Spear Report # 38 (2002-01-28)

This report was submitted by CM Steve Sunrider

Spear Squadron Weekly Report - January 22nd, 2001.

Squadron News

·LCM Lev Gammitt has transferred to Aleth squadron on the SSSD Sovereign, good luck to him.

·Our squadron is up against Demon squadron in the Highlander competition, only myself and Travinor have submitted the mission, the rest of you still have till midnight (GMT) today. The mission is Free-Tie #188

·Captain Nicolai Braxton is making us a squadron website, if anyone wishes to help, mail him and inform me.

Wing News

·Sword squadron has a new CMDR, congrats Trow!

·Applications for Crossbow FL's are still being accepted.

·The entire wing is involved in the Highlander competition, good luck to everyone.

·As well, the Wing Top Gun competition is going on, for anyone that wishes to claim the title of Top Gun, complete Free-Tie #148 and mail it to WC Krax Tarnisar by the end of the month.

BattleGroup and Fleet News

·The Highlander Competition is taking part through the entire BG, every Relentless squadron is expected to win!

· BattleGroup site can be found at www.stardestroyer.org.

·Congrats to Lieutenant Colonel Murad Ibn Mark for getting WC of Wing I.

·Prelude to Andevia competition is still going on. It is open to ALL members of the Emperor's Hammer, regardless of subgroup, rank or position. It features flying, design, fiction and other events. The competition website is available at

·For more fleet news check out http://tiecorps.org/news.asp

Squadron Status

·Squadron numbers are at seven.

·We currently have two cititations.

·Thanks to Captain Nicolai Braxton a squadron website is being created, and a message board will be found soon.

Squadron Orders

·Every member of Spear is to fly TIE-FREE 188 for the BattleGroup competition, you've only several hours left, but if you find the time I suggest you fly it.

·Every member of Spear is to submit a weekly report to me.

·Every member of Spear is highly encouraged to send a mail across our egroup which is SpearSquad@yahoogroups.com

Squadron Activity

CMDR/CM Sunrider-

·Flew XvT-TC #15, 20 and FREE-TIE #188

·Found on IRC

·Did Commander things (Submitted battles, did report...)

·Made uniforms for CPT Trow, LT Silencer, CPT Nicolai Braxton, CPT Jaruus, CPT Tiger and LCM Dupuy.

FM/LT Travinor Hell-

·Checked in several times

-Flew TIE-TC #138, and FREE-TIE #188

-Submitted weekly report

FM/CM Argyle Ironfist-

·Checked in

·Submitted weekly report

-Still on leave till the 27th


·Checked in

FM/LCM Olenar Ki-Aton

·No contact (mail me!)

FM/CPT Nicolai Braxton

·Checked in

·Talked with CMDR on IRC

-Is working on squadron website

FM/CM Jodo Kast

·No contact (mail me!)

In Service To The Empire!

CMDR/CM Steve Sunrider/Spear/Wing IX/ISD Relentless

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