Cyclone Report # 1 (2001-08-18)

This report was submitted by CPT Crovax

Cyclone Squadron Report
August 18, 2001
Squadron News

New "twister" in the house!: In case any of you still haven't noticed let me give you a Bombastic news... I'm the New Cyclone CMDR! Yay me!
Disasteroids Comp: The comp has started go here to download the game, you have until Monday 27 to send me you HS board screenshot, if you can't take the screenshot talk to me... I will explain you how to do it :)
Cyclone Point System: I'm currently talking to other cmdrs that use a similar system to "steal" some ideas :) Probable launch for this feature will be next week... Mail me your Suggestions about this topic.
Cyclone Sites: Good news and Bad news... Good news are that CM Saadam will update the CF3 site and LCM Vonnegut will start working on the CF2 site (the man wants help!! if you feel like doing something good, work with MoFo)... and the bad news are... I haven't heard from CM Garrett yet, I don't know if he wants to keep updating/finish the site... /me tries not to think in the possibility of having to make a Cyclone Squad site.
Inactive Pilots: I haven't received a word from these pilots... SL Lailon Lantel, SL Dark Avatar, LCM Sint Seelasi and CM Garrett Hap'Kette please contact me...
Lack of Firepower: I know that every CMDR before me already asked this but I have to do it... We need more pilots!!! Recruit your Friends, Family and Pets!! Help Cadets!! Make Cyclone visible to cadets!! we need more firepower!...
Wing X News

Ship Doctor Comp: DOC Locke started a ship wide comp... the Sickbay is low on "material"... your job is to send him stuff to make him laugh! that's it... send anything that will make Locke laugh and you are participating! the winner will get a IS-SR and the runner-up a IS-BR, send your stuff to MAJ Locke ( and cc Mr. Darklord (
BGAPL: CM Sephiroth outscored Locke by a mere 7K. this means the man is still the ISD Challenge Ace Pilot, Congratz!
Fleet News

#EHCOC is Now Open!: Effective immediately, all multiplayer competitions held on IRC (unless otherwise noted, i.e. this does not affect the Imperial Naval Fleet War Night) will be moved into the channel #EHCOC. The new Emperor's Hammer Combat Operations Center is now completely in use. For all competitions, the moderation bot, WillyB0T will control handing out matches, recording scores, etc. Also, the rule for setting up matches outside of channel is now void, you must come into #EHCOC and use the bot to set up a match. The triggers for the bot are basic, !add , where is the game xwa, xvt, or jk, and your TC PIN number (example: !xwaadd 296). The moderators will be there to help you, or may contact me with questions,

Mr./Ms. EH results: The votes are in! And here are the winners for the 3rd Annual Mr./Ms. EH Competition are Mr. EH: Vice Admiral Mell and Ms. EH: Vice Admiral Adrenaline. Congratulations go to the two winners!!

EHVOGUE #3 released: You can find it at EHVOGUE #4 will be released on 9th September. All submissions must be sent to one week before release.

EH Fantasy Football League: It's that time of year! Football time! There is an open league for anyone in the EH who is interested in playing. If you want to play, or just want some more information, email Vice Admiral Troutrooper. Space is limited, so if you're interested, sign up today!

IWATS passes 9,000: Well, IWATS has just passed the total of nine thousand graduates since HA Astaine took command of it all that time ago. This leaves a mere 1,000 graduates til we get to that 10K mark. He made an updated graph and posted it here

EH Bumper Sticker Comp: This is a new comp for the creation of the official EH Bumper Sticker. Now, before you start laughing or think I've completely lost my mind, this is rather a good idea. When you travel in your car, what do you notice on other people's cars? Bumper stickers. In creating an EH bumper sticker we will get noticed by more people because EH members may decide that they want to have an EH bumper stick on their car.

All you have to do is make a graphic the size of a bumper sticker. On this you should include the name, Emperor's Hammer as well as address and anything you feel would be helpful. Good luck!

STARTING: 8.10.01
ENDING: 9.10.01

1st Place - IS-GR
2nd Place - IS-SR
3rd Place - IS-BR

Submissions should be sent to: Admiral Keiran Idanian


Squadron Activity

CPT Crovax
* Promoted to CMDR (14/08/01)
* Sent new orders to the populace :)
* Started the Disasteroids Comp (17/08/01)
* Making stuff for the Ship Doctor comp
LCM Sint Seelasi
*No Contact
CM Garrett Hap'Kette
*No Contact
LCM Vonnegut
* Flew TC-TIE 49 (15/08/01)
SL Lailon Lantel
*No Contact
CM Saadam
* Flew TC-BOP 2 (16/08/01)
* Flew TC-TIE 149 (17/08/01)
* Flew TC-TIE 161 (17/08/01)
* Made some really cool Cyclone patches (17/08/01)
* Updated CF3 Site (17/08/01)
SL Dark Avatar
*No Contact
Squadron Status

NICKNAME: The Sound and Fury
BANNER: cyclone.jpg
MOTTO: Pain heals, Chicks dig scars, Glory is... Forever
Nickname: Crow's Eye
Motto: Do you feel... lucky?
1) CPT Crovax (
2) LCM Sint Seelasi (
3) CM Garrett Hap'Kette (
4) TBA
1) LCM Vonnegut (
2) SL Lailon Lantel (
3) TBA
4) TBA
Nickname: Hell Hornets
1) CM Saadam (
2) TBA
3) SL Dark Avatar (
4) TBA
Centurion [CNTR]
Paladin [PLDN]
[338] CM Saadam
Cavalier [CAVL]
This report will be also avaible on the TC page and on the Cyclone MB

CMDR/CPT Crovax/Cyclone/Wing X/ISD Challenge
BSx2/PCx3/ISMx9/MoI/MoT-1rh/IS-1GR/LoCx2/CoB/LoA/OV [CNTR] {IWATS-SM/2-TM}

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