Office is looking for additional Tactical Surveyors (TCS, playtesters) and Tacticians (TCT, correctors) for the XvT/BoP platform. Please review the Tactical Manual for the position descriptions. Some requirements for the positions are for Tactical Surveyors(TCS):

have XvT/BoP (!!)
be able to playtest a battle within a week and to write a beta report (templates in the Tactical Manual)
knowledge in XvT/BoP mission design, graduation from XTM not necessary but recommended.
And for Tacticians (TCT):

have XvT/BoP
be able to bring corrections to a battle within 1,2 weeks, from the problems noticed by the TCS in their beta reports (guidelines in the Tactical Manual)
knowledge in XvT/BoP mission design
must have passed XTM from IWATS
Please review the Tactical Manual before applying, there you will find a complete description of the Tactical Staff. These are auxiliary positions, which means you don't have to leave your squadron. Applications are to be sent to Lieutenant Colonel Marcin Szydlowksi and Captain Drako. Nice rewards for all hard working people !


CMDR/LC Indaro Gallia - Excuses, excuses.Phoneline down.... Joystick at g/f's (TIECD + Mouse should be fun)..... At least I'm virtually done with two possible ECR missions, and I may have time to fly sat afternoon. Prolly start making a possible FCHG battle soon and doing more fiction. *slaps wrists*

FL/CM Andrew Strinder - *Grumble* Recent activity has been far too low for FL, hopefully this battle/mission for ECR will signal a resurgence in your activity, I'm be keeping a careful watch. And make sure you get your flight reports in! (You're meant to set an example)

LCM Mark Schueler - Consistent activity. Not mind-blowing every week, but it keeps me happy. 2 battles is more than enough to pass minimum activity.

FM/LT Trowa - Hello? Where are you?

FL/LCM Phalk Sturm - Like Mark a consistent worker. Also Carrying on tradition as a great FL.

FM/LT Zept Leeartic - Three pilots being consistent? I guess we're not that bad after all. For future reference If you need to, try pacing out battles. Fly two and then submit one each week. It gives the squad an air of consistency as opposed to erratic activity levels. This last bit applies to everyone.

Overall: On average we're doing fine, but that's down to a few people doing lots. Team effort guys! get Activated.....Activityed...Active... that's the one, get active.


Yes, they have finally been made official. So anyone basically not following them are subject to being removed.

1. I expect all FMs to contact their Flight Leaders at least once a week, either by email, ICQ or IRC etc.

2. I expect everyone to participate in all competitions, except when there is a clash with important RL events, i.e. exams, illness etc
3. I want everyone to fly at least one battle or two free missions a week, alternatively you can create graphics, write fiction or create missions as long as the effort is the same as flying a battle or mission. Competition TFRs count as double, so you only need to fly one free mission if it's for a comp.

4. Flight Leaders - You will report to me at the end of each week detailing which of members of their flight have or haven't reported in and what they've done during the past week. Also, you will pass on to me any TFRs, fiction, graphics etc. you receive from your pilots.

5. Flight leaders - You are expected to be an example to your flight members and should typify what they are trying to become. I expect regular contact from you and input into how the squadron should be run and any changes that could be made for the better.

It doesn't take long to fly 2 free missions, you can even do it on easy if you must, you only need to fly on hard when it's a comp and scores are important.


ETA SQUADRON : Assassination
COMMANDER: LC Indaro Gallia (
NICKNAME: The Assassins
MOTTO: Live by Honour, Kill by Stealth

Nickname: Spirit Flight
Motto: Instant Glory
1) LC Indaro Gallia (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Body Flight
Motto: Fierce when provoked
1) CM Andrew Strinder (
2) LCM Mark Schueler (
3) LT Trowa (
4) TBA

Nickname: Mind Flight
Motto: Mantis Hunters
1) LCM Phalk Sturm (
2) TBA
3) LT Zept Leeartic (
4) TBA


Respectfully submitted

Lieutenant Colonel Indaro 'Vermin' Gallia
CMDR/LC Indaro Gallia/Eta/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus
TIE Corps Battlegroups Grand Champion 1999-2000 - Tempest
DJH (Sith)/House Galthain of Clan Satal Keto, GC/DC/(BN)

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