Psi Report # 0 (2001-12-27)

This report was submitted by MAJ Jon Doyle

Op's abuse is Bad, M'Kay.

so listen to you CMDR a be nice boy's and girls when you get that lovely @ symbol :p

Ok I've officailly lost it. I have no inspiration. It must be all that christmas pudding slowing my brain.

Squadron News

Well To my knowledge, we only had 1 submission for the Mascot power battles fiction round. *sigh*. Must be something to do with christmas.

Ok Alpha V's Psi, no word from the TO so We have made it a Frendly for this round a rematch later in the year when we can sort out TO approval etc further in advace. now the Bad news TC74 is DUE on the 30th of december, Well look at it this way, it''l give you something to do till year year rolls around.

Wing News

WII PL ends with you estemed CMDR being rather lasy and not flying the last 2 weeks and losing his 2nd spot and the third 1 to lose chance of promotion :(
Result's are on the WII page as normal.

Mascot power battles Flying is to be released on the 1st of Jan.

Sit :p

Fleet News.

Slade has left a strange departing message on the TC news page. So it looks like we are less 1 SO officer.

Other than that nothing has happened since last week apart from a Merry christmas being has by all (please read all that celebrate).

Squadron Orders.

Do stuff

Ohh and Fly TC74 if you have time :p


MAJ Jon Doyle
Sit's Around muching Christmas pudding and turkey. Also Reading and playing around with his christmas presents. (please repeat for whole squad)

CM Xyrryc
As above

CPT Carl Lost
ON leave till the 11th Jan.
21/12/01-Submitt's TC5
21/12/01-submitt's FT183
21/12/01-submitt's FT184
21/12/01-submitt's FT185

LCM Dash Riprock
Was on leave breifly
And See above ;)

COL Inkwolf
26/12/01 Submitt's multiple versions of Mascot power battle fiction.
20/12/01-Submitt's Lego imperial officer.


Well I had an uneventfull christmas. Got RA2 and almost completed it on boxing day :(
Anyone got any tall tales?

CMDR's QotW: delta...we will milk your cows before you will see us :D
Is that another way of saying: Steal your women? cause then it's true..

CMDR's Song of the week: Muse - plug in baby

Well It's about time I updated the Homepage and mailed K again about a MB. but I'll do that soon I promise

now the question is too read anotehr chapter of me book or goto bed....

Ohh and if all goes well look out for a report on the first day of the new year ;))

Well Happy new year too all and that's Me signing off till the next week.


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