Psi Report # 0 (2002-02-19)

This report was submitted by MAJ Jon Doyle

Another week fly's by. This 1 having a few romantic entanglements, Inky no doubt had the briefing officer showering her with gifts.
The others of us unattached imp pilots just headed on down to the Sov's brothel and had a good time, drawing our sorrows and getting some much deserved, well best not go into that.

Squadron News.

Well Allot has happened in the last 7 days where to start???

Ok Flight 2 has a new web page but no new Flight leader yet. Dash has knocked up a nice little page however it's not quite complete. I'll add it to the Rosters page once this is done.

Talking of Flight 2 watch this space for an imminent announcement on to who it is. So far it is a 2 horse race, however there is the possible entry of a wildcard in the very near future.

Also on the note about WebPages the Psi squadron page has been updated by yours truly. If you have gained any medals or FCHG ranks recently mail me and I'll make the necessary changes.
I have added the archive page now all Psi squadron material should be up. If you know of something I've missed once again mail me.

Psi squadron anniversary competition continues. I have had only 1 entry into the Web hunt division so far.

Things to find are:

1 Mini Ford
1 T/A
1 Scorpion
1 (Pink) Bunny if you find a pink 1 you get double points
1 Fluffy the Lemming
1 heavy rocket(s)
1 Ewok (preferably BBQ'ed)
1 Little red Roosta (an interogation driod)
1 Yo-Yo of Terror (Psyko)
1 Dark Jedi Knight
1 Hutt (not Jabba)

The trivia continues. However, answering questions everyday seems to be a problem for some ppl, if anyone has any objections to me changing the rules slightly allowing me to ask a question every time you answer correctly, but only ppl that answer everyday will be eligible to full marks (as I will only ask each pilot 1 question per day), mail me.

I also haven't left enough time to ask all 12 questions so on the final day if you have answered each day and every question correctly I will ask the final 2 questions.

So far using the modified rules only 1 pilot has been eliminated.

Flying also continues, I haven't had any submissions for this division.
Remember that it is only flying FT 3 and FT 12

Psi squadron has also lost 1 of the ex-sigmans to lack of time. LCM nergal transfer to the reserves due to lack of time to fly. it was great serving with you nergal, hope you find the time to come back 1 day.

Wing News

The main news this week is that Ford has been promoted to general. Congrats ford. Party in the cantina and ford is paying ;)

Another promotion occurred this week, not quite the same type, CPT algaron has been promoted to Kappa CMDR. Congrats Algy

Roasty finally made contact. It seems as if his net connection has been taken away, he'll be in occasional contact and hopeful will return 1 day.

Prelude to andievia continues till the end of the month so get writing graphic making and flying.

For flying fly TIE-FCHG 2, XWA-FCHG 2 and XvT-FCHG 1.
so get flying pilots

COL Stele is setting up a competition in memory of Roasty. Roast the rebels, details are attached.

Sin and Theta squadron have also recently gained pilots. LCM Duncat and SL Serpant respectively, welcome aboard guys :)

Sovereign Banner competition results were also release and a couple of wing II pilots did well, congrats to them

Fleet News

Wing Commander Promotion
19:12 - FA Priyum Patel []
Many congratulations go out to the Wing II WC, Colonel Ford, who was promoted to the rank of General during the TIE Corps meeting on the weekend. Congrats Fordio!

CA:SO Selected
17:13 - FA Stalker5 []
Due to my latest project (to build a new EH Security Database) I have recently required a CA:SO. As I already have an SOA with good webdesign and scripting skills, I have selected CPT Keldorn to be my new CA:SO. He designed the new SO office, and has been a great help to me in many ways. He recieves a promotion to the rank of Rear-Admiral (RA) with his appointment, so congratulations to him!

Sovereign Banner Contest
13:33 - FA Priyum Patel []
The competition to design the EH Flagship a new banner, hosted by Vice Admiral Proton, has concluded. All the results can be viewed here. Congratulations to all of the winners!

Project Hawkeye Released
01:44 - AD Ari []
Internet Office Project Hawkeye Released!

Several months ago the Internet Office announced plans for the first ever Internet Office Competition, entitled Project Hawkeye. Not much info was released, and with
good reason. Today, we finally present to you the public site for Project Hawkeye. Linked to it is the URL for the Qualification Test for entering the second phase of thecompetition. What is the second (and main) stage? It's a series of missions designed to be completed on the Internet, run by the Hawkeye Admin Team. We well accept20-25 people from those that take the Qualification Test to participate. If you're not accepted, you'll be prepared for the next episode of this competition, coming this summer, Project Hawkeye II! Don't forget to read the FAQs on the Hawkeye site!

Project Hawkeye main site URL:

Project Hawkeye Qualification Test URL:

Training Officer Selected
04:59 - FA Priyum Patel []
Many congratulations go out to Admiral Havoc who has been selected as the new Training Officer! Havoc is a former Wing Commander, Combat Operations Officer and most recently my CA, and I'm sure he'll have every success in his new position.

(Note: Please don't apply for either CA:FO or CA:TO until asked to do so. Thanks.)

New CHS and CGM appointed
00:17 - SA Astatine []
Congratulations to Vyacheslav Tiberius Slegr and Gryffon who have been appointed to Chancellor of the Senate (CHS) and Chief Game Master (CGM) of the Fringe, respectively.

Squadron Orders






Take part in the webhunt

Do the trivia.



MAJ Jon Doyle
16/02/02-18/02/02-Updated the psi squadron webpage
15/02/02-19/02/02-Gave out trivia questions

CPT Koriel
18/02/02-Took part in trivia
16/02/02-Took part in trivia

LCM Nergal
15/02/02 transfere's to the reserves

LCM Cahir
16/02/02-complete TC165
16/02/02-Takes part in trivia
17/02/02-Complete's FT164
17/02/02-Complete's FT178
17/02/02-Complete's FT40
19/02/02-Takes part in Trivia

CPT Carl Lost
15/02/02-complete's FT114
15/02/02-complete's FT12
15/02/02-complete's FT3
15/02/02-complete's TC181
15/02/02-complete's TC193
15/02/02-complete's TC51
15/02/02-complete's FT128
15/02/02-complete's FT188
15/02/02-complete's FT191
15/02/02-complete's FT192
15/02/02-complete's FT193
15/02/02-complete's FT194
16/02/02-Takes part in Trivia
17/02/02-Takes part in Trivia
18/02/02-takes part in Trivia
19/02/02-Takes part in trivia

LCM Dash Riprock
19/02/02-Takes part in trivia
18/02/02-Creates Flight 2 webpage
18/02/02-updates flight 3 webpage
18/02/02-Takes part in Trivia
17/02/02-Takes part in trivia
16/02/02-Takes part in trivia
16/02/02-complete's anniverasry Webhunt
12/02/02-complete's FT73

COL Caleazo Inkwolf
19/02/02-Takes part in Trivia
18/02/02-takes part in trivia
17/02/02-Takes part in trivia
16/02/02-Takes part in trivia

Woot!! Active :)

Misc News

CMDR's QotW: it's not as hard as you think. you've played with it before (man, this is a sick riddle)

CMDR's Song of the week:Bad Babysitter- Princess Superstar

Rings are always a good present specially if bought with money off vouchers :)

Well that's it for this week (finally) Good luck and have fun reading all of that above. Oh don't just skim it either loads of useful stuff in there :p

Fly high :)


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