Tornado Report # 1 (2002-02-02)

This report was submitted by CM Master

Tornado Squadron Report

2nd Febuary 2002


Ahhh my First Squad Report, i know everyone is drooling for this, so i wont keep you all waiting so here we go.


~Tornado Squadron Orders~

Fly TIE-FREE #168, Downloaded it at
This is for the Battlegroup Comp, so far the following people have done it: Myself, Rollins, Arion Sunrider & TopDawg. This means that i am still waiting on pilot files from Badlan and Domi, i expect you both to fly it, you have been given a hint e-mail, just follow that and it will take you about half-an-hour to finish. This is due to me by the Third.

Citation Comp, i am starting a new comp today, its still awaiting approval from the Training Office but we can start it anyway. The deal for this is that each week for the next month i send you a list with three battles on it, you have to fly the primary battle for that week. Now at the end of the week im going to add the totals up of the battles you flew, eg if you flew the primary and secondary battles then ill add your laserless scores from both of them up. So at the end of the month you have one large score, the highest score at the end of the month wins a IS-BW.

This Weeks Battles are;
TIE-TC Battle #171 - Fury of the Colossus (Primary)
TIE-FCHG Battle #3 - The Perils of Diplomacy (Secondary)
XWA-TC Battle #23 - The Unknown Regions - Thrawn's Fist (Bonus)
So you have to fly Fury of the Colossus at least. Also on the slim chance you have flown one of the battles i give you then you may either fly it again for a higher score, OR ill give you the average from what the other pilots got, but you have to tell me which one your doing. So get flying.

RECRUIT!!!! Nuff Said....

~Tornado Squadron News~

I have been apointed the new Torando Commander.

The Citation Comp starts today so go get flying.

Now, the winner of the Graphics comp is *drumroll*

CM Arion Sunrider

He was the only pilot that i got a submission from!!!! I know that graphics arnt everyones forte but even if you just whip something up in Paint. I think ill mostly stick to flying missions from now on because it seems no one likes others.

I got awarded an OV for my first year in the TC and Arion got a OV-2E for two years in the TC.

~Wing X News~

There is a Run-on on the ISD Challenge message board so off you go and post.

Submit a newsletter layout for the new Challenge Newsletter.

~Fleet News~

Pretty slow news week, the only thing of mention is that applicants for Training Officer are now being taken.


-CM Master-
30/01 Appointed Tornado Commander
31/01 Completed FREE-TIE #168, Colossus Wing VIII Starfighter Overhaul (70234)

-MAJ TopDawg-
29/1 - Completed FREE-TIE #168, Colossus Wing VIII Starfighter Overhaul (73,806)

-CPT Badlan-
Promoted to Captain

-COL Domi-

-LCM Rollins-
02/02 TIE-FREE #168 - Colossus Wing VIII Starfighter Overhaul (49,875)

-CM Arion Sunrider-
30/01 Submitted Graphic for Tornado Graphics Comp
30/01 Passed IWATS Graphics Course (85%)
31/01 Completed FREE-TIE #168, Colossus Wing VIII Starfighter Overhaul (45,511)
31/01 Won Graphics Comp
31/01 Awarded an IS-BR
01/01 Passed IWATS ICQ Course (100%)


BANNER: tornado.jpg
MOTTO: Before Glory, Loyalty...Before Pride, Honor...Before Self, the Empire.

Nickname: The Missile Magnets
Motto: Fighter Pilots make movies... Bomber Pilots make History
1) CM Master (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) MAJ TopDawg (

Nickname: Nil Satis Nici Optimum
Motto: We have fought 1000 wars and we'll fight 1000 more for we fight the good fight
1) CPT Badlan (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) COL Domi (

Nickname: The Killuminati
Motto: ...And Hell followed with them
1) LCM Rollins (
2) TBA
3) CM Arion Sunrider (
4) TBA


Thats all for this week, have a good week all and fly as many of those citation battles as possible.

Respectfully Submitted,

CMDR-TCS/CM Master/Tornado/Wing X/ISD Challenge

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