Echo Report # 2 (2001-07-26)

This report was submitted by CM Blair Vallyn

TC Report Stationery

    Commander Vallyn walked along, boots echoing on the metal floor of the Imperial Star Destroyer Vanguard. An ensign stepped up to him and said, "Sir, the mechanics report that the hyperdrives and shield systems have been successfully installed in your TIEs."
     "Very good. Have they been tested?" Vallyn replied.
     "No, but -''
     "Have him test them, then. It would be quite a tragedy if we flew out there and the hyperdrives failed in the middle of a hyper jump."
     The ensign sighed. "Yes, sir." He turned the other direction and strode off.
     Vallyn stopped at a flag officer's door. The door slid open, to reveal the Wing Commander's spacious quarters. Vallyn saluted.
     "Please Blair, sit down," Strahd said with a curt salute. Vallyn came in and took a seat.
     "I think we'll be ready to fly the mission today. The mechanic reported that the extra systems are installed. They haven't been tested, though."
     "Good. Is there anything else?" Strahd asked.
     "No, though I thought you'd want to attend my first briefing to make sure it runs smoothly."
     "Sure, I'll be there."
     "Thanks," Vallyn replied. He got up and left. And found a furry Mursetian standing outside Strahd's door.
     "Hello Da'Ger, what's up?" Blair said
     Da'Ger saluted and said, "Hello sir!"
     "At ease." Blair said. "What are you doing hanging around Strahd's office anyway?"
     "Oh…nothing…" Da'Ger smiled slightly.
     "I don't know what you're up to, but I want your flight to be ready for combat. I'm betting there's some kind of Rebel starship hanging around with the pirates, and I don't want it to leave the pirates in this next mission." Vallyn said.
     "Okay Blair. When's the briefing?" Da'Ger asked.
     "Soon, report to the hanger in an hour. And make sure that lousy mechanic has everything installed in your TIE Bombers properly. Last time he installed a hyperdrive in a fighter that wasn't designed for it, the motivator failed after two lightyears."
     "Speaking of hyperdrives, Blair, I heard that General Solo has been running around to different smuggling groups trying to garner support."
     "Is that so? Well, we'll have to confirm that. We can't be acting on rumors. Anyway, I have work to do. If you see Johann, tell him also to make sure his fighters are prepped."
     "Yes, sir," Da'Ger saluted. Blair waved him off, Da'Ger was very salute-happy. Time to prepare the briefing for the pilots.
There's your hint for bonus points in the new EIM mission! More about that later :) I know it wasn't very exciting or get the funny stuff from Bender, and action is later for fiction written about the on with the report!
Wing News
Our ship is still the largest, let's keep it that way
Ender did a COM report! He had some very funny fiction in there, I suggest everyone read it. Also, he released the second ViB mission for XWA. It's a ship-wide competition for scores and fiction. High score and best fiction get a Silver IS. Runners-up get a Bronze IS. Let's show the Commodore how active we are :) Email pilots and fiction to me.
Squadron News
I appointed new Flight Leaders. They are the most active members of this squadron.
I was awarded three DFC's for MP comps.
Flight III has a new web page! check it out:
Also, I've re-engineered the squadron website. Take a look, it's really cool
Ender has selected what he thinks is the best fiction from the trio he received for the last EIM mission:
"Though CPT Strahd was closest to the 'mission report' idea,
  and LCM Vallyn's fiction very funny and well written, LT Leeson's
  missionreport, including screenshots of the actual mission, gave me the
  best idea of the mission atmosphere and details."
"I'd like to congratulate LT Leeson (now CM Leeson) with the
  best fiction entry."
Congrats Leeson! You'll receive a medal soon from Ender. Strahd will as well for the high score. Good job guys! (Why is it they're not even in this squad anymore?? *grumble*)
Before I put Leeson's fiction, EIM mission #2 is attached to this report. I want all of you to try and play it! It's hard, so watch out. This time I submitted it to the TO, so high score gets an IS-BW and best fiction gets an IS-BR. So get to it! I'm participating, too, so I'll send everything to Strahd and Bender. Good luck! You can also download the mission at
Here's Leeson's story:
 A lone shuttle emerged form hyperspace in the Pyrath System. Slowly turned towards the rendezvous coordinates and accelerated to traveling speed. They silently rushed towards their destination.
 On the horizon the mighty Star Destroyer, the Vanguard floated silently.
It kept growing bigger and bigger as the shuttle approached. It's pearly white shell looked like as it could tell thousands of stories of battles it saw.
- This is shuttle TY-5204. Requesting landing clearance.
- Shuttle TY-5204 you may approach. Land in Hangar bay A-5. - sounded the reply through the comm.
- Shuttle TY-5204, roger.
- You are a bit late. We almost left without you.
- We are sorry about that.
- No problem. ISD Vanguard out.
The shuttle approached the large hangar of the Star Destroyer. They landed without any problems. When the sound of the engines died the ramp of the shuttle descended and the door opened. A young man stood in the doorway. He was quite tall with short brown hair and deep blue eyes. He was wearing the standard navy uniform. His rank insignia indicated that he was at the rank of lieutenant. On the right side of his chest few medals hung. On his shoulder he wear the patch of the Aggressor Strike Force.
His boots were very well shined. His uniform didn't have any spots on it. He approached one of the security officers standing near a huge blast door. The officer saluted and asked:
- Lieutenant Leeson?
He returned the salute.
- Yes.
- I'm here to escort you to your quarters. - the officer said.
- Thank you. Let us go then.
- Yes sir. Follow me please.
They took a turbolift up to the crew quarters. They went through some hallways before the officer stopped.
- Here we are, sir. - he said.
- Thank you.
- The Vice Admiral is expecting you. His office is 3 levels up from here.
- Thank you. I'll see him right away.
The officer saluted and left. Leeson entered his quarters. "Not bad he thought". He dropped down his sack in the corner. He arranged his uniform and stepped out the door. He entered the turbolift with a strange humanoid. He was wearing the same uniform. His fur was white and was in harmony with the spotless uniform. His rank insignia indicated the rank of Lieutenant Commander. He got out of the lift one level before. He arrived alone to the level where the admiral's office was. He had no problems finding it. He knocked on the door.
- Come in. - came the reply from the other end.
Leeson entered. He threw up a swift salute after closing the door.
- At ease lieutenant. - the admiral said. - Please have a seat.
Bevel quietly sat down before the admiral.
- So you are Lieutenant Bevel Leeson, right?
- Yes, sir.
- As I see from your records you transferred here from the Naval Corps. Why did you change your Corvette to a small fighter?
- As you know sir, the Naval Corps has been closed so I had no choice.
- I forgot. Well as you may already know you have been assigned to Echo squadron. Your commander is Captain Strahd. You can find him one level below. If you have any questions feel free to ask me anytime. Dismissed.
- Thank you sir. - Leeson stood saluted and exited the room.
He took the same turbolift and went one level down. He searched for the commander's office. But he got lost. As he was walking up and down the corridor he saw the same humanoid, he was traveling with earlier in the turbolift, exiting a room, but before he could ask for directions the humanoid disappeared behind the corner. "Ohwell, I guess I have to find it on my own." he thought and looked at the door the creature just exited.
- I can't be this lucky. - he said as he was looking at the nameplate next to the door.
"Captain Strahd, Echo Squadron" was written there. He knocked and entered once allowed. He saluted and said:
- Lieutenant Bevel Leeson reporting for duty, sir!
- At ease lieutenant. Please take a seat.
- Thank you sir.
- You have just missed one of your squad mates, Lieutenant Commander Da'Ger.
- Oh the fury guy?
- Yes. - Strahd smiled. - He is a Mursetian.
- Mursetian? Oh…
- Well let's get on to business. According to your records you were in the Naval Corps. Which unit?
- I was in Task Unit Argonaut, Task Force Crusader. I was the leader of the 2nd Corvette Squadron.
- Ah. I see. As I see you have been doing a good job there.
- Well… yes for the short amount of time till I was there.
- Well lieutenant. You are assigned to my Flight. You will be flying TIE Interceptors. The squad's XO is Lieutenant Commander Blair Vallyn. You can ask him any question you have. If you don't have any questions right now, then you can leave.
- None this time sir. I'm a bit tired. Am I dismissed?
- Yes. Dismissed.
Leeson stood and saluted. Strahd returned the salute. Leeson exited the room and took the turbolift back to his quarters. He dropped onto his bed and took out his journal for his sack. He continued where he stopped. He wrote down his arrival at the Vanguard and the meetings with Vice Admiral mBind and Captain Strahd. He also wrote down his first impressions about the Mursetian. The announcement entering real space interrupted his work.
 Suddenly the sound of an explosion could be heard. The alarms immediately went of. The emergency lights gave a red shade to the room.
- Echo squadron report to the hangar bay immediately. - sounded from the internal comm.
Leeson sighed as he forgot to unpack his flight suit. He quickly jumped on his feet and began to search for it in his sack. He put the helmet on the table and finally  found the suit itself too. He put his watch on the table and started the timer. He began to change. When he finished he looked at the watch. "Damn. I'm slow today." - he said to himself and threw the watch on the bed. He picked up the helmet and left.
 The other pilots were already there when he arrived. Strahd were giving out orders to them. He turned to Leeson when he arrived.
- Late again lieutenant. - Strahd said.
- Sorry sir. Won't happen again.
- I hope so pilot or I'll be forced to send you to kitchen duty. - Strahd smiled. - But know you will have the honor to go in the first wave. It will be a basic recon duty. Your job is to ID all ships in the area. You can fire when attacked not before. Everything clear?
- Yes sir.
- Okay pilots. Good hunting. - Strahd shouted. - Make me proud. Oh and Leeson please don't hit anything on your way out. - he smiled again.
They quickly jumped in their fighters and the first four immediately exited the hangar.
 Four little shiny spots appeared below the Star Destroyer. They were invisible to the eye from great distance. The four TIE Interceptors turned towards the platform.
- Take out the escort first. Those 6 Z95 Headhunters won't cause too much problem. - said Echo 1-1. - Attack formation. Accelerate to full speed.
- Yes, sir! - came the reply.
The four TIEs were rushing towards the Z95s. At the first contact they managed to shoot down 2 of the Z95s.
- Okay. We evened the odds. 2 down 4 to go. Echo 1-3 and 1-4 take out the two on the left me and Echo 1-2 will take out the other 2.
- Roger sir. Echo 1-4 cover me. - said Echo 1-3
The 2 Interceptors turned left to flank the Headhunters, but they missed and they were forced to turn. The Z95s were trying to score in a head on attack. After getting into range they began to fire.
- Echo 1-4 bracket high-low now! - came the order from Echo 1-3.
The 2 TIEs changed their course. One going sharply up and the other down, thus evading the enemy fire and letting them to fly through between them. As soon as they passed 2 two surprised Z95 they began a sharp turn. This maneuver gave them the advantage. They linked all canons and fired. One of the Headhunters tried to evade the fire with few luck and with a direct hit to the cockpit it turned into a big fireball. The other one lost its wings and the pilot was forced to eject.
 Meanwhile the other two Z95s had better luck. They were chasing on of the TIEs while the other one tried to get a solid lock on the Headhunters. Echo 1-3 and 1-4 could do nothing as they were too far. Finally Echo 1-1 managed to get a lock and shot one of the Z95s down.
- I can't shake 'em! Strahd where are you?! - yelled Echo 1-2
- Hang on I'm coming … - said Strahd.
But he was late. The Z95 fired and wasted the TIE. Fortunately the pilot could eject.
- NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! - shouted Strahd - I'll get you for this!
- Vanguard this is Echo 1-4. Send in the recovery team. Echo 1-2 was shot down. I repeat. We lost Echo 1-2.
- Roger, Echo 1-4. Recovery team is on its way.
Strahd kept chasing the Z95. The Headhunter was moving in a crazy pattern trying to evade Strahd's shots. But he made a mistake that resulted a solid lock for Strahd.
- I love this sound. - Strahd smiled and pulled the trigger.
The laser shots from the TIE tore the Headhunters hull apart destroying both pilot  and machine. Strahd watched the parts flying in to different directions for a second. He was interrupted by a message from Echo 1-3.
- Heads up! 4 new fighters exiting the platform.
- Attack formation! - said Strahd. - Show no mercy.
The TIEs charged upon the new Z95s taking 2 down when they were exiting. The other two split up to confuse them. Strahd chased one and Echo 1-3 and 1-4 followed the other. The two remaining Z95 was shot down almost at the same time making another floating pile of junk in space.
- All right!!! - shouted Echo 1-3.
- Yeah. They are history. - said Strahd. - Echo 1-4.
- Yes sir?
- Leeson. Inspect that Corvette.
- Copy sir.
Leeson turned towards the fleeing Corvette. Flying at full speed it wasn't hard for the small TIE to reach the slow Corvette. Flying within .5 clicks Leeson inspected the ship. The computers showed that they are trying to escape with imperial armament on board.
- Vanguard. This is Echo 1-1. Send in Wasp squadron to capture the Corvette and take back the platform. There are some rebels on it. Till then we inspect the cargo containers and patrol for incoming enemy fighters.
- Copy Echo Leader. Wasp Squadron is on its way.
An Assault Transport, a Stormtrooper Transport and 2 TUGs exited the Star Destroyer's hangar. The Stormtrooper transport quickly reached the platform and docked with it. The TUGs headed towards the containers that were inspected by Echo squadron. The assault transport had to fight its way to the Corvette because it opened fire. They disabled it and managed to dock. In the meantime:
- Echo Squadron. This is the Vanguard. We have 3 X-wings emerging from hyperspace. Give cover to Wasp squadron immediately.
- Roger that Vanguard. They are good as dead. - replied Strahd. - All right Echo squadron. Let's fry these bastards for dinner.
The fight became a 1 on 1 contest. Strahd and Echo 1-3 quickly annihilated their opponents, but Leeson was having some problems. The X-wing was on his tail madly firing at him.
- Hey. Get this guy off my tail!
- Hang in there, we are coming.
The two TIEs begin the pursuit of the lone X-wing. But he was just firing at Leeson. He even scored a hit jamming the stabilizations of the TIE and sending it into a spin.
- Whoa! Shot him down, Shot him down!
- Alright, calm down. - said Strahd.
He aimed and fired at the X-wing, damaging its right engines. Providing an easy target for Echo 1-3. The X-wing became history and a small cloud of space dust.
 The transports successfully captured the Corvette and took back the platform. The TUGs hauled the containers of supplies to the Vanguard. The 3 TIEs flown back to the Star Destroyer. But unfortunately Leeson's TIE took too much damage and it's engines stopped at halfway back.
- Damn you piece of junk… This is Echo 1-4. I'm having engine troubles please send a recovery craft.
- Roger that Echo 1-4. The team is on its way.
The other two TIE Interceptors successfully returned to the hangar.
Leeson was sitting quietly in the cockpit. The emergency red lights were flashing providing some light for him to see the damaged control panel. Burnt out wires were hanging from it. Electric sparks came out form one.
- Whoa! Where the hell are you. This thing might blow up till you get here. - Leeson said.
- Calm down we are coming. - came the reply.
Soon a transport flown next to the damaged TIE and Leeson could see smiling faces through the windows.
- It was time you guys showed up. - said Leeson.
- Some coffee? Shall we clean the windscreen? - the crew was joking with Leeson.
- Nah! Just give me a lift back. - he said.

The transport docked with the TIE and Leeson stepped aboard the recovery craft. The crew warmly greeted Leeson. The transport slowly turned towards the Vanguard and accelerated to 1/3 throttle. Getting a bit away of the damaged TIE the locked on to it with a tractor beam and continued the way back to the Star Destroyer.
 Strahd and the others were waiting for the transport to arrive.
- I guess you need to practice a bit in the simulator Leeson - said Strahd.
- I think so too sir. - came the reply.
- But a job well done Lieutenant. Your report should be on my desk tomorrow morning. And we will discuss your training schedule as well.
- Yes sir.
- You are dismissed. - Strahd saluted.
Leeson returned the salute and took a turbolift to his quarters. He decided to postpone writing into his journal to tomorrow and he went to bed. The mission and the long journey took a lot out of him. He didn't imagine that he would be flying on his first day on the Vanguard. He immediately fell asleep.
That's it! Good job Leeson :)
Squadron Activity
CM Blair Vallyn - 61 points
LoC for ASF (6/27/01) (3 points)
4 LoC's for ASF (7/18/01) (12 points)
LoC for TNT (7/19/01) (3 points)
Awarded DFC for GWC (6/27) (5 points)
Awarded DFC for TNT (7/12) (5 points)
Awarded DFC for ASF (7/18) (5 points)
Completed TC-TIE#5 (6 points)
Completed TC-XWA#12 (5 points)
Made uni for self (1 point)
Flew in Tempest Storm (2 points)
Completed ViB#2 (1 point)
Updated squadron homepage (5 points)
Flew in GWC (2 points)
Flew in ASF comp (2 points)
Flew in TNT (2 points)
MP training with WC Strahd (2 points)
LT Kessap - 0 points
None, contact me or I will be forced to remove you from the roster!
LT Maxwell von Opel - 31 points
IRC contact 
Completed TC-XWA#2 (5 points)
Completed TC-XWA#10 (6 points)
Completed TC-XWA#4 (5 points)
Completed TC-XWA#5,6 (9 points)
Awarded CoB (2 points)
Flew in TNT (2 points)
MP training with WC Strahd (2 points)
LCM Da'Ger - 0 points
On leave
LCM Zero Pain - 6 points
AIM contact 
Email contact 
Completed TC-XWA#13 (6 points)
LCM Rex - 0 points
Email contact
AIM contact

CM Schitzo - 10 points
IRC contact 
Completed TC-XWA#12 (6 points)
Completed TC-XWA#15 (4 points)
LCM Johann Glorick - 40 points
2 LoC's for ASF (6/27/01) (6 points)
IRC contact 
AIM contact 
Email contact  
Made Opel's uni (1 point)
Flew in Tempest Storm (2 points)
Tailored uni for Major Dengar (1 point)
Made uni for self and Strahd (2 points)
Created new Flight III website (5 points)
Completed ViB#2 (1 point)
Completed TC-XvT#11 (5 points)
Completed TC-XvT#12 (5 points)
Completed TC-XvT#13 (4 points)
Completed TC-XvT#14 (6 points)
Flew in TNT (2 points)
LCM Ice Man - 0 points
IRC contact
AIM contact
LT Spawn - 0 points
None, please contact me or I will be forced to remove you from the roster!
Squadron Roster

Nickname: Protectors
Motto: To Serve and Protect
1) CM Blair Vallyn (
2) LT Kessap (
3) LT Maxwell von Opel (
4) TBA

Nickname: Guardians
Motto: To Protect and Defend
1) LCM Da’Ger (
2) LCM Zero Pain (
3) LCM Rex (
4) CM Schitzo (

Nickname: Defenders
Motto: To Defend All Imperial Citizens!
1) LCM Johann Glorick (
2) LCM Ice Man (
3) LT Spawn (
4) TBA

Squadron Citations (14):
   TC-XWA Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter
   TC-XWA Battle 2 - First Contact
   TC-XWA Battle 3 - The Darkon Mystery
   TC-XWA Battle 4 - Privateer
   TC-XWA Battle 5 - Show of Force
   TC-XWA Battle 6 - Enemy Defector
   TC-XWA Battle 7 - Assault on Chimera
   TC-XWA Battle 8 - Hammer to Anvil
   TC-XWA Battle 9 - Defection of Kusanagi
   TC-XWA Battle 10 - The Phare Encounter
   TC-XWA Battle 11 - Heroes of the Immortal
   TC-XWA Battle 13 - Hammer to Anvil Part II
   TC-XWA Battle 14 - The History of the ISD Immortal
   TC-XWA Battle 15 - Nasty Surprise

Commander Blair Vallyn
Echo Squadron Commander
VanCOM's Protector, June 2001
CMDR/CM Blair Vallyn/Echo/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
PCx2/MoI/LoC-PSx43/DFCx4/CoB [CAVL]

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