Wraith Report # 0 (2002-02-06)

This report was submitted by CM Karimicus Sukkarius

"Scorpion walks along the line of disgraced pilots of Wraith Squadron as They Look to hear the Weekly Report."

AWOL Check....

Ok, let me check something here, with an Awol Check there is suppose to be a reply to the cmdr of the Squadron. So can someone please tell me why there is no reponses to this check? Wither it Got Lost in the mail or Wither you have deleted it on purpose is not the concideration now. What is, is what I am going to do with you's. I know I am not the Most active pilot in the Squadron, but there are reason behind this which I do not wish to disscuss here nor now about that. Lwt me make it clear. Those of You who wish not to remain aboard this squadron either e-mail me the reason or Continue in this way.

Wing news.....

Nothing new to report apart from Fenn having to go into emergence leave and has left CMDR Dei in charge of the wing until he returns.

SSD Avenger & Atf News

WC Enah has issued a competion, details will be displayed further in this report. Also WC Luskiana (sorry if I misspelt this) Has been forced due to RL issues to resign. He shall be missed and hopefuly his replacement will bring back The glory of Wing XX.


Von: Enahropes Teriad Entar [mailto:insaneshroom@austarnet.com.au]
Gesendet: Freitag, 1. Februar 2002 12:39
An: AvengerTaskForce@yahoogroups.com
Betreff: [AvengerTaskForce] New Shroomy Competition!

Greetings SSD Avenger pilots! Here is a competition I designed for you all to participate in! >:D

Where Is That Blue Monkey?!

This is a competition for the comedians and ramblers of the Avenger. Your task is to write a short story about whatever your insane brain's can think up. But the story must be more than one page, less than three and contain the phrase, "Where is that blue monkey?".

The story has to make a little bit of sense and cannot be all out dribble :P. The phrase can be spoken, thought or is written on a sign or letter. As long as the phrase is in there and connects to the story, its alright.

All submissions are due in by 2/15/2002 at midnight.

Submissions are to be sent in .txt or .doc format to me! insaneshroom@austarnet.com.au

Winner: Iron Star - Silver Rinnon
Runnerup: Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon

WC/MAJ Enahropes Teriad Entar/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger

----------End Of Report-------------

Cmdrs Final Comments....

To those who don't already know I have changed my IRC nickmane to `Scorpion, though on occassion you Will see me in my old nick. This weeks Duties are as follow's. All members are to Fly the Tc missions found in the Battle center. Anyone who can submit the most in the week will be awarded a ISM, anyone who supplies a piece of Fiction or Graphics will be awarded similar so long as the content is fine. Also Very soon I shall be starting a new competion for motto's and banners for the Squadron so keep your eyes out.

CMDR Karimicus Sukkarius =][= -isb
Wraith Squadron

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