Samekh Report # 3 (2002-01-27)

This report was submitted by CM Corsair

Samekh Squadron Weekly Report
CMDR/CM Corsair reporting for the week of 1-20-02

Returning from his family’s base of operations after placing the three mini capital ships into storage, Corsair’s unmarked shuttle’s door opens with a hiss and out comes 4 mini-CRVs, 4 mini-M/FRGs and 4 mini-GSPs followed by CM Corsair. Corsair then heads to his office to put some finishing touches on his report.
Corsair’s Wise Words of the Week: “When monkeys strike, activate the defensive weaponry…”

EH Database shutting down in one week
12:04 - SA Kawolski []
This is seven day notice to announce that the EH Database will be taken off-line next Saturday. XO Astatine and the SGCOMs of the Fringe, Corporate Division, and Imperial Senate will each receive most of the data from the EH Database with the exception of message board posts.
This will in no way affect the TIE Corps, as it is not part of the EH Database. The TIE Corps website will remain online until GA Ronin sets up his server account and everything is transferred to him.

AWOL Check in process
You have until 2-28-02 to report in.

Samekh Starfighters
All fighters are prepped and ready to fly, now get to THOSE fighters and into that void!!!

Personal Challenges
I’m challenging you guys to fly some battles, I haven’t done a BSF, YET!!

Wing Competitions

FMC-sponsored King of the Wing contest. Round is 11 XWA-FREE Battle #5
pilot files to Col Sickman!

Deadline is February 1st!

January Comps.......

To ring in the new year all comps begin with the number 2 or 2 related:)
There are plenty of medals up for grabs this month both the highest scorer (IS-SW) & the 2nd highest scorer (IS-BW) for the 3 battles and a IS-BW for highest scorer of each free mission comp. They are:

TIE-TC Battle #22 - Aftermath
XvT-TC Battle #2 - Capture of a Murderer
XWA-TC Battle #22 - The Career of Adrenaline
TIE-FREE Battle #22 - MFlux #1
XvT-FREE Battle #2 - Defense of the ISD Intrepid
XWA-FREE Battle #22 - Battlecry One

Deadline is February 1st, pilots to your ships



Greetings Wing V, and welcome to the first round of the all-new Star Wars
Trivia competition!

Just like last time, there will be 10-20 questions per round, with each
question worth one point. At the end of this comp., on March 4th, I will
tally the points and annouce the winner.

I've made up a text file with the first questions on it. You MUST use this
file to answer the questions. When submitting, only those with the subject
of "Star Wars Trivia: Round One" will be accepted(boy, I sound like the TO
there..). You will have ONE WEEK, or next Wednesday, to complete this
round. No round one submissions will be accepted after this date.

Also, on the text file: answer the questions using that, and MAKE SURE to
INCLUDE your name, rank, e-mail address, and ID line at the top. And,
rename it to your name...i.e, I'd submit 'Jason Hunter Round One.txt'.

Go it? Good! Get to work!

Wing V Star Wars Trivia: Round THREE

Questions are as follows, and each is worth 1(one) POINT EACH, UNLESS
OTHERWISE NOTED. So, even if you go into great detail on an answer, it'll
only be worth one point, unless I say differently.


LCM Derf declared MIA, removed from rosters.


CM Corsair
-Active on email
-Participating in January Comps
-starting to recruit for Wing V
CM Death Angel
-Please Report In.
LCM Metallic Raptor
-Please Report In.
LCM Derf
-Declared MIA, removed from roster.
LCM Sancho
-Reported in
LT Schling Fo
-Please Report In

NICKNAME: The Black Widows
BANNER: samekh.jpg
MOTTO: Faithful and Brave, Even After Death
Nickname: The Shadow Hunters
Motto: Out of the Darkness We Strike!
1) CM Corsair ( #6680
2) CM Death Angel ( #141
3) TBA
4) TBA
Nickname: The Cthulhu Mythos
Motto: From the unknown wastelands, we come...
1) TBA
2) LCM Metallic Raptor ( #7432
3) TBA
4) TBA
Nickname: The Aftershock of Death
Motto: Living the Emperor's Dream
1) LCM Sancho ( #6998
2) TBA
3) LT Schling Fo ( #7276
4) TBA
Gallant [GALL] (200 points)
· [248] CM Corsair
Dragoon [DRAG] (100 points)
· [134] LCM Sancho
Hussar [HUSS] (50 points)
· [53] CM Death Angel
Grenadier [GREN] (10 points)
· [18] LT Schling Fo
· [12] LCM Metallic Raptor

Squadron Citations (0):

Because of less than 6 pilots, Squadron Citations have been lost.

CMDR/CM Corsair/Samekh/Wing V/SSSD Sovereign

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