Kappa Report # 69 (2002-02-24)

This report was submitted by MAJ Algaron

KAPPA SQUADRON REPORT, 24th February 2002, Captain Algaron

Welcome to my first weekly report as Kappa Squadron Commander. I am honoured to be given this chance to try and revitalise the fortunes of our great Squadron. My five predecessors all helped shape Kappa into one of the Tie Corps finest, no more so that COL Astarosta, whose large boots I know have the job of filling - no easy task! I promise to be give 100% to this role, and with the help of my pilots, we can go on to achieve greatness once more - of that I am confident.

Squadron News

- The Kappa Homepage has moved. It would seem that the Russians can not only claim to lead the world in making premium vodka and producing NHL superstars, but also in providing free web space with full FTP access! As such our website has moved to http://kappasquadron.united.net.kg/ - I have updated the site with a few extra features, including pilot profiles and the Kappa Hall of Fame (more later). The old site at Brinkster will still exist and I will bring it up to date from time to time as a backup server.

- Speaking of websites, Tempest has created a fantastic home for Kappa Flight III - check it out at http://www.rz.tu-ilmenau.de/~anho-in/kappa3/ - I think an Internet Office SOTW is in order here - excellent work Temp!

- Our legendary commander and friend, Astarosta, has reported in alive and well amidst the troubles in Argentina. We all wish him well and will pray for his safekeeping over the coming months..... fittingly Roasty has been inaugurated as the first Kappa Hall of Fame member by a massive majority. Keep reading for more information regarding this.

- As of March 1st I will be activating the Kappa Point System to record (and reward) all kinds of activity within the Squadron. I'm still fine tuning the last details, but this will all be ready to announce in next weeks WSR. Watch this space.

Wing News

- COL Stele has announced details for a multiplayer TIE competition in honour of Astarosta. Titled "Roasting Rebels" it will take place on Saturday, March 1st in #airlock54. Following the same lines as Ford's "Saturday Night Fever" it promises to be quite a party. I'm sure Roasty would approve!

- CPT Jens Vigsted has announced what looks like a really exciting competition entitled "The EH Tie Pilot Tour". All the details can be found on the following website - - I encourage all Kappa members to take part.

- Our esteemed leader, Ford Prefect, has been promoted to the rank of General. Congratulations to Ford. With power presumably going to his head Ford has announced that the Squadron showing the lowest level of activity over the course of the next month will have it's pilots names renamed to various diseases. Now if you want to be commanded by Captain Marsh Fever then go right ahead and do nothing for a month! However, by following my Squadron Orders this week, I think we can avoid such a horrific scenario.

Squadron Orders

- The Prelude to Andevia comp is still ongoing - details at http://www.imperialacademy.org/comps/prelude/

- "Roasting Rebels" will be taking place in #airlock54 on Saturday 2nd March - bring a four pack and some peanuts!

- Sign up for "The EH Tie Pilot Tour" - details at

- Kappa Hall of Fame - with 5 votes Astarosta has become the first inductee, but we need 11 more to create a Squadron of the twelve greatest Kappa pilots past and present. Astarosta will sit as the CMDR of this legendary group, and Round 2 will see the inauguration of his first Flight Leader. I will take nominations from all Kappa squadron members (past and present), Ford, all Wing II CMDRs (Jon, Stele, and Jack Stone), and members already inducted into the Hall of Fame (Astarosta). If you are able, then please make a nomination for the FL position of Flight II. Remember, I am looking for a pilot who has served Kappa with incredible committment and distinction during their time since the reformation of Wing II. If I may make a few suggestions, likely candidates would include Shador, Wlodek, Amadeo, Jan Wemmel, Deacan, Hawkins, myself (*blushes*), Tempest, among others. The only restriction is that you can't vote for yourself, but please take part, and send your nomination to me by next Sunday so that I can announce the next inductee. A read of my Kappa History might refresh your memories as to the achievements of the older generation of Kappa pilots. All details are on the Kappa Site, but email me if you have any queries.

- Gear yourself up for the Kappa Points System activation on March 1st - I won't give too much away, but from that point on everything you fly/design/write etc. will be analysed, recorded and credited in competition with your colleagues.

- Recruitment - we currently have only six pilots in our ranks - a far cry from the full roster achieved by Astarosta. I have appointed LCM Tempest as my Recruitment Co-ordinator. Please lend him every assistance in the attempt to bring in new pilots.

- The job of Flight II leader is still open - I am taking applications and will be keeping a close eye on the activity levels of those applicants over the next few weeks - announcement will come in due course.

Squadron Activity

CPT Algaron - Kappa 1-1

24-Feb - moved the Kappa website and completed updates
20-Feb - submitted Flight III website change to the FO
18-Feb - made nomination for Kappa Hall of Fame
17-Feb - named as the sixth Kappa Squadron Commander
CMDR stuff

LT Zyrax - Kappa 1-2

19-Feb - made nomination for Kappa Hall of Fame
IRC activity

CM Hawkins - Kappa 2-2

No activity - please report in

LC Todbringer - Kappa 2-3

20-Feb - made nomination for Kappa Hall of Fame
19-Feb - reported in - RL preventing full activity at present

LCM Tempest - Kappa 3-1

19-Feb - awarded IS-SR for winning the Full Dress Uniform Comp.
18-Feb - made nomination for Kappa Hall of Fame
15-Feb - created Flight III website
Mail & IRC activity

CM Ninja - Kappa 3-2

20-Feb - assisted me in compiling his career history details for his profile
19-Feb - submitted TFRs for TIE-FCHGs 3 & 4
19-Feb - submitted TFRs for TIE-TCs 172,173,180,181,184,186 & 190
18-Feb - made nomination for Kappa Hall of Fame
Mail & IRC activity

Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: CPT Algaron (algaronx@btopenworld.com)
NICKNAME: The Spirits of Wing II
BANNER: kappa.jpg
MOTTO: If it Flies, it Dies
HOMEPAGE: http://www21.brinkster.com/algaronx/kappa/
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=12
Nickname: Smashing Kegs
Motto: In Eternal Quest for Party
1) CPT Algaron (algaronx@btopenworld.com)
2) LT Zyrax (lanzerman@lufysik.fysik.lu.se)
3) TBA
4) TBA
Nickname: The Dark Avengers
Motto: Hatred Breeds Strength
1) TBA
2) LC Todbringer (todbringer@poczta.onet.pl)
3) CM Hawkins (Nedius@yahoo.com)
4) TBA
Nickname: The Lunatic Roastars
Motto: Be Afraid, for we are the Defenders of the Keg!
Homepage: http://www.rz.tu-ilmenau.de/~anho-in/kappa3/
1) LCM Tempest (EH_Tempest@gmx.net)
2) CM Ninja (cm_ninja@gmx.co.uk)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Respectfully Submitted,

CMDR/CPT Algaron/Kappa/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign

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