Kaph Report # 6 (2001-08-12)

This report was submitted by CM Akhil Thantos

CM Akhil Thantos reporting in with this weeks squad report.

Another slow week, seems some of the more active people, such as reaper, turr and myself have lost themselves in other games, myself i've become addicted to playing mech warrior 4 online(damn this game kicks ass!!). While this is good for us, it is not a great example to others in the wing and in our squad. I guarantee that this shall change in a couple of days, at least for myself. Now on to squad business

Item #1 Kaph squad welcomes a new member

Kaph Welcomes SL Tacky who just arrived here bout a week ago. As any wing IV member will tell you don't go into the Yod sqaud quartes section without ewok repellent(the whole section is swarming with em). :P

Item #2 Round 6 of the Wing IV SL

Yes rico finally remebered that he has a comp to run and annouced that FREE-TIE 136(attached) will be flown by august 22. SL if you have any questions on how to fly these mission, just mail me and I will tell you. Mo you are now required to fly this one.

Non squad business
Item #1 Wing IV need a doctor and nurse

Positions are still open, apply to astarosta@copetel.com.ar

Item #2 EH Timeline - Thrawn Trilogy

As you may, or may not, know a competition based around the Emperor's Hammer
Timeline which involves the return of Grand Admiral Thrawn is set to start
on the 15th of August. This is set to be a huge project with around 120
missions required to get through the story, along with a lot of plot to
accommodate for the involvement of all the subgroups of the Emperor's
Hammer. Thus we need your help in order to complete this, so if you are any
good at making missions, or at writing fiction and wish to help please
contact VA Goatham (rgoatham@aol.com), AD Ramos (magedon42@aol.com) and COL
Blackbird (dex@cyborrea.cjb.net) for further details on what we would
require from you, thank you.

Item #3 Medical Corps Not accepting recuits

As from now on, the Fleet Medical Corps will not take any new applicants
or transfer/assign already present personnel. This is due to an internal FMC
operation where information about will be released later. This
recruitment/assignment stop will last for at least one month.

Squadron Orders
· Fly FREE-TIE 136 for the Wing IV SL.
· Recruit for Kaph and Wing IV in general

Activity Reports
CMDR Akhil Thantos
1. Did CMDRly Stuff
2. Continued work on the new Kaph homepage

LT Goldfinger
1. Reported in, had comp troubles.
2. Is flying FREE-TIE 136 for the Wing IV SL

SL Tacky
1. Joined Kaph Squad
2. Is completing promotion requirements

LT Mo Kongo
1. Promoted to FL of Flight 3

Until next week

-CM Akhil Thantos

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