Tempest Report # 0 (2001-08-20)

This report was submitted by MAJ Locke

-Tempest Squadron Report-

-Squadron Orders-

-Prepare for the beginning of Tempest Campaign II! Starting August 29th we will battle against Eta Squadron of the ISD Colossus!

-Participate in our ship-wide humour contest hosted by me! Find me something that you think is funny, or hilarious, or basically makes you laugh. I don't care what it is, just as long as it's funny! Entrees are to be sent to me and CCed to Gen Darklord

-Recruit! Tempest Squadron is down to 9 members, and while that's a great number I know we're capabale of more! But remember, make sure they're active and can fly :)

-Squadron News-

-First off *major* congratulations to all of you as we are *BGCOM's Own for the Month of July*!!! That's a big achievement and something each and everyone of you should take pride in! We couldn't have done it without even 1 of you, so I appreciate all your hard work and I'm sure you guys appreciate this award just as much as I do! :) Now let's continue to prove that we are a superb squadron!

-The news I know you're all anxious for! The results of the Flight comp... well here's the rundown...

*Flight 1* had 100% participation with 3 entrees(SL Dazed Logan was excused on basis of being a new comer) with an average score of -22,093-

*Flight 2* had 100% participation with 3 entrees. Flight 2's average score was -22,600-

*Flight 3 had 100% participation with 1 entree(CM Kaneda Pellail was excused on the basis of losing his TIE ;P). Flight 3's average score was -47,293-

This means that the winner of the Tempest Innersquad comp is Flight III! Yeah yeah some may argue it's a bit cheap how they won, but all's fair in comps ;P LCM Master is also our high scorer for this comp, so he will be awarded the IS-BW! Congrats Flight III!

-Many departures and changes this past week. For starters, we had the arrivals of SL Dazed Logan and LT Mike Keyman. We're glad to have both of them with us. However we also lost LT Duros Klav on the basis of inactivity and LCM Alimet, who chose to go to the reserves due to his busy life. We're sorry to see Alimet go, he's been with us for a long time and was one of the reasons this squad got where it was. Still, hope everything works out for him!

-We're in the process of restoring Master to FL3. While I did attempt at a "early" promotion for Kaneda, it was met with failure. Too bad too, obviously while my 2 page document on why it should be approved may or may not have been read, it was obviously not heard. Ah well. As for Master returning as FL3, it's taking awhile to process. I'm really not too pleased with the FO right now obviously ;P

-Just so you know, lately squad reports hve been kind of off due to some strange changes in my life. Not really with me but those around me that are effecting my computer time a bit. Everything should be setteled by now, and though next week the report will be on Sunday, we'll be back to Saturday reports in no time

-Wing News-

-Congrats to the new Cyc CMDR, CPT Crovax! An old school CMDR at that too! ;) Nice to see someone who will really help Cyclone out

-Squadron Activity-

-MAJ Locke-
-8/15 Completed FREE-TIE #157, Crammed full of Walnuts for BGAPL comp
-8/18 Completed FREE-TIE #158, Final Training (26,818)

-LCM Chris McCollum-
-8/12 Completed TC-TIE #103, Minos Cluster Invasion (16,150)
-8/14 Completed FREE-TIE #158, Final Training (6,743)

-LT Dirk Logan-
-8/13 Awarded MoI for recruiting SL Dazed Logan
-8/13 Completed FREE-TIE #158, Final Training (32,720)
-8/14 Completed IWATS Course Graphics (78%)
-8/16 Awarded CoB for flying 30+ missions

-SL Dazed Logan-

-CM Sephiroth-
-8/15 Completed FREE-TIE #157, Crammed Full of Walnuts (56,753)
-8/18 Recieved high scores for TC-TIE #44 (375,820 battle score and 66,168 mission 2 score)
-8/18 Awarded ISM for reliable hosting of Tempest Storm
-8/18 Completed FREE-TIE #158, Final Training (24,593)

-LT Mike Keyman-*On Leave*
-8/17 Completed FREE-TIE #158, Final Training (8,321)

-CM Rover-
-8/18 Completed FREE-TIE #158, Final Training (34,886)

-LCM Master-
-8/13 Completed TC-XWA #12, Imperium Deception (12,444) *Possible High Score on mission 4 and 6!*
-8/16 Awarded IS-BW for winning Tempest Survivor comp
-8/18 Recieved high scores for TC-XWA #12 (12,444 total, 5,454 mission 4, 2,980 mission 6)
-8/18 Completed FREE-TIE #158, Final Training (47,293)
-8/20 Completed IWATS Course XAM (89%)

-CM Kaneda Pellail-
-Attempted to find his lost TIE ;P

-Fleet News-

-This Squad report is late enough as it is :P tiecorps.org if you're intrested in the latest events, please.

-Squadron Roster-

COMMANDER: MAJ Locke (locke@isdchallenge.org )
NICKNAME: Riders on the Storm
BANNER: tempest.jpg
MOTTO: "May the winds blow till they have waken'd death!" - Othello
HOMEPAGE: http://www.tempestsquadron.com
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.sitepowerup.com/mb/view.asp?BoardID=113147

Nickname: Cupid's Arrows
Motto: "Mortuus ex Vento" -- "Death from the Wind"
1) MAJ Locke (locke@isdchallenge.org )
2) LCM Chris McCollum (ministryisadeity@aol.com)
3) LT Dirk Logan (scott@sparksracing.com)
4) SL Dazed Logan (info@sparksracing.com)

Nickname: "Katayoku no Tenshi" - The One Winged Angels
Motto: We are the Plague of the Galaxy!
Homepage: http://www.tempestsquadron.com/Tempest2/
1) CM Sephiroth (sephiroth@isdchallenge.org)
2) LT Mike Keyman (keyman@isdchallenge.org)
3) CM Rover (eh_rover@lglobus.ru)
4) TBA

Nickname: The Imperial Monsoon
Motto: "We'll blow you off your feet."
Homepage: http://www.tempestsquadron.com/Tempest3/index.htm
1) CM Kaneda Pellail (kaneda@isdchallenge.org)
2) TBA
3) LCM Master (capt_master@hotmail.com)
4) TBA

Respectfully Submitted,

CMDR-TCC:XvT/MAJ Locke/Tempest/Wing X/ISD Challenge
DOC/LT Locke/TC-BG/ISD Challenge [DOC] [PMO]

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