Koph Report # 52 (2001-08-27)

This report was submitted by COL Firebird

Pilots of Koph Squadron:

First off, I am proud to announce that Resh Squadron has reopened. Our
very own LC Joe has left to be her commander, and CPT Nemesis is a
Flight Leader. Way to go guys, I know you two will do a wonderful job

I have some sad news to report this week. Colonel Shadd has been
convicted by the HCI of 165 counts of submitting false pilot files.
This all happened last October, well before he was a member of Koph or
of Wing VI. He has been demoted to the rank of Sub-Lieutenant and
stripped of his medals and records, as well as forbidden from earning
FCHG points in the future. He and I would both appreciate your support
during this embarrassing period in his TIE Corps career, so
refrain from the SL jokes, if you please ;)

In other news, I am pleased to report that LCM Torey has returned safe
and sound from her emergency leave over the last few days. She has
asked me not to give out the details, but I feel it necessary to say
that we are lucky to have her back. Now that you are back, what was
that about changing Flight 3's motto and nickname...?

Finally, I'm buying a round for the entire wing tonight because
August 11th was my 1 year anniversary as Koph CMDR! It's been a hell
of a lot of fun, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Thanks guys!

#WingVI quote of the week:
(SL_Shadd) good thing Pavz isn`t on, he'd be getting plenty of good
qoutes for his squad report this week :P

Finally this week I'd like to give the Koph Ace of the Week to LCM
Dark Archon for the excellent graphics work he submitted. You may ask
him for copies of it, or if he gives me his permission I will post
them on the Koph web site.

Your new Squadron ID Line is:

Lieutenant Commander Dark Archon - ESC/PWC/WCO/KAx2

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