Yod Report # 2 (2002-02-17)

This report was submitted by CM Philo

Commander Philo reporting in for Yod Squadron 02.17.02

Fleet News:

New Appointments:

  • CHS (Senate): Vyacheslav Tiberius Slegr
  • CGM (Fringe): Gryffon.
  • Training Officer: AD Havoc
  • CA:SO: RA Keldorn

Sovereign Banner Contest Results:
The competition to design the EH Flagship a new banner, hosted by Vice Admiral Proton, has concluded. All the results can be viewed here. Congratulations to all of the winners!

Project Hawkeye Released:
Several months ago the Internet Office announced plans for the first ever Internet Office Competition, entitled Project Hawkeye. Not much info was released, and with good reason. Today, we finally present to you the public site for Project Hawkeye. Linked to it is the URL for the Qualification Test for entering the second phase of the competition. What is the second (and main) stage? It's a series of missions designed to be completed on the Internet, run by the Hawkeye Admin Team. We will accept 20-25 people from those that take the Qualification Test to participate. If you're not accepted, you'll be prepared for the next episode of this competition, coming this summer, Project Hawkeye II! Don't forget to read the FAQs on the Hawkeye site!

Project Hawkeye main site URL: http://www.ehnet.org/~hawkeye/

Project Hawkeye Qualification Test URL: http://www.ehnet.org/~hawkeye/test/

Wing News:

  • We're still in a competition against Wing V, running until the end of the month. Fly TIE-FCHG 3 and submit to me and VA Proton. While you're at it, fly TIE-FCHG 2 and submit it for the "Prelude to Andevia" competition.
  • Recruit, recruit, recruit!!
  • It's the CMDRs of Wing IV's turn to beat up on the "Rat Pack". I was a bit nervous about the competition until I saw the results against Wing III. Go Wing IV CMDRS!!!!

Squadron News/Orders:

CMDR’s Challenge:

Here’s my first crazy scheme to increase activity: From now until March 15, we’ll be playing Citation Reversi. Every time you fly a battle which gives the squadron a new citation, your team gets a point. If you can recruit a new member into our squadron, you get points equal the number of citations gained (if a seasoned TC pilot) or lost (if you recruit a new cadet). No points for driving someone out of the squadron :). The winning team will receive five "Get away from Harold free" cards. The losing team… will not (evil chuckle).

So what are the teams? That’s the best part. It’s me, your fearless leader, against the rest of the squadron.

IRC Activity:

Unfortunately, I am not able to be as active on IRC as our previous CMDR. If you are participating in EH-related IRC, let me know so I can put it in the squadron reports.


Slow week all around.

CM Philo:
- CMDR duties
- Completed IWATS VBS course (100%)
- Active on message boards and some email

LCM Deathangel:
- Nothing this week

CPT Bret K'Thraz:
- Nothing this week

CPT Morth:
- Responded to email

CM Matt Patrick:
- In search of a joystick

MAJ Phoenix Berkana:
- Nothing this week

COMMANDER: CM Philo (cnwilde@pacbell.net)
NICKNAME: The Emperor's Dark Lancers
MOTTO: In Yod We Trust
HOMEPAGE: http://ehyod.tripod.ca/yod.htm

Nickname: Da Wulfpack
Motto: Maiming and Killing in the name of YOD
1) CM Philo (cnwilde@pacbell.net)
2) LCM Deathangel (Deathangel@beer.com)
3) TBA
4) CPT Bret K'thraz (csimo@attglobal.net)

Nickname: Crazy Aces
Motto: Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the cockpit
Homepage: http://www.crimson-net.org/Yod/Flight2/
1) TBA
2) CPT Morth (EHDrakalMorth@aol.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Winged Death
Motto: Death is your only escape
Homepage: http://www.crimson-net.org/Yod/Flight3/index.html
1) TBA
2) TBA
3) CM Matt Patrick (Patrick222@compsupport.net)
4) MAJ Phoenix Berkana (phoenix@crimson-net.org)

Squadron Citations (23):
TIE-TC Battle 1 - Capture of Zaarin
TIE-TC Battle 2 - Strike at Calamari
TIE-TC Battle 3 - New Dimensions
TIE-TC Battle 4 - Recapture Zaarins Technology
TIE-TC Battle 5 - Pirate Uprising
TIE-TC Battle 6 - Destruction
TIE-TC Battle 7 - Betrayal
TIE-TC Battle 8 - Strike Against the Pirates
TIE-TC Battle 9 - Tracking the Defectors
TIE-TC Battle 10 - Battle for the DeathStar
TIE-TC Battle 12 - Jedi Hunt
TIE-TC Battle 13 - Finding the Lakul
TIE-TC Battle 14 - Vader Takes Command
TIE-TC Battle 30 - Save the Emperors Archives
TIE-TC Battle 62 - Taco Wars
TIE-TC Battle 77 - Verpine Encounter, Part One
TIE-TC Battle 78 - Verpine Encounter, Part Two
TIE-TC Battle 79 - Drop The Hammer
TIE-TC Battle 115 - Project Emperor's Revenge
TIE-TC Battle 131 - TIE Fighter Covert Missions
TIE-TC Battle 132 - Battle of the Bins
TIE-TC Battle 133 - Punishment Tour
TIE-TC Battle 177 - Space Port F-16

Respectfully Submitted,
CMDR/CM Philo/Yod/Wing IV/SSSD Sovereign
PCx2/ISM/MoT-1rh/IS-2BW-1SR-1GW-1GR/LoC/CoL [CAVL]

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