Spear Report # 32 (2001-10-14)

This report was submitted by MAJ Krax Tarnisar

CMDR/MAJ Krax Tarnisar reporting in for Spear Squadron on October 14, 2001.

Fleet News
I'm not going to repeat it all here for you. Check out http://www.tiecorps.org/news.asp. We've had some new commanders appointed, some new reports, and so on. Take a look. You might learn something.

Wing News
Everyone say hello to Shield Squadron's new CO, Quake! That's about the only major activity in the Wing. Squadron strength remains steady, if a tad on the low side. Dagger and Crossbow squadrons are still mothballed.

Squadron News
Priority Alpha-One: Phase III of the BGC begins soon. All pilots should be ready to fly. If you can't fly, e-mail me NOW and let me know. Excuses submitted after Phase III ends will NOT BE ACCEPTED!

Don't forget to submit your weekly reports. This doesn't have to be much; even a single e-mail letting me know you're still in contact will suffice. We've been getting a little lax on this stuff, and I'd like that changed.

I'm looking at setting up some inter-squadron competitions as soon as the BGC is over. Does anyone have any suggestions about missions we could use? I'm asking because I don't fly free missions all that much; I tend to prefer the battles. And I've found that the ratings don't necessarily count for much. Sound off on the mailing list and make your opinions count.

I know two of you had problems flying the BGC mission. It seems that missions created on TIE CD will crash when run on TIE 95. This was posted to the TAC Forum, and I've ask about how to fix it. I'm concerned about this, since I design on TIE CD.

Activity Reports
CMDR/MAJ Krax Tarnisar: Coded the mission for Phase II of the BGC - had a battle released by the TAC Office.

FM/LCM Darkheart: No contact - declared AWOL and sent to the Reserves

FL/CM Argyle Ironfist (XO): Checked in - contributed to the mission for Phase II

FM/LT Owen: Checked in

FM/LCM Olenar Ki-Aton: Checked in

FL/CM Jodo Kast: No contact

FM/LT Zuckuss: Checked in - had TIE problems that kept him from flying the competition mission (let me know before the deadline next time, OK?)

Remember - don't cheat!

There's a poll up at the site that hosts the squadron mailing list. Take a look and cast your vote.

You all should have gotten your sections of the MSE by now (except for LCM Ki-Aton, who joined after it was finished). If you have any questions, or didn't get yours, let me know.

We need to do what we can to raise our activity as a squadron. I'm no exception here, and I'd like to make a deal with all of you. I'll fly one mission per week (either a Free Mission or a Battle) so long as all of you do the same. I know how hard it is to find time to be active (perhaps more than most of you…try holding down a job, being a National Guard First Sergeant, and having a family life…), but we all need to make the effort. One mission a week isn't much when you look at it. Maybe half an hour of your time. I think we can all find that somewhere.

Sound fair? If so, sound off. If not, sound off, too. But if you don't like the idea, make some suggestions. Just sitting in the corner and whining doesn't get you anywhere, except perhaps on the CO's s*** list. And you DON'T want to be there. But I also understand RL concerns. If school or work is cutting deeply into your time, let me know. As Spear's veteran officers can attest, I'm more than willing to accommodate so long as I know there's a problem.

On a lighter note, I'm going to be changing the squadron motto. Some of you may remember this discussion from a while back. In any case, LCM Ki-Aton provided the proper translation, and Spear's new motto will be Honorable Striker (in German). Of course, we'll be needing a new squadron banner. I know at least a couple of you have superior graphics abilities. I'd like to see something that combines the motto with the existing flight nicknames (if possible). The winning design (judged by myself and the flight leaders, with some outside help if things get close) will earn the artist a nice, shiny ISM as well as some good brownie points on the ATR (always good for promotion…).

Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: MAJ Krax Tarnisar (miner49er@excite.com) - #4626
NICKNAME: The Fearless Spear
BANNER: http://www.tiecorps.org/images/banners/spear.jpg
MOTTO: We do not forget our mortality; we deny it!
HOME PAGE: http://spearsquadron.ehonline.org
MESSAGE BOARD: http://fightingninth.org

Nickname: Halberd
Motto: Strike from afar!
1) MAJ Krax Tarnisar (miner49er@excite.com) - #4626
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Viking
Motto: Harbinger of Terror!
1) LCM Argyle Ironfist (Argyle_Ironfist@hotmail.com) - #4227
2) LT Owen (oamanby@aol.com) - #4218
3) LCM Olenar Ki-Aton (070637578@t-online.de) - #1978
4) TBA

Nickname: Pilum
Motto: Certain Striker
1) CM Jodo Kast (pantera_63@hotmail.com) - #686
2) LT Zuckuss (michaelwatts09@hotmail.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Total: 7

Respectfully submitted,
CMDR/MAJ Krax Tarnisar/Spear/Wing IX/ISD Relentless

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