Omicron Report # 2 (2001-08-03)

This report was submitted by CM Daniel Klivian

CMDR/CM Daniel Klivian reporting in for Omicron Squadron on the week of August 3, 2001

Fleet news:

Wing news:
-RATS Extermination! (I am writing this report very quickly to get back to flying :P)

Squadron News:
-Many people have been removed from the rosters at their own request, namely LT Phil O'Brien, CM Daniel Stephens and CM JAgue Philu (still awaiting approval for him). As for the rest of the squad, only two remain in immediate danger of being AWOLed, namely LT Space Ace & SL Greeko Rojin, who will be AWOLed very soon.
-As for the active pilots, fly fly fly for RATS Extermination! You shouldn't even be reading this report!
-Also, LT Jace Vallor has been selected as squadron XO! Congratulations!

Squadron Orders:
Primary: FLY FLY FLY FLY for RATS Extermination!!!!
Secondary: Fly TC 13 for wing comp ending the 15th (but only after flying your but off in the next day or so!
Tertiary: Recruit <-we are very low on pilots now that everybody is leaving; so I will award an ISM for every two recruits someone brings in (note: you must get an MoI for both!)

Activity Reports:
CMDR/CM Daniel Klivian:
-Wrote MSE.
-Made squadron comp: LT Jace Vallor winner.
-Flew TC 36.
-Wrote squadron report.

FM/LT Endymion:
-Reported in with broken joystick

FM/LT Space Ace:
-Nothing; getting AWOLed

FL/CM Jague Philu:
-Has reported in with request to join the RSVes, FO is reviewing.

FM/LT Phil O'Brien:
-Has reported in with request to join the RSVes, he is gone now.

FM/LT Handril Madon:
-Reported in, but awaiting transfer

FM/SL Greeko Rojin:
-Nothing; getting AWOLed

FL/LT Jace Vallor:
-Completed TC 52, 93, 36.
-Won squadron comp
-Appointed XO

FM/SL Scorpius:
-Joined Omicron!
-Completed TC 36
-Hopfully the LT request for ya will be approved soon!

CMDR's Corner:
FLY FLY FLY! I have nothing else to say.

Squadron Roster:
COMMANDER: CM Daniel Klivian
NICKNAME: The Winged Horsemen
BANNER: omicron.jpg
MOTTO: We Are Your Worst Fears Brought To Life!

Nickname: Dark Storm of the Empire
Motto: Beware the calm before the storm!
1) CM Daniel Klivian ( #6439
2) LT Endymion ( #6513
3) LT Space Ace ( #7078
4) TBA

Nickname: Riders of the Apocalypse
Motto: Nothing is beyond us!
1) CM Jague Philu ( #3773
2) TBA
3) LT Handril Madon ( #6917
4) SL Greeko Rojin ( #7294

Nickname: StarLancers
Motto: A Well Trained Pilot is Worth More Than an ISD!
1) LT Jace Vallor ( #7147
2) TBA
3) SL Scorpius ( #7288
4) TBA

Total: 9
Squadron Citations: NONE! Come on guys, fly!

Respectfully submitted,

CMDR/CM Daniel Klivian/Omicron/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus
BSx2/MoI/IS-1BW/CoB [KNGT] {IWATS-IIC/1/2/3-M/1-SM/2-TM}
ISD Colossus COM's Escort: May 2001

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