Phoenix Report # 17 (2001-08-30)

This report was submitted by CPT Wes Janson


Greetings and welcome to another Phoenix Squadron WSR. Yay :P

Well, again no submissions for the Typodemon competition. I think I'll just cancel this competition...

Well, with ASF:SCIII on the horizon, it's almost crunch time ladies* and gentlemen! Starting on the 1st of September, SCIII kicks off. That means everyone is to get to their TIE's and fly their hearts out. I know I'll be finishing off the BoP/XW and hopefully XWA Battles and Free Missions during it, and hopefully SL'll release some new battles :) And I have a few plans... anyway, I'll e-mail everyone in the Squad later to check up, etc.
During this time, I hope we can wrack up a few Citations for Phoenix, and shirk our 2 Citation rep :) Plus, there's always the IWATS courses/fiction/medal points for anyone who is having joystick/platform trouble, so there's no limits to the stuff you can do for it. I want to see everyone, and I can't stress everyone enough, working their hardest on this. Noting that FCHG gains are worth quite a bit of points, so Gryffon/Kommandor/Chris Starshade, you guys'll be able to wrack up major points from those gains alone :) Anyway, enough rambling... man, I'm starting to turn into Khadgar :P

*Note: I don't think we have any ladies in Phoenix, but I'm doing it for liability purposes :P

-Congrats to Commander Raven Lockholme, the newest addition to the CMDR Team :) (See quote at bottom of report :P )
-Conversely, CM Gilad Pellaeon was also forced to resign temporarily, due to loss of Internet. Meaning, Vortex CMDR is open, but apply quickly! Make sure you follow the guidelines in Khadgar's e-mail...
-Congrats to Wing XIII's own LCM Brian! He took first place in the Daedalus motto competition! Go Brian, go Brian! :P
-New IWATS course is out, IWATS AIM! I suggest waiting until SCIII to take it, for 15 easy points :)
-I'll be on leave from tommorrow around 4:00 CST, to late day Monday. I know this comes at a bad time, so if anyone has any BSF's, please send them to Azazel (NO MORE THAN 5 AT A TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!)
-In other news, it was a slow week :) So I'll report this: Azazel got a spiffy new uni :) Go check it out :)

No point really filling in this area... nothing has come out this week (Not that I mind, cause everyone's gearing up for SCIII :P) But I expect this section to be absolutely packed with various things during the comp :):)

I hope people will write some Fiction during SCIII... it's worth 8pts/fiction...

ASF:SCIII looms every closer...
Khadgar's recruitment competition is always on... remember: MoI = 50pts during SCIII

Zone Sunday [XWA]
Time: 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST ( 18:00 - 19:30 GMT )
Place: MSN Gaming Zone
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner

Tempest Storm [XWA][XvT][JK]
Time: 7:00 - 10:00 PM EST ( 0:30 - 3:00 GMT )
Place: IRC Channel #tempest ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner

No competitions right now.

Greenwich Wolf Competition [XWA][XvT]
Time: 3:30 - 5:30 PM EST ( 20:30 - 22:30 GMT )
Place: IRC Channel #wingxiii ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner of every division

ASF Competition [XWA][XvT]
Time: 7:00 - 10:30 PM EST ( 00:00 - 03:30 GMT )
Place: IRC Channel #eh_asf ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner of every division

Thursday Night Training [XWA][XvT]
Time: 8:00 - 11:00 PM EST ( 01:00 - 04:00 GMT )
Place: IRC Channel #avenger ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner of every division

No competition right now

EuroComp [XWA][XvT]
Time: 10:00 - 11:30 AM EST ( 15:00 - 16:30 GMT )
Place: IRC Channel #euroloc ( Undernet IRC Network )
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner of every division

Kampfgemetzel [XWA]
Time: 1:00 - 3:00 PM EST ( 18:00 - 21:00 GMT )
Place: MSN Gaming Zone
Rules: LoC for every victory, DFC for overall winner

Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet:
Commander: Grand Admiral Ronin -
IRC Channel: #emperor's_hammer

Emperor's Hammer Tie Corps:
Commander: Fleet Admiral Priyum Patel -
IRC Channel: #tiecorps

Agressor Strike Force:
Commander: Vice Admiral Cyric -
IRC Channel: #eh_asf

Imperial Star Destroyer Mk.II "Prowling Death" Grey Wolf:
Commodore: Rear Admiral Khadgar -
IRC Channel: #wingxiii

13th Imperial Starfigher Wing "The Wolf Pack":
Commander: Major Azazel -
Website: see above
IRC Channel: see above

49th Imperial Starfighter Squadron "The Empire's Hunters*" Phoenix:
Commander: CPT Wes Janson -
Website: TBA
IRC Channel: #Phoenix_Squadron, #Jansons_Office

*Note: Alright guys, I want to totally revamp Phoenix. Totally redo Motto's/Nicknames for each Flight, and the Squadron. Everyone who has an idea, please submit it to me ASAP :) Flight 1 - I have an idea for our Motto :)

Khadgar Quote Of The Week:

[14:19] "The TCCOM Hereby Declares The TIE Corps to be under Mob Rule" :)
[14:19] Hehe.
[14:20] BGCOMs VA Louie and VA Vinny. :P

It's a little older, but it's pretty funny :P

General Quote Of The Week:
Something from Raxis :P Coulnd't resist:

[12:40] new valk cmdr?

[12:40] Yup

[12:41] * BRG--Veng has a new cdr to pester =p

[12:41] muahahaha

[12:42] Gilad's love ensign :P

[12:43] * Loki-MAIL is afraid to love Locky, she could probaly break my arm with little effort :-P

[12:43] LOL

[12:44] I'd imagine she probably could beat the crap out of the crew, eh? :)

Yeah, good times :P

Well, I suppose that's all. Cya in a few days :)

Wing XIII Comedian And All Around Loooney,

ASF Propaganda Office, Alpha Detachment Coordinator,

CMDR-SR/CPT Wes Janson/Phoenix/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf BS/PCx3/ISMx3/MoI-BC/IS-1BR-1BW-1SR-1SW/LoC-PSx134/DFC-SWx14/CoB [ARCN] {IWATS-CBX-GFX-ICQ-IIC/1/2-M/1/2-SM/2-TT} ISD Grey Wolf's COM Protector, May/June/July 2001 Phoenix Squadron, WC's Own - July 2001

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