Crusader Report # 40 (2001-07-08)

This report was submitted by CM Marcin Kaczynski

New CMDR introduction:

My name is Marcin Kaczynski. I joined TIE corps 8 months ago, and as SL i become one of the Crusaders. After few months i was promoted to rank LCM and Mike gave me FL position in flight 3. After 4 next months of duty i was promoted to rank CM.
So, as you see i always was Crusader and i want to be Crusader until end of my duty.
This was my past, and what about future....
I dont want change anything in this Squadron, our goals showed us LC Mike - as many citations as we can flown and someday we'll achieve 200 !!
But citations is't everything, we also have to show our MP abilities.
Lets make this Squadron - "pride of the fleet".


CMDR/CM Marcin Kaczynski/Crusader 1-1

From CMDR's desk

Ok. Today's topic is : "Single Player Combat" thx to LC Mike for wrote this guide.

Mike's Lectures of effective starfighter combat:

Issue #3 : Single Player Combat

Some people think that single player combat is the most difficult part of their lives. They thing getting LoCs and DFC is piece of cake and there's nothing more complicated than facing 50 X-Wings in your Tie Fighters. They must understand. There are two kinds of missions. Normal missions made by normal people. Sometimes they are tough and difficult and you need to spent few hours to completed them, sometimes they're easy. But always there is one way or another to complete them. Sometimes difficult mission becomes easy when you'll find a way to complete it.
And there is another kind of missions. Missions with impossible diffuculty level, bugs, ect. Those mission are made by complete idiots. Why? Because we've got 3 difficulty levels. So. Make your mission ballanced. Easy on easy level, so everyone should be able to complete it. On medium it should be challenging and on hard it should be real difficult.
Every pilots should understand golden rule: "Computer don't think. It acts according to his program. And program. It's only as good as programmer was". What does it mean? Simple. It means every computer can be defeated, but you need to learn how it works. What rules does it follow. What mistakes does he do. And victory is yours. But... I am here to talk about single player combat in SW Games.
I think i'll split it into three different parts.

I. X-Wing and Tie Fighter

Well. Xwing is very similar to TIe Fighter so i'll treat those two games as one. All i can say is, that if you were able to play on hard in XvT, you'll be able to play on Hard in TF. Why? Few reason. You can dodge adv. missile in TF. In XvT it's impossible (but i heard it is). Laser are slower in TF. And AI is lower. So. How to fly and don't die. Easy. Keep your shield (if you've got the) well charger. About 100%, it's enough to survive missile hit or suddend ISD attack, though. How to completed primary, secondary bonus goals. Well. That's another story and another part of my story. Well. Every orded is another story.
To completed your primary goals you need to command well. Sometimes you need to send your wingmen on suicide mission to let you kill all enemy bombers. Sometime you need to ignore all attackers and go to kill ATRs. Every mission is different. Just keep your eyes open and you'll win. Expect unexpected. That's the key.

II. Xwing vs Tie Fighter

This game is more difficult than TF. Laser are faster, capital ships much more dangerous and squadron of awings deadly (hard difficulty, Jedi level of awings). When you're flying on >= medium level you need to take out shields first, than you can clear turrets, sic!. But xvt gives you and advantage. Decoy beam. It makes you impossible to lock with missiles so it increases your chances of survival. Keep your speed, shields well charged and watch for enemy fighters. They can be deadly. And never fly straight level for long or try who got better shields method. Trust me. You'll win but you'll ruin your shields.

III. Xwing Alliance

Well. My knowledge of XWA is very poor. I really don't like this game. So i won't tell you about it. Ask Marcin K. He knows this game well.

And that's all for now. In next issues i'll try to learn you how to do differend assignments (Escort, Strike, ect)


Lieutenant Colonel Marcin "Mike" Szydlowski/Crusader Squadron

Hints for Single Player Combat ( i think i'll be longer than 1 report )
Message Boards
IRC meetings, making aliases, popups, ect

First EH Poland Meeting finished. There was lots of fun and beer. Check EH Images Archive.
First battle in IMP. STORM finished. We won in superb style.
CM Bannys have been promoted to rank CPT , congrats :)
CMDR Bannys from Tartarus Squadron steps down and he's FM ( during vacation)
CM DarkC is new CMDR of Tartarus Squadron, congrats Chrissy :)
New battles in database.
We have high score comp. check comp. section
Some pilots on leave.

Yeah, two greats fictions.

"Missileboat incident" by LCM Derek Dan

And there i was again, and the plenty of enemy fighters...-Mike said to Flag when CMDR Marcin Kaczynski entered Crusader Squadron quarters. Most of the squad was on leave, so the quarters seemed empty.
-Crusaders, this must be my lacky day- he said.
-I've just been promoted to CMDR and we've been already assigned a high priority mission- he continued.
-Our wing have just received some Missileboat to test.
-I've chosen LT Flagellant to do the first test flight.
-Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!-Flag shouted with pride.
-Ok Flag, meet me in hangers in 30 minutes.
-By the way, how's Jonny?-Marcin asked.
-Not good, he is still in bacta after that collision with an asteroid-Mike answered.
-Damn, he shouldn't have been drinking so much before the mission-Marcin concluded.

Half an hour later in Grey Wolf's hangar.
-I'm ready to fly this baby-Flag said seeing the new Missileboat.
-Are you familiar with the technical specifications of this fighter?-one of the technicians asked.
-Yeah, sure-Flag answered, noticing a really beautiful female technician.
-Ok, let's begin-Marcin said.
-Do only what you're instructed during this mission-he continued.
-Yeah, sure-Flag answered looking at the girl.
-This is a really easy mission-Marcin continued.
-Yeah, sure-Flag couldn't move his eyes away from that girl.
-You'll buy me a dozen of Imperator beers after this mission-Marcin said seeing that Flag isn't even listening to him.
-Yeah, sure-sadly the girl finished her work and left the hangar-Sorry I wasn't listening, was there something important you were saing?-Flag asked.
-Oh, nothing that important. I'll tell you when you finish the mission-Marcin smiled.-Let's start.

After several successful tests, came time for the new SLAM booster test.
-Ok pilot. Your objective is to fly along the ISD and when you'll be at 0.3 from bridge start SLAM booster. It's the big red button with label "boost". After this, piloting might get a little tough, but don't worry.
-Are you ready?-Marcin asked.
-Yeah, sure-Flag was still thinking about that girl.
-Ok, carry on-Marcin ordered.
-SLAMs engaged-Flag reported.
-Target loked-he continued.
-0.7 form target-
-0.6 ..... 0.5 ........ 0.4 ....... boosters on!-Flag shouted and hit the big red button, but to his greatest surprise he did not accelarated. Instead he heard a sound familiar to launching a heavy bomb. Could this be true? He looked down and saw two red buttons. One really had a label "boost", but the second button with "warhead lounch" label was pressed.Ups.....

Meanwhile on the Grey Wolf's bridge.
-Sir, the new Missileboat should be here any second now-officer reported.
-Good, let's see what it's capable of-RA Khadgar said turning his head away from the window.
-Warhead launch, warhead lounch- some young officer cried out.
Khadgar looked in the window and saw a heavy bomb flying straight for his bridge. His eyes went wide, his jaw dropped down and he saw all his life in a flash. There was nothing he could do. The warhead hit the bridge and ....... bounced away. It took Khadgar few seconds to realize that, he is still breathing.
-WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!?!-he shouted with such furry, that everyone was affraid to answer.
Communications channel opened and everyone on the bridge heard Flag's voice:
-Sir, it lookes like I must have got the buttons wrong, sorry ...It's a good thing that I forgot to arm the warheads before I lounched-Flag said.
-What!!! Get your ass here on the double. CMDR Marcin I want to see you too right now.
-Yeah, sure-Marcin answered thinking whether his girlfriend would just kill him, or first torture and then kill him if he had dinner with that girl technician.

General story created after several beers by:LC Marcin Szydlowski, CM Marcin Kaczynski, LCM Jonny Sawicki and LCM Derek Dan durring EH Poland Meeting. Additional text by LCM Derek Dan.

"Missile Boat Accident" - Part II by LC Marcin Szydlowski

Idea: Mike,Derek,Marcin,Jonny and Chris

Flag landed with his fighter in Grey Wolf hangar. Marcin K, newly promoted Crusader CMDR was right behind him. But Khadgar was already in the hangar. He was really angry, but Marcin K was smiling, like he didn't do anything. They came closer and Khadgar starter to shout:
-But sir, I..... - Khadgar looked at Marcin. He had a great humor. Almost laughing.
-Sir! I dediced give my young pilot a chance! I want all my pilots to have knowledge of advanced imperial equipment! - Khadgar knew that Marcin's fault was very little, but he was a this ship's commodore.
-Get the hell out of my sir, commander. I want your report tomorow on my desk. Dismiss! - ordered Khadgar. Marcin K, saluted and went off. Flag wanted to follow him, but Khadgar stopped him.
-Sir? - asked Flag.
-Now listen to me very carefull. - Khad started. - I am flying to winter planet Oorst 2 to see stormtrooper maneuvers in 3 days. Because my winter field uniform is dirty i want you to get it, carry it to laundry and take it back, as soon as they'll clean it. - Flag was suprised. It was quite good punishement for what his did.
-Yes, sir! I'll do it ASAP. - 2 hours later he took Khad's uniform and carried it to laundry. He took the ticked and left.

Two days later Flag had to take this uniform back. He went to laundry.
-Hello. I came here to take uniform back. You said it'll be clean today. - said Flag.
-Ticket please. - answered man. Flag looked like stunned. He check in his wallet, he checked in his pants and nothing. HE HAS LOST A TICKET OF KHADGAR'S UNIFORM.
-eeeeennn.... Hey. It's my COM's uniform. I need to take it back. It was white field uniform.
-Sorry pal. No ticket no uniform.
-As i said, no ticket no uniform. Next one please. - Flagellant was mad and very frustrated. This time he was sure he'll be demoted, or execute or something even worse will be made to him. He failed again.

Day later, Planet Oorst 2.
Cyric and Azazel stander on ramp waiting for Khadgar. They were all dressed in white field uniforms and they're ready to see maneuvers. They Khad arrived. Cyric started laughing.
-Khad my friend. What happened to your uniform. Why it is black? - Khad was really angry.
-Hahaha! You look like Vader on Hoth. I heard Needa have lost a ticket to laundry and dark lord didn't receive his uniform. That's why Needa died. And who forgot yours?



#5571 "Balrog" - on leave
#5483 "Derek" - submited fiction, was on EH Poland Met.
#4756 "Dyr" - was on EH Poland Met .
#4728 "Drako" - submited Death Riders Patch.
#6639 "Flag" - nothing this week.
#4476 "Jonny" - was on EH Poland Met.
#5533 "Mighty Duck" - was on EH Poland Met., lots of work with BSF, reports, MSE, uff, but where is battle ??, - soon ;P.
#5164 "Heroic Hero" - on leave
#3203 "Mike" - was on EH Poland Met., TC-TIE #176, FTIE #158, FBoP #10,11,12, LoC (TNT) FTIE #121. great :)
#1542 "Panaka" - submited, TC-TIE#58
#7005 "Relsien" - FXvT #20, XvT #6 Medal Award: CoB, FTie #121 good job :))
#4179 "Wiesio" - was on EH Poland Met., TC-XvT #11, submited FL report

Top Ace of this week: LC Mike :))

LT Relsien to Lancer

Bravery ( LT Relsien )
Medals of Tactics:
none this week
Legions of Combat:
LC Mike x1 (TNT)
Distinguished Flying Crosses:
none this week
Iron Stars:
none this week
Imperial Security Medals:
none this week
Palpatine's Crescents:
none this week
Bronze Stars of Empire:
none this week
Silver Stars of Empire:
none this week
Gold Stars of Empire:
none this week
Squadron Statistics

Squad Summary: 6924 (+27 )
Squad Average: 577 (+3 )
Best Week Total: +226
Best Week Average: +55.86

LC Marcin Szydlowski (1788) +1

LCM Michael (1006) ±0

LCM Wiesio (864) +1

CM DrDiablo (728) +28
CM Marcin Kaczynski(584) ±0
LCM Derek Dan(582) +5

CPT Drako (474) +5

LCM Panaka (356) +5

LCM Jonny Sawicki (281) ±0

LCM Balrog(169) ±0

LT Flagellant(52) +1
LT Rielsen(39) +20 ( Rank up )

Great numbers. :)

Combat Ratings

Squad Summary: 285 (+1 )
Squad Average: 23.75 (+0.25 )
Best Week Total: +28
Best Week Average: +2.5

Ace 1st[200]:
LC Marcin Szydlowski (201) +1

Marksman 1st[25]:
CM DrDiablo (28) +3
LCM Wiesio (27) +1

Marksman 4th[10]:
LCM Jonny Sawicki (14) ±0

LCM Michael (7) ±0

LCM Balrog(4) ±0
CPT Drako(2) ±0
LT Flagellant(1) +±0

LCM Panaka
CM Marcin Kaczynski
LCM Derek Dan

CMDR's Note:
Every squad member will get PC, when we'll hit 100 Combat Rating Average.


Competiton's Officer Report:

New competitions

We'll have one SP competitions .

High Score Competition.

Start date: 03.07.2001
End date: 11.07.2001
Participate: Crusader Squadron and Dark Brotherhood Hyperion BattleTeam.
Mission: FTie # 121
Details: try flown as much points as you can. Send your pilots files to CMDR, the best score from Crusader will be compared with best score from Hyperion.
Awards: IS-BW for best score but only if we win.
Contact: CM Marcin Kaczynski

Current competitions

Recruitment Competition

Starting Date: 01.06.2001
Ending Date: 01.06.2009
People involved: ISD Grey Wolf
Mission/Battle used: None
Details: Recruitment Competition. Most Active recruiter each month will receive an IS-BR.
Contact person: RA Khadgar

Quiz competition

Starting Date: 01.06.2001
Ending Date: 30.06.2001
People involved: Crusader Squadron and all pilots receiving Crusader WSRs
Details: It's simple quiz. Every week Mike will set few questions. Pilots will email anwers to Mike. Best pilot wins IS-BR
Contact person: hmm, try to guess, he is big, real big, and he have rank MAJ. ,who know .... Yes!.. it's Mike :))

Ended Competition

Retribution Competition

Starting Date: 01.06.2001
Ending Date: 01.07.2001
People involved: ISD Grey Wolf
Mission/Battle used: Any Multiplayer Competition sponsored by the COO
Each Comp Without any LoCs = 1 point
Each LoC = 2 points
Each DFC = 3 points

For a Squadron, any event where half the Squadron was at the MP event earns them 5 extra points (this is commonly called a MP Citation). If someone leaves and 50% of the rest of the Squadron has flown at the Comp, it doesn't count, 50% of the people in the Squadron at the time of the Comp have to fly in it.

Contact person: RA Khadgar
Competition URL:

EH Ladder Season 2

Starting Date: 04.05.2001
Ending Date: 04.07.2001
Platforms: XvT, XWA, JK (Jedi Knight)
If you want join, you can at
All details at:

MP Competitions - .
SP Competitions - 3(quiz)(recruitment)(high score)
Total: 3


CMDR/CM Marcin Kaczynski/Crusader 1-1/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf ASF Flagship
PCx3/4x ISM/IS-RB/CoB [LGNR] {IWATS-M/1, SM/2}
Wing Commander's Own [December]' 00
Wing Commander's Own [March,April]' 01
Crusader Competition Officer
ASF Propaganda Alpha Office

** Crusader - Semper Fi **


Michael's Quiz:

CMDR's note: There is no new questions this week, so you have one week more to send answers on previous questions to Mike

Last week questions:

What is the most important part in lightsaber?
What “TIE” shortcut means ?
Why Luke couldn’t be a Stormtrooper?
How did Obi-Wan called R2-D2?
Who played as a Lando Carlissian?
Yoda’s homeworld?
LCM Michael

Derek - 11
Marcin K - 8
Panaka - 3


Song Competition:

Lyrics If we could see tomorrowWhat of your plansNo one can live in sorrowAsk all your friendsTimes that you took in stride They'reback in demandI was the one who's washingBlood off your handsDon't you cry tonight I still love you baby Don't you cry tonight Don't you cry tonightThere's a heaven above you babyAnd don't you cry tonightI know the things you wantedThey're not what you haveWith all the people talkin' It's drivin' you madIf I was standin' by youHow would you feelKnowing your love's decidedAnd all love is real...babyAnd don't you cry tonightDon't you cry tonightDon't you cry tonightThere's a heaven above you babyAnd don't you cry tonightI thought I could live in your worldAs years all went byWith all the voicesI've heardSomething has diedAnd when you're in need of someoneMy heart won't deny youSo many seem so lonelyWith no one left to cry to babyAnd don't you cry tonightAnd don't you cry tonightAnd don't you cry tonightThere's a heaven above you babyAnd don't you cryDon't you ever cryDon't you cry tonightBaby maybe someday Don't you cryDon't you ever cry Don't you cry Tonight

VA_Cyric/ASF - 2
MAJ_Todbringer/Sigma - 3
COL_Woobee/Tartarus - 1
LCM Balrog/Crusader - 3
LC Marcin Szydlowski/Crusader - 5 :D
CM Tomaas Banys/Tartarus - 2
CM DrDiablo/Crusader - 1

Last Week winner: Mike , because once again nobody guess
Song: Megadeth - Trust

Online Tournaments

Zone Sunday [XWA]
Time: 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST ( 18:00 - 19:30 GMT )
Place: MSN Gaming Zone
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner

Tempest Storm [XWA][XvT][JK]
Time: 7:00 - 10:00 PM EST ( 0:30 - 3:00 GMT )
Place: IRC Channel #tempest ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner

No competitions right now.

Greenwich Wolf Competition [XWA][XvT]
Time: 3:30 - 5:30 PM EST ( 20:30 - 22:30 GMT )
Place: IRC Channel #wingxiii ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner of every division

ASF Competition [XWA][XvT]
Time: 7:00 - 10:30 PM EST ( 00:00 - 03:30 GMT )
Place: IRC Channel #eh_asf ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner of every division

Thursday Night Training [XWA][XvT]
Time: 8:00 - 11:00 PM EST ( 01:00 - 04:00 GMT )
Place: IRC Channel #avenger ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner of every division

No competition right now

EuroComp [XWA][XvT]
Time: 10:00 - 11:30 AM EST ( 15:00 - 16:30 GMT )
Place: IRC Channel #euroloc ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner of every division

Kampfgemetzel [XWA]
Time: 1:00 - 3:00 PM EST ( 18:00 - 21:00 GMT )
Place: MSN Gaming Zone
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner

Outer Rim War [XWA][XvT][JK][CS]
Time: 2:00 - 11:00 PM EST ( 19:00 - 04:00 GMT )
Place: IRC Channel #outerrim ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner of every division
Addition Info: You need to get OR PIN to play. Visit RS webpage and sign up.


Citations Report

Citations Report

Its gonna be a short one this week. Our esteemed CM is in the process of
updating our citations so I am not up to speed. However, I believe we have
yet to crack the 100 mark and that is unacceptable. It MUST happen this
week. I am sure there many who would agree. So that being the case he are
the battles to fly:

LCM Balrog : DB-TIE#70,71
LCM Derek Dan : TC-TIE#70,71
CM DrDiablo : TC-TIE#70,71
CPT Drako : TC-TIE#70,71
LCM Jonny Sawicki :
CM Marcin Kaczynski : TC-TIE#70,71
LCM Michael : TC-TIE#131,132
LC Marcin Szydlowski :
LCM Panaka : TC-TIE#70,71
LCM Wiesio : TC-TIE#70,71
LT Flagellant : TC-TIE#70,71
LT Relsien : TC-TIE#70,71

Please make an attempt. If you have flown them then great, fly something

LCM Panaka

CMDR's note:

Yes. We will all get BS when we will hit 150 citations. But. All need to fly. I'll judge your flying with our COM. No battles = no Bronze Star.

Current Number: 98
Last Week Change: +0

TC-TIE Battle 1 - Capture of Zaarin
TC-TIE Battle 2 - Strike at Calamari
TC-TIE Battle 3 - New Dimensions
TC-TIE Battle 4 - Recapture Zaarins Technology
TC-TIE Battle 5 - Pirate Uprising
TC-TIE Battle 6 - Destruction
TC-TIE Battle 7 - Betrayal
TC-TIE Battle 8 - Strike Against the Pirates
TC-TIE Battle 9 - Tracking the Defectors
TC-TIE Battle 10 - Battle for the DeathStar
TC-TIE Battle 11 - Renegade Battle
TC-TIE Battle 12 - Jedi Hunt
TC-TIE Battle 13 - Finding the Lakul
TC-TIE Battle 14 - Vader Takes Command
TC-TIE Battle 15 - Special Operations
TC-TIE Battle 16 - Dacian Downfall
TC-TIE Battle 17 - Zaarins Missile Boats
TC-TIE Battle 18 - Interception
TC-TIE Battle 19 - The Tethys Honeymoon
TC-TIE Battle 20 - Escort Carrier Missions
TC-TIE Battle 21 - Break the Sky
TC-TIE Battle 22 - Aftermath
TC-TIE Battle 23 - Daedalus
TC-TIE Battle 24 - Save the Emperors DNA
TC-TIE Battle 25 - Spoils of War
TC-TIE Battle 26 - The Dark Troopers
TC-TIE Battle 27 - (X)-Wings of Glory
TC-TIE Battle 28 - Conquest
TC-TIE Battle 29 - Communications Wars
TC-TIE Battle 30 - Save the Emperors Archives
TC-TIE Battle 31 - Hidden Agenda
TC-TIE Battle 32 - Assassinate the Fleet Commander?
TC-TIE Battle 33 - Strike at Incom
TC-TIE Battle 34 - Encounter at Charybdis
TC-TIE Battle 35 - Unexpected Encounter
TC-TIE Battle 36 - Weekend Retreat
TC-TIE Battle 37 - CM Howies Battle
TC-TIE Battle 38 - Deepspace Syndicate
TC-TIE Battle 39 - Up and at Em!
TC-TIE Battle 40 - Deception
TC-TIE Battle 41 - Rebel Demise
TC-TIE Battle 42 - Jealousy
TC-TIE Battle 44 - Military Complex Operation
TC-TIE Battle 45 - Traitors
TC-TIE Battle 48 - "Ski Hoth" - Star Wars Mercenaries
TC-TIE Battle 49 - Construct the Sovereign
TC-TIE Battle 50 - Ackbars Trick
TC-TIE Battle 52 - Freedom Task Force
TC-TIE Battle 53 - Capture of the Rebel Spy
TC-XvT Battle 1 - The Verpine Encounter
TC-XvT Battle 2 - Capture of a Murderer
TC-XvT Battle 3 - Preparing for Battle
TC-XvT Battle 4 - Encounter with the Black Sun
TC-XvT Battle 5 - Phoenix Saga
TC-XvT Battle 6 - Wolf Pack Aggression
TC-XvT Battle 7 - The Resupply
TC-XvT Battle 8 - The Loshen Resistance
TC-XvT Battle 9 - The Black Sun Incident
TC-XvT Battle 10 - Abduction of VA Priyum
TC-BoP Battle 1 - Double Cross at Coronada
TC-BoP Battle 2 - Behind Enemy Lines
TC-BoP Battle 3 - Smuggling at Vector 29
TC-XWA Battle 5 - Show of Force
TC-XWA Battle 6 - Enemy Defector
TC-XWA Battle 8 - Hammer to Anvil
CAB Battle 1 - Assault On the Hast Shipyards
CAB Battle 2 - Assault Of Aurora
CAB Battle 3 - Secure the Phare System
CAB Battle 4 - Battle for Kronos
CAB Battle 5 - Destroy Shipyards of the New Republic
DB-TIE Battle 1 - Midnight Requisition
DB-TIE Battle 2 - The Krath Haj
DB-TIE Battle 3 - The Light Jedi
DB-TIE Battle 4 - Baptism of Fire
DB-TIE Battle 5 - Destruction
DB-TIE Battle 6 - Darkest Blood
DB-TIE Battle 7 - Quest of the Elite
DB-TIE Battle 8 - The Capture of Yridia II
DB-TIE Battle 9 - Dark Brotherhood Battle 9
DB-TIE Battle 10 - Relics of the Ancient Jedi
DB-TIE Battle 11 - Black Dragon Rising
DB-XvT Battle 1 - Jedi Academy
IW-XvT Battle 10 - Hunt for Fleet #18
IW-XvT Battle 12 - The Miranda Passage
IW-XvT Battle 17 - Dar'Telis Expansion: Exterminate the Mechanoids
IW-XvT Battle 23 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Infiltrate Rion
IW-XvT Battle 25 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Eliminate Friendship
IW-XvT Battle 26 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Ambassadors
IW-BoP Battle 14 - New Recruits
IW-BoP Battle 18 - Karana Takeover Campaign: Karana Killzone
IW-BoP Battle 24 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Seeds of Corruption
IW-BoP Battle 25 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Eliminate Friendship
ID Battle 1 - Intel Joins the Fleet
ID Battle 2 - Secure Endor
ID Battle 3 - The Bacta War
ID Battle 4 - Attempt on the SDIR
BHG Battle 1 - The Hunt Begins
BHG Battle 2 - Eliminating the Competition

Contact Info

Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet:
Commander: Grand Admiral Ronin -
IRC Channel: #emperor's_hammer

Emperor's Hammer Tie Corps:
Commander: Fleet Admiral Priyum Patel -
IRC Channel: #tiecorps

Agressor Strike Force:
Commander: Vice Admiral Cyric -
IRC Channel: #eh_asf

Imperial Star Destroyer Mk.II "Prowling Death" Grey Wolf:
Commodore: Rear Admiral Khadgar -
IRC Channel: #wingxiii

13th Imperial Starfigher Wing "The Wolf Pack":
Commander: Major Azazel -
Website: see above
IRC Channel: see above

83rd Imperial Starfighter Squadron "Death Riders" Crusader:
Commander: CM Marcin Kaczynski -
Website: TBA
IRC Channel: #mike's_gym - best gym in universe :))

Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: CM Marcin Kaczynski (
NICKNAME: Death Riders
BANNER: crusader.jpg
MOTTO: Courage, Honor, Might - Crusader Squadron

Nickname: Imperial Erasers
Motto: You will be erased
1) CM Marcin Kaczynski (
2) LCM Balrog (
3) LT Relsien (
4) CM DrDiablo (

Nickname: Angry Angels
Motto: The battle is like hunting and we always are hunters
1) LCM Panaka (
2) LCM Derek Dan (
3) CPT Drako (
4) LCM Michael (

Nickname: Polish Power
Motto: We are the best, last and only line of defence against scum from the space
1) LCM Wiesio (
2) LC Marcin Szydlowski (
3) LT Flagellant (
4) LCM Jonny Sawicki (


CMDR/CM Marcin Kaczynski/Crusader 1-1/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf ASF Flagship
Wing Commanders Own [December]'00
Wing Commanders Own [March,April]'01
Crusader Competition Officer

** Crusader - Semper Fi **

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