Falcon Report # 54 (2001-12-16)

This report was submitted by CPT Dark Hawk


CPT DarkHawk Reporting;


The ISD Immortal won ECR#4 and is the new Battlegroups Flagship!
Here're the final standings:
1) ISD Immortal: 75 points
2) ISD Colossus: 74 Points
3) ISD Challenge: 55 points
On that note, I look at it this way a win is a win; but, next time I would like us Falcon/Immortal to make a statement and an example of those who oppose us. Sometimes a good old fashioned ass-whipping is in order to make a statement towards others.
Secondly I want to thank all of you Falconers who took part and got good scores for us THANK YOU!!

"Design a bad Guy" competition: the design should include name, species (if applicable) and a little history detailing why they hate us so much or why they're our enemy. If you're designing a group, include things like their social/political/military structure, base of operations, etc. If you really feel like showing off, you can include graphics too. The best five overall will be selected for use as enemies and the creators will receive a Iron Star-Platinum Ribbon. There will also be a Iron Star-Gold Ribbon for the best Individual Graphic. Entries close on 1st January 2002. You guys can do this individually or if you want we can get together and submit a group form. Just let me know what you want to do and how you are doing it. I would like to see submissions from everyone.
Remember the XO picked the battle of the week, have your submissions to me by this Friday it is Free XwA 41. If you have questions concerning it contact our XO.
I know the holidays are coming up and I want to start out and wish you all a very happy holiday and new year. I know that some or all of you will be busy with family and all, I would probably think the brass above us is going to submit some time of to us for the holidays. I will let all of you know when I find out, if not I will see what I can do about giving the squadron leave.
CPT Darkonian received the Silver Star!! CONGRADS
CM Gutt received the Distinguished Flying Cross!! CONGRADS
I talked with CPT Gidda; and discussed a joint mission/battle creation with him; so I would like to get some story lines in and am asking for your help. Regardless if it is for a battle or a mission it will be a Joint Task Force between Falcon and Ranger. I would like to see a couple of good story lines come my way, so get to work!


CPT DarkHawk:

Somewhat busy on IRC this week
Swamped at R/L work with a couple of BAD troops
Submitted Create a Bad Guy Submission
Did not get to fly much at all this week

LCM Atican:

Active on IRC
Flew Free XwA 40 (+1)

LCM Gutt:

Active on IRC
Flew Free XwA 20 (+1)
Flew TC XwA 26 (+5)
Received Distinguished Flying Cross

CPT Darkonian:

Active on IRC
Flew Free XwA 20 (+1)
Received the Silver Star

LCM Williams:

Reported in
Flew Free XwA 40 (+1)

CPT Filla:

Reported in
Flew Free XwA 40 (+1)


Centurion [CNTR] (400 points)

[459] CPT Gord Darkonian
Gallant [GALL] (200 points)

[227] CM Michael Gutt
Dragoon [DRAG] (100 points)

[128] CPT Dark Hawk
Hussar [HUSS] (50 points)

[52] CPT Mikkel Filla
Lancer [LANC] (25 points)

[42] LCM Atican
[38] LCM Kurt Williams


Marksman 3rd (15 points)

[18] CM Michael Gutt
Marksman 4th (10 points)

[10] CPT Gord Darkonian
Trainee (1 point)

[4] CPT Dark Hawk
[1] LCM Kurt Williams

That is all for now gentlemen; I want to let you know after the first of the year I would like to hit heavy and concentrate on more citations, so plan on getting some flying in and knocking out a few battles together. Also I want to get us in some comps, so be prepared.


Embrace the darkness for it is your true allied.

CPT DarkHawk
Falcon Squadron
CMDR/CPT Dark Hawk/Falcon/Wing XI/ISD Immortal

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