Kappa Report # 53 (2001-10-10)

This report was submitted by LC Astarosta

Kappa Squadron Report - October 10th, 2001 - LC Astarosta

Squadron News

-Once again Kappa is at the Top of it ALL!! The Sov Surprise contest has ended, and the winner is: LT ZYRAX!!! The whole squadron is in debt with him for taking our name with him all the way to victory! He earned a sweet IS-GW for such a feat. Congrats go to Sin's John Doe for a swell 2nd place, getting Wing II as the ruler of this comp. I'm really proud of Zyr's effort to get a highscore, flying the mission several times. GO ZYR!!! GO KAPPA!!!

-And Wing II is at the top of it all TOO!! We are Tie Corps Commander's Own for September!!! WOOOOO!!!! We must be really proud of being here, and we must work to get this place even better and full!! GO WING II!!!

-The Kappa's Oktoberfest is up and running!!! With a minor change on the FCHG division, you now may fly at least a free mission per week to participate. You have till Sunday to join the race, and there are people already working on it!!! See the Orders section for more and SUBMIT!!! many many medals mean that if you participate you will likely get one!! I'll also be releasing on Sunday a report with the submissions already and the points on the race. (start flying to try and reach Hermann :p)

-New unis!! Go check out the Duty uni (full dress soon to come) at http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/~howlader/ops/archive.htm Been tinkering with mine and it doesn't look that bad...


Squadron Orders

-Kappa vs Stalker is ON!!!!! Fly TC-TIE 34 (attached) and get some highscores!! Top 6 scores from each squad will be averaged and the top average wins. An IS-BW is at stake for the top scorer. Deadline is October 31st. The more inputs we have, the better chances we have. I expect 100% participation even if the score doesn't make it to the top 6. GOOOOO KAPPA!!!!!!!

-The Wing II Pilot League season 2 is ON!!!! The deadline for the current round is 6PM GMT on Sunday 7th October and the mission is TIE-FREE 167. Send it to Algy and CC me for the BSF.

-The Oktoberfest is ON!!! Time to get drunk as hell and mistake the Cat with your grandma and take it for a walk on the neigborhood wearing long femenine leather boots and nothing else and...all those stuff you do before entering ethilic coma. Divisions and awards:

Flying division - standard flying comp, top laserless scorer on TIE-TC #182 (attached) earns an IS-BW

FCHG race division - top FCHG earner of the period earns an IS-BW. MUST submit at least a battle a week to participate.

Fiction division - short story about Kappa's wild Oktoberfest party. Best submission judged by me earns an IS-BR

Mission creation division - best free mission with a plotline involving Kappa and Oktoberfest earns an IS-BR.

Graphics division - Best submission of a graphic in any medium (from Paint to 3D renders to pencil scans to photo compositions) relating Kappa and Oktoberfest (beer :p) earns an IS-BR

For the fiction and graphics division, I'm not looking at high standards of quality, more to the side of originality and fun. Anything you can come up with and amuses me will do. For the fiction division I will demand at least 3 paragraphs.
For the FCHG race remember that you MUST submit a FREE MISSION a week MINIMUM to participate. Also, the battles MUST be never flown before, so it really adds to your FCHG ranking. I'll check your profiles before submitting. High scores and MP victories will also be counted on the total.

The comp will go through all the month so you have plenty of time. All submissions must be in before October 31st.


Squadron Activity

LC Astarosta/Kappa 1-1

10-04-01 Compiled Sov Surprise Contest report
Compiled MSE for September
10-05-01 Submitted Kappa's Oktoberfest for TO approval
10-07-01 Played TIE-FREE 167 for the W2PL
Submitted battle corrections for the TCT team

CMDR stuff and a nasty exam :p


LT Zyrax/Kappa 1-2

10-03-01 Re-played TIE-FREE 160 for the Sov Surprise contest
10-07-01 Played TIE-FREE 167 for the W2PL
10-08-01 Awarded an IS-GW for 1st place on the Sov Surprise contest!! GO ZYR!!


LT Razor/Kappa 1-3

no activity reported


LCM Tim/Kappa 1-4

10-03-01 Reported catching Chicken Pox. Get well soon!!

continuous work on a site for the "New Sov site" comp


CPT Algaron/Kappa 2-1

09-30-01 changed his mail addy to algaronx@btopenworld.com (forgot to mention it on the last report)

All week activity running the W2PL II


CM Hawkins/Kappa 2-3

mail activity


CM Jan Wemmel/Kappa 3-1

10-02-01 Played XWA-FCHG 2
10-03-01 Played XWA-TC 15


LCM Tempest/Kappa 3-2

10-07-01 Played TIE-FREE 167 for the W2PL
Played TIE-TC 17


LCM Hermann/Kappa 3-3

10-06-01 Played TIE-FREE 167 for the W2PL
Played TIE-TC 5
10-09-01 Played TIE-TC 6, 7 and 8


-TCCOM's Own

For TCCOM's Own for last month, I'm proud to announce Wing II of the Sov got this honor. They had great activity and a great staff of Officers (excluding Ford :P). Congrats!

Sorry for announcing this a tad late

-New TCC:XWA sought

With the resignation of Captain Kyle Katarn, the position of Tactical Coordinator (XWA) is opened for application. The requirements are as follows:

must have knowledge in XWA mission designing
must have passed the IWATS XWA mission design course (XAM)
must be able to manage a team of Tacticians and playtesters
must be able to answer emails within 24/48h
no HCI conviction
The job description for this auxiliary position is available in the Tactical Manual. Please include in your applications references to possible created XWA battles or free missions, or to some work done in the past for the Tactical Office. Any experience in team managing is also to be reported. Applications are to be sent to Fleet Admiral Striker and Lieutenant Colonel Marcin Szydlowski.

-Daedalus Banner comp results

The winners of the Daedalus banner competition have been selected. You can view them and their entries on http://www.imperialacademy.org/comps/daedalusbanner/#results. Thanks to all who entered.

-COO Resignation Letter

www.tiecorps.org/news.asp Go there :p

-New TCS and TCT sought for XvT/BoP

With the many changes in command over the past months concerning the XvT part of the Tactical Staff, there is currently a lack of playtesters (TCS) and correctors (TCT) for Xvt/BoP, with as well a growing backlog on XvT battles. Therefore, the Tactical Office is looking for additional Tactical Surveyors (TCS, playtesters) and Tacticians (TCT, correctors) for the XvT/BoP platform. Please review the Tactical Manual for the position descriptions. Some requirements for the positions are for Tactical Surveyors(TCS):

have XvT/BoP (!!)
be able to playtest a battle within a week and to write a beta report (templates in the Tactical Manual)
knowledge in XvT/BoP mission design, graduation from XTM not necessary but recommended.
And for Tacticians (TCT):

have XvT/BoP
be able to bring corrections to a battle within 1,2 weeks, from the problems noticed by the TCS in their beta reports (guidelines in the Tactical Manual)
knowledge in XvT/BoP mission design
must have passed XTM from IWATS
Please review the Tactical Manual before applying, there you will find a complete description of the Tactical Staff. These are auxiliary positions, which means you don't have to leave your squadron. Applications are to be sent to Lieutenant Colonel Marcin Szydlowksi and Captain Drako. Nice rewards for all hard working people !

Attached: TIE-TC 34 for Kappa vs Stalker

TIE-TC 182 for Kappa's Oktoberfest


Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: LC Astarosta (astarosta@copetel.com.ar)
NICKNAME: The Spirits of Wing II
BANNER: kappa.jpg
MOTTO: If it Flies, it Dies
HOMEPAGE: http://www21.brinkster.com/algaronx/kappa/
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=12

Nickname: Smashing Kegs
Motto: In Eternal Quest for Party
Homepage: http://www.kappa-flight1.f2s.com/
1) LC Astarosta (astarosta@copetel.com.ar)
2) LT Zyrax (lanzerman@mail.nu)
3) LT Razor (pedroamado@eudoramail.com)
4) LCM Tim (tiecorps@swirve.com)

Nickname: The Dark Avengers
Motto: Hatred Breeds Strength
Homepage: http://www21.brinkster.com/algaronx/Flight2/
1) CPT Algaron (algaronx@btopenworld.com)
2) TBA
3) CM Hawkins (Nedius@yahoo.com)
4) TBA

Nickname: The Lunatic Roastars
Motto: Be Afraid, for we are the Defenders of the Keg!
Homepage: http://www21.brinkster.com/algaronx/Flight3/
1) CM Jan Wemmel (Jan1506@gmx.de)
2) LCM Tempest (EH_Tempest@gmx.net)
3) LCM Hermann (ehhermann@yahoo.com.ar)
4) TBA

Total: 9


CMDR-TCT/LC "Roasty" Astarosta/Kappa/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
SMS/CM Astarosta/FMC-TC/SSSD Sovereign [DOC]
GRD Astarosta (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan {SA:CORE}
FM/CM Astarosta/Enforcer 2-2/Wing II/MC-90 Fear/IW/EH

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