Omicron Report # 19 (2001-12-14)

This report was submitted by MAJ Daniel Klivian

Omicron Squadron Weekly Report

CMDR/CPT Daniel Klivian reporting in for Omicron Squadron on the week of December 14, 2001


Wing News:

-Colossus loses ECR with 1 point.
-Squadron colors all selected, check out the statistics page for the squadrons that Drake has put up.
-Also check out the new and improved Colossus Message Board.


Squadron News:

-Squadron Colors selected.
-A new member enters the squadron, a warm welcome to LCM Ace!!
-It was tough this time, picking a winner for the fiction competition, but eventually I decided that LCM Alain Dindareanu's fiction was of grand quality. The other submission, from LT Aero Slasher, also deserves a worthy mention, though. Here's it is, by LCM Alain Dindareanu:

- Why do you keep looking at me like that? he angrily pointed his
finger at me.
I didn't answer. I was occupied scanning the minds that passed behind
my cell doors. Amongst other unclear information pieces, one thing was
sure: I was scheduled for a special "questioning", with a Jedi knight as
the inquisitor. That wasn't scary, unless... unless we weren't talking about
a powerfull user of the Force. And I couldn't find out the rank of the
Jedi. The minds I searched had a respectfull attitude, if not fearfull
for the mistery character, so I had to know more. The bigger his powers,
bigger the danger.
The two rebel troopers stood just next to the door. The one that adressed
me kept waving his leg in a quick motion, proving his nervosity. He was
almost sure I was a Sith apprentice, judging from my facial tatoos. But
he wasn't completely sure about it. Both had their years covered with
comm-headphones, so trying to persuade them with my voice power. Anyway,
this didn't matter that much, as I could have killed them with a simple
movement, but I needed them to get out.
But not yet. I needed to know more about the Jedi. So i tried to scan
the trooper's mind once again, as the otherone was almost falling asleep
on his feet. His mind was still obscure, as his thoughts were concentrated
at maximum to the killing machine he was supposed to guard. His immediate
questions rose above all other feelings, emotions and thoughts, thus making
it harder for me to get into the inner area of his mind. He mind was so clouded,
even for a Sith, so I had to make him work for me.
I used my kinetik force to knock on the door, but the covered earphones
prevented the noise from reaching their ears. Anything loud might have got
suspicious, so I tried the button on the other side of the door, not before
I was sure no one was passing by.
The ring was perhaps linked to their comm units, as both of them straightened
their uniforms. Now it was as clear for me as it could have been; I read it
in his mind like a poem: "...Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight Extraordinnaire..."
Time was short. I quickly got on my feet, as my wrist cuffs springed open.
I threw my leg in the direction of the nearest trooper, and I felt his
ribcage collapsing in his chest, crushing his heart, breaking his diafragm.
The other one didn't move an inch, although I saw the fear in his eyes.
The only sign of his struggle was the faint movement of his index, trying
to press the trigger of his gun. I held him the best way I knew.
Now I had to get out. I persuaded him to press the buttons of the cell,
and I followed him like a dog, with the cuffs on my wrists. I just ordered
him to walk himself to the nearest hanger bay. And we got there, a service hanger
bay, with manual doors opening. I was exhausted by then, and I could see
his face soften, and eyes getting bigger, while the finger moved in a larger,
and larger radius. He was getting out of my reach, so I left him unconscious,
hiting him with the elbow in the solar stern area.
I quickly got inside a parked X-Wing, started it up, and begun the
standard commands on the system panel. Next thing, the speaker crackled:
- Red 4, where are you going? What is your clearance?
- Routine check, control. Red Leader told me to make a routine check on
my hyperdrive; it was repaired not that long ago. Get the clearance from
Red Leader, I'm supposed to test the damn thing.
- Ok, Red 4. See you soon. Watch out for the imperials, the capitain said
they're pretty close.
"Yeah, right!"
I got 2 clicks away, and the next thing i saw was nothing but stars with
longer and longer Doppler-effect tails.

So, I'll be awarding the IS-BR as soon as the report is out.
Round three:
Write a short continuation (200-800 words) on this story. Only stories that continue on this story will be accepted. Competition starts Monday, December 17th, and ends the 30th of December. Winner gets IS-BR, as always.


Squadron Orders:

The official Omicron Squadron Standing Orders:

Part A: For Everyone:
1) Abide all Colossus standing orders. (to be found on the Colossus web-site)
2) Competitions and other activity's: Everyone must submit something to a competition inside our squadron/ship, as long as they have the required tools needed for it (for flying comps TIE Fighter, for Graphic comps a Graphic Workshop)
3) Leaves: When you go on holiday, you go for a long weekend somewhere or anything that will prevent you from checking your e-mails and participating in any other form of activity for more then 24 consecutive hours, do two things: set your TC profile on Leave status (log in on the site, select edit profile, scroll down until you find Turn Leave Status On, make sure that's checked, and then put the reason of your leave in the textbox, click submit at the bottom of the page and your done.) Second: mail me telling me the exact same stuff you put on your profile (when you're leaving, why, and when your coming back)
Note: This also counts for exams that you really and absolutely want to put yourself 100% for (actually should be all exams :P) and you want to get all distractions away from you, so you're not going to check your e-mails, then also put your leave status on for the duration of your studying+exam and notify me.
4) Semi-leaves: Other hindering RL stuff: If you have other things in RL (RL always comes first, of course!!) to do that prevent you from flying but you can still check your e-mails, you don't have to put your leave status on if you don't want, but do mail me telling me that so I know you can't fly for any comps.
5) Contact: Everyone is allowed and advised to seek out contact with me, using ICQ, MSN Messenger, AIM, IRC or e-mail or even through the MSN Zone. All my contact info is available on my personnel profile.

Part B: For FLs only:
1) Flight Leaders are to make a report of their flight every week, not public like my Weekly Squadron Report, but personal and give recommendations and individual activity reports for your FMs.
2) FLs are also advised to seek out contact with your FMs, through ICQ, MSN Messenger, AIM, etc. and keep contact through e-mail with them and me.
3) FLs are also supposed to be a example for your FMs, and a good example at that. That means, fly when you have to, participate in comps, keep in touch, and abide by all these rules!

Part C: For FMs only:
1) Everything you submit, and that means from tfrs to submissions for a fiction competition etc, go to not only the judge (in a case of a comp outside of the squadron), but also to me, and your FL. You are also advised to seek out contact with your FLs and fellow FMs (especially those in your Flight).
2) There is a certain minimum you need to do to be an active member of the squadron (meaning not getting shipped off to the RSVs for inactivity), namely, fly at least 1 mission a week. One mission is hardly a lot to ask for per week. If your joystick/TIECD/etc. is broken and you can't fly, try to participate in a graphics competition, fiction competition or try to do something. If you need ideas for graphics, just ask me for some examples, I'll always be able to give you some. If you continue to not do any activity, don't give a good reason for not doing so, then you may be subject to be transferred to the RSVs, which I will then discuss with COM Absolut Vodka and WC

Primary: Write fiction for the Omicron Fiction comp round 3 (deadline 30 December)
Secondary: Recruit!! We need more pilots! (same as before; recruit two, get ISM)


Activity Reports:

CMDR/CPT Daniel Klivian:
-Awarded PC
-Flew TIE-FREE 182
-Wrote WSR

FM/LT Endymion:
-On leave
---Coming back in approx. 15 days...---

FL/LCM Alain Dindareanu:
-Awarded BS
-Submitted the final version of his submission for the Badguy comp
---Doing a good job, especially since you're on leave :P. Excellent badguy submission---

-Transferred in
---"Banned" from the computer for a week, hope to see you soon---

FM/LT Greeko Rojin:
-Nothing from him
---Report in! 16 days left to report in!---

FL/LCM Wysseri Arestar:
-Awarded PC
-Flew TIE-FREE 182
---On leave---

FM/LT Aero Slasher:
-Wrote XO report
---Xmas break coming up, hope you can do some stuff then---


CMDR's Corner:

-Still on the inactive side, but most of us are still on (semi-)leave, so that's why.


Fleet News:

-Squadron Commanders appointed
-Flag promotions
-TO site issues
-Volunteers needed!


Squadron Roster:

COMMANDER: CPT Daniel Klivian
NICKNAME: The Winged Horsemen
BANNER: omicron.jpg
MOTTO: We Are Your Worst Fears Brought To Life!
HOMEPAGE: <---Working on it, really! Anyone that wants to offer assistance, please do!

Nickname: Dark Storm of the Empire
Motto: Beware the calm before the storm!
1) CPT Daniel Klivian ( #6439
2) LT Endymion ( #6513
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Riders of the Apocalypse
Motto: Nothing is beyond us!
1) LCM Alain Dindareanu ( #5534
2) LCM Ace (
3) LT Greeko Rojin ( #7294
4) TBA

Nickname: StarLancers
Motto: A Well Trained Pilot is Worth More Than an ISD!
1) LCM Wysseri Arestar ( #4211
2) LT Aero Slasher ( #7233
3) TBA
4) TBA

Total: 7
Squadron Citations (2):
   TIE-TC Battle 3 - New Dimensions
   TIE-TC Battle 10 - Battle for the DeathStar
We lost two citations, but that's ok, we got a new member in the bargain :)
All we need to do now, is fly!!!


Respectfully submitted,
CMDR/CPT Daniel Klivian/Omicron/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus
ISD Colossus COM's Escort: May 2001

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