Psi Report # 0 (2001-06-17)

This report was submitted by MAJ Jon Doyle

*CPT Jon walks into the briefing room and switches on the tape player*

Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away, now it looks as if they are
here to stay, I believe in yesterday. Suddenly I’m not half the man I used
to be, there’s a shadow hanging over me, oh yesterday came suddenly why she
had to go I don’t know she wouldn’t say, I said something wrong and now I
long for yesterday.

Well as e all know by now this is a time for sadness, and a time for
Reflection. We have lost 1 of the best officers I have known in my time in
the TC.

*CPT Jon stares into the wall at the back of the briefing room*

Strange time warpy effects

*CPT Jon is standing on the floor of the docking bay next to a shuttle with
a couple of CT’s descending the shuttles boarding ramp both are carrying
lots of gear*

SL Calezo Inkwolf and SL Sidian reporting for duty Sir.

I am your escort for today I’ll show you to the CMDR’s office and around the
flight deck.

Another time warp

I will remember that moment for the rest of my TC carer, It took a while to
get the shine off their uniforms and to get the 2 recruits to stop calling
everybody Sir, Both had great expectations for their carers in the Fleet and
were the most eager CT’s I have ever seen.
At the time if you told me that I’d be writing this tribute to SL Inkwolf in
1 years time I would have told you that it wasn’t possible she was going to
have a long and successful career and possibly even ending with a cushy
admiralty job. However the progress was a lot faster than I would have
though and within a few months I had lost 1 of the greatest CMDR’s I’ve ever
had and as I see it am likely to have, my Long time WC, COL Gallows had
stepped down after doing an amazing job with wing II giving it the
reputation it has today as 1 of the most fun Wings. Inky stepped up into
that role having large boots to fill; I must say that I feel that she has
done a remarkable job. She has brought this wing far more together than it
was and has expanded on the job that Gallows had done for the wing. She has
made this wing into a close-knit bunch of pilots that Work well together and
have the time for each other.

Inky will sorely be missed however there will be someone to follow and once
again they will have just as hard a job living up to Inky as Inky had living
up to the memory of Gallows.

She will be back but till then Psi squadron fall in next to Kappa…
And Salute!!!

I have a little surprise planned for when you finally do leave Inky until
then good luck finding a replacement.

Squadron News

PSIT second round has ended , I haven’t had any submissions come to me, I
hope that Ford and Havoc have got your submissions.

For any Psi pilot that answers this e-mail there is a Cream doughnut, and ½
a Keg of beer all to themselves

COL Asaf changes his email to

It has been rather a quiet week for the squad this week, no new members or
anything of particular interest

Wing News

The Big story of the week is that COL Inkwolf is retiring as Wing II’s
loveable huggable Wing Commander See intro

In honour of Inky Jack stone has modified his wing wide competition Galactic
scatter to tribute Her. Galactic scatter is a wing wide competition lasting
7 weeks. This weeks mission was to be TC-2 to be submitted no earlier than
00:00 on the 16th of July to Jack Stone of sin squadron, Next weeks mission
will be changed from what was previously advertised to Inkwolfs raid mission

All applications for WC to be sent to FA Kramer

Other News

08:51 - SA Kawolski []I took a bit of leave last weekend
to spend some time with my family. I've added a new poll to the TC Survey
Center about the new controversial uniform template. If you're an active TC
officer (or reservist) that's not stationed on Daedalus, you can participate
in the poll by logging in the Administration section. The results will be
e-mailed to the OPS Office. Polls and comments are confidential. (Note: they
are tracked just in case someone decides to write in profanities in the
comments section, in which case offenders would be referred to the Security
Office, so please keep it clean.)

If you haven’t seen it the new uniform is on display on the TC MB

12:58 - FA Priyum Patel []A brief update for
ImpStorm on the end of Turn V: Silver Saber forces have captured the
planets of Valkier and Beeni The A/FRG Peyote has arrived at the neutral
world of Ampwi Flaming Arrow ships have captured the lunar world of Gengar.
For full details on which ship is where, please visit the Imperial Storm

08:28 - HA Astatine []TOA2 is open for applications.
Full details are available at any
questions can be via email.

17:40 - AD Ari []After several days of endless coding, I've
finally completed the newest attraction: Sabacc Online! For those
of you who aren't familiar with Sabacc, it's a mixture of poker, blackjack
and the Star Wars Universe, and is the game in which Lando Calrissian had
lost the Millenium Falcon to Han Solo. If you don't know how to play, the
rules are on the site, and even if you do know, I suggest you look through
them before playing. I'd like to thank Inkwolf for designing the amazing
graphics for the cards. You can play Sabacc Online at Check the Credits page to see updates coming
soon in version 2.0!

If you have some time on your hands it’s well worth a play

17:33 - SA Kawolski []Today saw a new era in the face of
TIE Corps males to combat that girly vogue thing that threatened TC manhood
and gave our manliest pilots the urge to do needlepoint. Put down that
frilly doily because EHM: Empire's Him Magazine has relaunched! Go to to see the relaunch edition now! This
link goes to a site that contains content for mature men (or immature men
who don't get easily offended) only!

News letter 76 has been released to the general public there are plenty of
links to it on the TC news page so go read if you have nothing better to do,
but b4 you do that Fly Fly Fly!

12:12 - FA Priyum Patel []The results for the second
Imperial Storm battle have been confirmed. Please click for a full report
of the evening. In summary, Silver Saber completely destroyed all Flaming
Arrow forces, but lost several dozen fighters in the process (but none of
their capital ships).

To put it simply we won

Squadron Orders

Say something the Barraks are ominously silent.

Fly TC-2 and Inkwolf raid mission 6 for galactic scatter

Recruit – Psi squadron is below 6 members

Activity reports

COL Ford Prefect
On leave

CM Sidian
No activity

COL Asaf
Flown a few TIE Battle

CPT Jon Doyle
Promoted to A-CMDR (but nobody remembers :p)Flew ISII battle 1 skim files
and kicked some FA buttFlew FT 53

LT Stalker
No activity

This is appalling guys, Sid can be excused as they say moving house is the
most stressful thing someone can do. The rest of us need to get activity up

Orders Additional – Drown your sorrows in a Keg of Beer and the go kill some

Respectfully submitted

FL/CPT Jon Doyle/Psi 3-1/Wing II/SSSD
SovereignBS/PC/ISMx6/MoI/IS-1BW/LoCx3/MoC-5BoC-1GoC/CoB/OV-2E [CAVL]

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