Ghost Report # 2 (2001-07-31)

This report was submitted by CPT RogueWing

CMDR/CPT RogueWing reporting in for Ghost Squadron on 7/29/01.

Squadron News

What has happened this week?
NOTHING! The only thing Ghost Squadron got accomplished is a new website. It is located at
I am going to resend the skirmish from last week, since no one flew it. This is not hard, nor does it take a long time. We do have two pilots on leave, Stone Cold and Shadow. They have an excuse. So, please fly this skirmish and send me the .plt file when you are done. On one more note, I have to leave town from Friday to Sunday for a family emergency. If you need anything, feel free to contact COL Badlands.
Here is the skirmish. Just download it to you XWing Alliance directory in the folder marked "skirmish". Then create a new pilot file that is based on your name and the skirmish name (i.e RW_MPtraining#1). Use that pilot to fly the skirmish ONCE. (If you would like to practice it first, then use your regular pilot file while doing that.) When you are done, send the pilot file to me so I can see how many kills you got. Each weeks squadron report will include the results from the previous week. I know that it would be easy for you to adjust the skirmish, but I trust that you are honest enough to not do that.

Squadron Status
There are no comps this week.

Activity Reports
CPT RogueWing
-7/27/01 awarded 7 LOC's (XWA WoW)
-7/31/01 flew FXWA 1
-7/31/01 flew FXWA 23
LT Shadow
-on leave from7/20/01 to8/17/01
LT David Navark
LT Stone Cold
- on leave from 7/22/01 to 7/28/01
LT ChaBoal

MP Training
One of the most important skills to learn in MP flying, is system management. XWA allows you to have 2 presets on your weapon shield systems. Make your preset #1 as follows: Weapons 3/4% charged, Shields 0 %charge (more on this later), beam weapon 0% charge, and throttle 100% Make your preset #2 as follows: Weapons, shields, beam weapons, all at 0% charge. Your throttle set to 33%.
Now when you are approaching someone head to head, hit your preset #1. This allows you to divert all speed you can to your engines. When you are about .1 from your enemy, hit your preset #2 and turn behind him. This will allow you to dump all your energy to your engines which in turn makes you turn as fast as your craft will allow you. Be careful. You will be turning VERY fast. Don't overturn or your enemy can take advantage of this. This should enable you to get behind him before he gets behind you. When you get behind him, hit your preset #1 and use your throttle to stay behind him. NOW SHOOT! hehe.
One word of warning, if you get in a prolonged turning battle with your enemy, watch your lasers closely. Because they are set at 0% charge, they easily charge down to where you don't have any energy in them to shoot.
The skirmish attached will help you practice this maneuver.

Site of the Week
This is where our Message Board is located. Feel free to drop by and check it out.


CPT RogueWing-Cavalier (185 points)
LT Shadow-Grenadier (24 points)
LT David Navark-none
LT Stone Cold-none
LT ChaBaol-none

Combat Rating

CPT RogueWing-Marksmen 3rd (18 points)
LT Shadow-none
LT David Navark-none
LT Stone Cold-none
LT Chaboal-none

Wing Merit System Points

CPT RogueWing-121
LT David Navark-0
LT Stone Cold-0
LT ChaBaol-0

Squadron Roster

NICKNAME: The TroubleMakers
BANNER: ghost.jpg
MOTTO: What do we blow up next?
Nickname: Fighter Suppression
Motto: We'll dance around your flaming wreckage.
1) CPT RogueWing (
2) LT Stone Cold (
3) TBA
4) TBA
Nickname: Close Support
Motto: We like it up close and personal.
1) TBA
2) LT Shadow (
3) TBA
4) TBA
Nickname: Sabotage
Motto: Clean, quick, and easy.
1) TBA
2) LT Davik Navark (
3) LT ChaBaol (
4) TBA
Total: 5
Squadron Citations:
none....We don't have enough pilots

Respectfully submitted,
CMDR/CPT RogueWing/Ghost/Wing XI/ISD Immortal

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