Omicron Report # 3 (2001-08-10)

This report was submitted by CM Daniel Klivian

CMDR/CM Daniel Klivian reporting in for Omicron Squadron on the week of August 10, 2001

Fleet news:
-Imperial Academy poll o Episode II: AOTC
-First ever ASF BG Escort Squadron
-FMC suspending new membership
-EH timeline: Thrawn Trilogy: fleet wide competition
-Episode II title: AOTC
-Imperial storm resumes: Doom has two battles to fly!
-Last round of Mr/Mrs EH, vote Mell Mr. EH!

Wing news:
-New Colossus standing orders
-MAJ Zystem Fryar is new Pi CMDR

Squadron News:
-SL Greeko Rojin reported in, saying he had computer problems so he couldn't report in earlier. I've put a request that he be put back in Omi to the FO.
-Our squadron banner is getting remade: a wing wide comp that AV and I set up is going to determine the new one.
-We did very good for RATS! Keep it up, guys!

Squadron Orders:
Primary: Fly TC 13 for wing comp ending the 15th
Secondary: Fly FTIE 157 for BGAPL
Tertiary: Recruit <-we are very low on pilots now that everybody left; I will award an ISM for every two recruits someone brings in (note: you must get an MoI for both!)

Activity Reports:
CMDR/CM Daniel Klivian:
-Flew TC 42, 44, 48, 50, 52, 55, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 65, 67, 72, 74.
-Flew FTIE 26, 41, 65, 83, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 99, 101, 103, 144, 154.
-Awarded PC for last months activity.
-Wrote this report.

FM/LT Endymion:
-Reported in with broken joystick a while ago; please report in again Endymion, I want to make sure you're still there.

FL/LT Scorpius:
-Got promoted to LT.
-Appointed Flight II Leader.
-Completed IWATS mIRC 1 course.
-Flew FTIE 1, 2.
-Awarded BS for last months activity.

FM/LT Space Ace:
-Got AWOL approval a while ago, yet hasn't been removed from the roster yet.

FL/LT Jace Vallor:
-Completed IWATS Computer Basics course.
-Flew FTIE 1, 10, 12, 15, 2, 4, 9, 157.
-Flew TC 159, 166, 170, 171, 174, 175, 46, 48, 55, 138.
-Awarded BS and ISM for last months activity.
-Pledged to be primary web-site upkeeper.

SL Greeko Rojin:
-Has reported in with computer problems, should be rejoining soon

CMDR's Corner:
GOOD JOB GUYS!!! Gre at week! Plenty of missions, two IWATS courses, and medals make this a fantastic week! Keep up the good work! There might only be three of us that can fly, but we're doing great!

Squadron Roster:
COMMANDER: CM Daniel Klivian
NICKNAME: The Winged Horsemen
BANNER: omicron.jpg
MOTTO: We Are Your Worst Fears Brought To Life!

Nickname: Dark Storm of the Empire
Motto: Beware the calm before the storm!
1) CM Daniel Klivian ( #6439
2) LT Endymion ( #6513
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Riders of the Apocalypse
Motto: Nothing is beyond us!
1) LT Scorpius #7288
2) LT Space Ace ( #7078
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: StarLancers
Motto: A Well Trained Pilot is Worth More Than an ISD!
1) LT Jace Vallor ( #7147
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Total: 5
Squadron Citations: NONE! We don't have enough people to qualify for a citation, so let's recruit, guys!

Respectfully submitted,

CMDR/CM Daniel Klivian/Omicron/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus
ISD Colossus COM's Escort: May 2001

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