Rage Report # 15 (2002-01-18)

This report was submitted by CPT Talek Pter Dei

Rage Squadron Report #15

Rage Report #15

Welcome to the first edition of the Rage report online. This is not the first Rage report, but it is the 15th edition.


1. LT Silverhand and LCM Skull are co-operating on an XvT Battle. The only news that I have so far is that it will involve Rage squadron in some way.

2. LCM Gaible, due to real life problems, has left the TIE Corps. :(

3. Let's get out and do something! We need to bolster our activity rating (which I fraudulently put as a 5). Also, now that only 5 of us remain, we need to get out there and recruit!

Activity Rating:

5 (1 LOW -- HIGH 10)


CPT Dei: Websites, Graphics, on IRC, flew some battles

LT Silverhand: XvT battle project

LT McGregor: on IRC

LCM Skull: XvT battle project

LT Gil-Galad: None (I need to speak with you about that)

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