Psi Report # 0 (2001-11-28)

This report was submitted by MAJ Jon Doyle

Well it's that time of the week again. No Dash not the time to go and hide in your gunboat, it's breifing time.

And you know what that means Kids. We have Krusty the imperail Clown for your entertainment.

In walks Fluffy with a clown suit on.

Urrmmm Ok scrap that idea.

Squadron news.

Well it's been a fairly busy week for me. This week your Commander has actually got off his arse and updated the Psi squadron Webpage :)

With the return of LCM Dash to Psi squadron earlier this week he has managed to bring a small fortune with him, so he wil be buying the beers for the next couple of days.

LCM Dash has set about building a new Flight 3 webpage and has updated the Flight 3 banner with more crisp graphics. goto: for a preview.

Carl maintains his Baron title

I have also Volenteered to take part in MoT v3.000 This time 3 ppl are slogging it out in the XWA wargame.

Ohh and in a rare event I actually flew something this week

Well I think that's it for the fair bit of News this week.

Wing News

El' Frodio Goes on a bit of personal leave leaveing Stele in command of the wing and in control of the mini fords so watch your backs.
CPT Jon goes to a cupboard, here you go here is a supply of Pointy sticks so if 1 of those things attack just jab it with these.

WII PL continues With Carl holding 4th in Div 1 and me in second in div three. We have jumped 3 places in the Centurion plate this week and are gaining on Kappa. Is Sins lead unassailable?

Jacks Ultimate Scramble continues. Get all Battle Subs to me and him.

Mascot power battles also continues moving into the graphics section. (see wing report for details or check out the order's section of the Psi website)

Fleet News

2,000 missions in the Mission Compendium
12:00 - FA Striker []
327 Battles, 300 Free Missions, for a total of 2,000 missions online... check out the latest TAC report for the celebrations.

Newsletter cover contest
09:19 - SA Kawolski []
Clues to the Newsletter cover contest have been revealed on the Executive Office homepage at So far, nobody has figured out the puzzle. The IS-GR can still be yours!

More promotions
05:04 - FA Priyum Patel []
Congratulations to the following on their Flag Officer appointments today:

Rear Admiral Absolut Vodka - new Colossus Commodore
Lieutenant Colonel Drake - new VIII Wing Commander.

Subjugator COM Resigns
04:04 - FA Priyum Patel []
Due to unavoidable RL issues, Rear Admiral Smitrock has announced his decision to step down as Commodore of the ISD Subjugator and move to the Reserves. A new COM will be selected soon.

XWA Week of War
13:11 - RA Brucmack []
The X-Wing Alliance Week of War starts today! Here is the URL to the war page:

For those of you that have flown in WoWs before, you should all know what to do :) For those that have not, check out the instructions for signing up in my COO Report #1.

Good luck and good hunting everyone!

TIE Corps Battlegroups Commander selected
06:49 - FA Priyum Patel []
I've finally made my decision on the new BGCOM...many congratulations to Vice Admiral Mell! Mell is a veteran of the Battlegroups and has all the command experience and skills I would require of any BGCOM. I'm sure that he'll not only carry on the good work of the previous BGCOMs, but also work to bring his own successes. Congrats Mell!

ECR Phase 1 results
14:53 - VA Mell []
After takiing into consideration the top 3 fictions sent in by the flag officers of each ship, the scores fell as follows:

ISD Colossus 24/30 -- 80%
ISD Immortal 17/32 -- 53%
ISD Challenge 13/48 -- 27%

TOP 3:

1) LC Absolut Vodka: 15 points and IS-GR
2) RA MAnitsas: 10 Points and IS-SR
3) MAJ Calvin Numb: 5 Points and IS-SR


1) ISD Colossus: 23 points
2) ISD Challenge: 17 points
3) ISD Immortal: 8 Points

The Tactical Office is finalising the Phase 2 scores. more when we get them in, until then, Colossus relish an early lead... will they hold it? Watch this space.

Flag Officer Appointments
11:14 - FA Priyum Patel []
A new Commodore for the ISD Vanguard has finally been selected. Congratulations to Rear Admiral Bevel Leeson! Accordingly, a new Wing Commander for Wing XV has also been chosen. Congratulations to Colonel Garik Hizad! Both of these Officers are long-standing members of the Vanguard, and I'm sure they'll serve my old ship well :)

I'm also pleased to congratulate the Wing XIII WC, Lieutenant Colonel Azazel, on his promotion to Colonel today.

Squadron Orders

Fly FT 176 for the WII PL

Make a graphic


and fly general Stuff (if you own XWA I would suggest XWATC21, a simple battle. and XWATC23 good plot line about Thrawn)

Shall we c how many ppl can fly TC180 for next week?


CPT Jon Doyle
24/11/01-updates Psi webpage
24/11/01-Complete's XWATC21
24/11/01-Complete's XWATC23
24/11/01-Fly's 2 Battles in the MoT XWA wargame
23/11/01-Meet's Carl Lost in London for a mini meet
21/11/01-complete's XWAFCHG2
21/11/01-Complete's FT147
21/11/01-Complete's FT132

CPT Carl Lost
23/11/01-Meet's CMDR in London for a mini meet
25/11/01-Returns from leave
27/11/01-Complete's FT176
27/11/01-Complete's FT175
27/11/01-Complete's FT174
27/11/01 Complete's FT173

LCM Dash Riprock
22/11/01-Join's Psi squadron
24/11/01-Start's work on Flight III webpage


CMDR's QoTW: <`Silver> crap Report time :(
* COL_Ford will
Do them

CMDR's song of the week: The strokes - Last night

Well if the week hasn't flown by I don't know what. hopefully with haveing a long working week this week it will last a bit longer.

Well that's all for this week

Fly alot and don't get your tail feather's scorched.

Psi squadron webmaster ""
personnal craft [T/A Dessolator]

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