Lamed Report # 1 (2001-09-09)

This report was submitted by CPT Malik

Well...This is my first real squadron report for 8 months so don't kill me if it's to short or something! :Þ

Squadron news:
There are 2 new competitions, you'll hear more about those later.
LT Demetrios Caine made some additions to the home page, and I think it looks good.

Wing news:
I found the second ewok and the wing got 2 new recruits, none for us unfortunately.

Fleet News:
The FCHG comp results have been posted on, for other news you can look at

There is a "motto and nickname" competition, I posted the details for that earlier.
And there is also a flying competition.
The info is here
But it's just fly TIE-TC 165 before midnight on sunday the 16th of september, the winner will get an IS-BW, submissions go to me at

CPT Malik
Returned (smashed) from his class trip to germany.
Arranged 2 competitions.

LT Declan Raynor
Haven't heard from him.

LT Demetrios Caine
Lamed webpage.

COL Ricardo
Released Wing IV SL results.

LT Valic
If I remember right (pretty sleepy at the moment) he recovered from some computer problems.

MAJ David
Submitted suggestions for the motto and nick comp.

If I forgot something then tell me.

CMDR/CPT Malik/Lamed/Wing IV/SSSD Sovereign

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