Cobra Report # 1 (2002-02-08)

This report was submitted by CM Caltin Doros

Cobra Commander Report 2-8-02 

Cmdr Rambling: 

Well, here’s my first report as Cobra Commander, I hope to serve you all well and help everyone accomplish what they want to do while in the Tie Corps. We’ve lost two inactive pilots to the RSV’s, SL Eirk Red and LT Kajor. I never saw anything from Eirk, but I hope Kajor revives his TC career at some point. 

As you’ll notice there are two open FL spots in the squadron, I believe one of those will likely be filled from someone within the squad in the upcoming week. The other will remain open until I see someone worthy of the position to fill it. 

Squadron Competitions are on hold until we get back up to 6 pilots. At that time I will begin our Ace of the Month competition. If you have any ideas I’m here for them, but I envision us using fiction/writing, SP flying, and MP flying so that all of us can compete with what we are most comfortable with. 

I would be thrilled to see recruiting from members of the squad, if you know someone who may be interested in this, invite them to join the Tie Corps. Not only will you gain a Medal of Instruction when they graduate from Flight School, you can also earn rewards from myself and I’m sure the Wing Commander will appreciate it as well. 

Wing News: 
*Intrepid Platform Challenge is going on through February 16, more information is below. 
*Our Intrepid COM RA Brakka has been promoted to Vice Admiral. Way to go Brakka! 

Tie Corps News: 
*ASF BG Commander, Admiral Cyric, has changed his email to DSL maybe? Lucky him. 
*The Tactical Office is looking for playtesters for XVT/BOP. It’s a good chance to get involved with the Tie Corps and learn more about the mission creation process. if interesting email VA Marcin Szydlowski. 
*There is now a fiction and run-on message board in the Tie Corps message boards. Those of you in the Dark Brotherhood are more familiar with this from the Krath side of things. Give it a look at 

Squadron/Wing Competitions: 

As you all know from Dengar’s email the wing is having a mission flying contest that lasts until February 16. I have flown quite a few battles for it, the good news is that the person who flies the most XWA, XVT, or TF (hey what about X-wing WC? :D) gets an IS-BW, with the overall champion getting an IS-SW. The web site for the competition is here 

Prelude to Andevia is also being held, it’s a very cool EH-wide competition with MANY different challenges. You can compete in Single Player missions, Multiplayer Ladders, Fiction, Graphics, and other exciting challenges. The web site is here 

*CM Caltin Doros was promoted to Cobra CMDR. 

New Pilots/Transfers: 
*SL Eirk Red & LT Kajor were removed due to inactivity 

Pilots on Leave: 
*MAJ Kyle 

Squadron Commander’s Orders: 
*Fly at least 1 battle per week, and check in via email. 
*Participate in the Intrepid Platform Competition by flying battles or free missions 
*Try flying in a MP comp, you may be surprised! 
*Recruit to the squadron! 

Squadron Activity: 
*CMDR/CM Caltin Doros – Named Cobra Commander, hosted Frozen Doom Comp, Completed 5 battles and 2 free missions. 
*MAJ/Kyle – On Leave, still has no reliable Internet Connection. Check in via email. 
*SL Ben Darwd – No contact, Answer email. 
*LT Sperka – No contact, Answer email 
*LT Vessicant – Completed Tie Battle #5, & #27. Checked in via email. 

COBRA SQUADRON OF WING XIV : Special Operations 
COMMANDER: CM Caltin Doros ( - #7146 
NICKNAME: The Silent Option 
MOTTO: When it absolutely, positively, has to be destroyed overnight. 
Nickname: The Emperor’s Spear [ Deep Strike] 
Motto: A knife in the back is as good as and full on strike.. 
1) CM Caltin Doros ( - #7146 
2) MAJ Kyle ( - #3133 
3) SL Ban Darwd ( - #7228 
4) TBA 
Nickname: Midnight Killers [Assault] 
1) TBA 
2) LT Sperka ( - #7398 
3) LT Vessicant ( - #7903 
4) TBA 
Nickname: The Eyes of the Hammer [Reconnaissance] 
Motto: We can see what you can't... 
1) TBA 
2) TBA 
3) TBA 
4) TBA 

Battle Citations: 0 
FCHG Ranks: 
Gladiator [GLDR] (1000 points) 
[1210] CM Caltin Doros 
Dragoon [DRAG] (100 points) 
[127] MAJ Kyle 
Hussar [HUSS] (50 points) 
[51] LT Vessicant 
Lancer [LANC] (25 points) 
[38] LT Sperka 

Well folks, that’s all for my first report. Hope to get more into the swing of things and get this down pat soon. ;) 

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