Kappa Report # 60 (2001-12-16)

This report was submitted by CPT Algaron

* KAPPA SQUADRON REPORT * LCM Tempest * December 16th, 2001 *

Ack! The Roastaman is in trouble again! This time it isn't his ISP,
but a nasty exam he has to learn for until next week. We'll keep our
fingers crossed for him. Well, except of the
Tempest's-boots-polisher-of-the-day, of course. Would be difficult
with crossed fingers. But the rest of you! You may also press your
thumbs, as we in Germany say. Or do a jedi mind trick to mentally
assist him. Well, however, good luck Roasty. :P
Proving once more the rule that every bad message also contains
something good, I am your A-CMDR again!
/me enjoys the cheers of the crowd for a minute
/me notices that the cheers actually come from Ford's office, who's
running his cheers-tape again to polish his ego, whereas the Kappans
are very successful in hiding their overwhelming joy.
Bah! OK then, what are you still here? Go build another statue! Just
like the one Roasty destroyed, but use blaster-proof material this

Squadron News
- Our glorious CMDR made Colonel! W00t! Much congratulations to COL
Astarosta, and also to the CMDRs of Wing II who were promoted at the
same time, COL Stele Pellaeon and MAJ Jon Doyle, not to forget FL
CPT Koriel. You rock guys! :P

- Roster changes! Jan's transfer is finally through and he left us in
direction to Praetorian squad. Jan was an old-serving Kapan and it
wasn't nice to see him go, but no reason for sadness, as he'll be
back in three months, after his tour of duty.
His vacant FL position has been given to me by Roasty, thanks again
for that. :)
Best news for us is, however, that the legendary Todbringer of Sigma
squadron joined Kappa! Once again: Welcome to Kappa, Tod!
But gosh, what is that? Looking at the roster for putting it at the
end of this report, I see that the madly-sqad-switching-guy Ninja is
once again in Kappa, too! Welcome to you, too, Ninj! And now I'll
send this report quickly before he's transferred out again! :P

- Congratulations to LCM Tim for his third place in the graphics round
of the Mascot Power Battles! See orders section for info bout the
current round.

- COL Inkwolf is back! Well, this isn't really Kappa news because she
joined Psi. But the fact that she returned from the reserves to the
coolest Wing of the TC should be reason enough for a party. :P
Welcome back, Inky.

- The second season of the Wing II Pilot League is as good as over.
Week nine saw Roasty as the winner once more (surprise, surprise!
:P) with Todbringer and John in second and third place.
John is still in the lead, though.
Original deadline for week 10 was last sunday, but was extended for
a week due to some extension requests and Algy being on a short
leave. So if you haven't flown TIE-TC 79 yet, today's your last


Squadron Orders

- The Sov Mascot Power Battles are in the 4th round now!
The task is TIE mission designing. Submissions are to be sent to
eh_halcyon@hotmail.com by december 21st.
Submissions for round 5, fiction writing, will be accepted between
december 12th and december 26th... which means that it already has
started and we are in round 4 and 5 to the same time...don't ask me
why. :P

- As you know from previous mails, I'm attempting to re-introduce our
Kappa meetings. By order from Roasty (and now from myself, too :P)
I'm asking you all to suggest a time when it would suit you. As a
reminder, Tod suggested sunday evening, and I'd like to have your
comments. With Roasty on leave and christmas holidays coming, it is
unlikely that the first meeting will be so soon, so it isn't urgent.
But please come up with suggestions so that we at least can already
fix a time. Tim and Zyr already said that any time would suit them,
but what is with the others?


Squadron Activity

As already announced, no squad activity listing in this report, as I
took command only yesterday and are not informed about all your
activities. This is the way I did it last time in that situation, and
nobody complained, so I guess it was OK. :P
Keep me informed for the next report, though.



- Exercise Cantina Run over
The ECR is over with the final standings in:

1st: ISD Immortal - 75 points
2nd: ISD Colossus - 74 points
3rd: ISD Challenge - 55 points

Congratulations to all the crew of the ISD Immortal on a victory
well deserved. The Immortal now takes over the role of the
Battlegroups Flagship!

- Oops...
I forgot to list all the recent Squadron Commander appointments in
my report, so I'll do it here. Yay for the following:

LC Zulaan Eronaile - Diamondback
CPT Falcon - Ravager
CPT Blair Vallyn - Python
CPT Keiran - Kaph
CM Argyle Ironfist - Spear

- Flag Promotions
I'm pleased to promote two of the TIE Corp's finest today. Both of
these Officers have worked tirelessly these past couple of months,
without reward to better their ships, and Battlegroup.

Congratulations to Rear Admirals Lohr Zadash (RelCOM) and Toran Dan
(ImmCOM) who are today promoted to Vice Admiral!

- TO site issues
Around 1AM on Saturday morning Australian time, the entire
imperialacademy.org domain stopped serving ASP pages. Plain HTML and
graphics still worked fine. I don't know what caused it and I've
asked the hosting company to check logs and things for me so we
might find out what went wrong. However, the site is back up and all
functionality should be returned. If you have any problems, let me
know at jpboyce@indigo.net.au

- Volunteers needed!
The War Officer is looking for volunteers, to test new WarGame
rules. If interested, you must have some knowledge of wargaming, and
being able to make TIE missions is a big plus. Contact VA Pel if you
are able to participate. Remember, those that help out will be
rewarded for their work.

- Wing XX WC open to applications
Applications are now being accepted for Wing XX Wing Commander. The
qualifications/requirements are as follows:

Must have been a CMDR for no less than six months and hold the rank
of Major or above
Must be on IRC for a minimum of 3-4 hours a week and be prepared to
attend TC meetings on a regular basis.
Must be able to send in weekly Wing reports in a timely manner and
without fail.
Answer all emails within 36 hours.
Importantly, you must be able to provide activities to keep pilots
active and happy.

These are all in addition to the WC responsibilites listed in the
Training Manual. All applications should be sent to Rear Admiral
Grail SoulChaser and Vice Admiral Tiger before the end of the
weekend, and put "Roger Redhat rocks" in the subject of the email.

- Emperor's Hammer Crest for X-Wing Alliance
Ever wanted to have the Emperor's Hammer logo displayed at the
beginning of custom XWA missions ? Check the new official update
available in the Tactical Manual. Note: you may not have the
Emperor's Hammer crest displayed in old XWA battles, they still need
to be updated to allow the use of custom crests.

- Commodore Appointments
Congratulations to two Officers on their promotions to Commodore:

Rear Admiral Darklord - ISD Challenge
Rear Admiral Grail SoulChaser - ISD Subjugator

Both are proven Flag Officers, and I'm sure they'll enjoy every
success in their new positions.

- Tactical Officer on semi-leave
Well, this moment of the year is quite painful for me, I will take
some kind of "semi-leave" for the next week. Email replies will be
limited to important matters.

- More newsletter cover contest stuff
More clues to the Newsletter cover contest have been revealed on the
Executive Office homepage at http://www.kawolski.com. Many people
are getting close, but so far nobody has gotten the theme correct
and nobody has been able to describe what the things/people that
don't belong in NL covers #74, #75, and #76 are.

- Mission skipping...
..is only allowed in case of a bug preventing the mission from being
completed, which is extremely rare. From now on I will strictly
apply the current cheating policy, and I will cancel any BSF with
some mission skipped where
1/ there is no mention of a bug or
2/ for which no bug report has been submitted (which are to be
submitted before submitting the pilot file), without any
notification (until the database supports such a nice feature); the
concerned battle or mission will be simply removed from your combat
record. Furthermore, I am seriously considering forbidding skipping
missions for ANY reason, as I have noticed too many abuses of this
policy. If a mission has got a high score, maybe should you consider
the possibility that someone did complete it and thus that the
mission can be completed.

- Uniforms and banners
Just a quick update. The process of approving and rejecting uniforms
on tiecorps.org is now the sole responsibility of the Operations
Office. The process of approving and rejecting new banners on
tiecorps.org is now the responsibility of the Flight Office.

If your banner won't load for some reason, please e-mail the
Executive Officer Sector Admiral Kawolski a copy of the banner and a
copy of the error message displayed. (If you get a generic 500
error, turn off "Show Friendly HTTP Error Messages" under
Tools->Internet Options->Advanced->Browsing and try again)


Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: COL Astarosta (astarosta@copetel.com.ar)
NICKNAME: The Spirits of Wing II
BANNER: kappa.jpg
MOTTO: If it Flies, it Dies
HOMEPAGE: http://www21.brinkster.com/algaronx/kappa/
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=12

Nickname: Smashing Kegs
Motto: In Eternal Quest for Party
Homepage: http://www.kappa-flight1.f2s.com/
1) COL Astarosta (astarosta@copetel.com.ar)
2) LT Zyrax (lanzerman@lufysik.fysik.lu.se)
3) TBA
4) LCM Tim (tiecorps@swirve.com)

Nickname: The Dark Avengers
Motto: Hatred Breeds Strength
Homepage: http://www21.brinkster.com/algaronx/Flight2/
1) CPT Algaron (algaronx@btopenworld.com)
2) LC Todbringer (todbringer@poczta.onet.pl)
3) CM Hawkins (Nedius@yahoo.com)
4) TBA

Nickname: The Lunatic Roastars
Motto: Be Afraid, for we are the Defenders of the Keg!
Homepage: http://www21.brinkster.com/algaronx/Flight3/
1) LCM Tempest (EH_Tempest@gmx.net)
2) CM Ninja (cm_ninja@gmx.co.uk)
3) LCM Hermann (ehhermann@yahoo.com.ar)
4) TBA

Total: 9

FL-ROA/LCM Tempest/Kappa 3-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
EO/SNR Tempest/PLT Aurora Guard/Solaris Systems/CD [BoM]
Kappa Graphics Designer | ISC Div 1 CMDR

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