Tornado Report # 14 (2001-08-19)

This report was submitted by COL Mairin Astoris

Tornado Report #14 (19.August.01)

Squadron Orders:
I need a Squadron to pick on for our next Tornado-lays-the-smack-down! Anyone got any ideas?
More citations, more more more! We're up to 34, and 40 isn't that far away now! :)



#EHCOC is Now Open!
Effective immediately, all multiplayer competitions held on IRC (unless otherwise noted, i.e. this does not affect the Imperial Naval Fleet War Night) will be moved into the channel #EHCOC. The new Emperor's Hammer Combat Operations Center is now completely in use. For all competitions, the moderation bot, WillyB0T will control handing out matches, recording scores, etc. Also, the rule for setting up matches outside of channel is now void, you must come into #EHCOC and use the bot to set up a match. The triggers for the bot are basic, !add , where is the game xwa, xvt, or jk, and your TC PIN number (example: !xwaadd 296). The moderators will be there to help you, or may contact me with questions,

Mr./Ms. EH results
The votes are in! And here are the winners for the 3rd Annual Mr./Ms. EH Competition:
Mr. EH: Vice Admiral Mell
Ms. EH: Vice Admiral Adrenaline

Congratulations go to the two winners!!

EHVOGUE #3 released
EHVOGUE #3 has just been released. You can find it at Inside this months EHVOGUE you will find:

Week of War Beginners Guide
Previews of Jedi Outcast, Galactic Battlegrounds and Starfighter
FMC Pins Uniform Feature
Week of War results for June and July
Reviews of recent LucasArts re-releases on the PC
Movies, music and literature reviews
...also featured columnist, Fiction and Graphics submissions, and regular features
Just follow the link above to find it...and enjoy!

EHVOGUE #4 will be released on 9th September. All submissions must be sent to one week before release.

EH Fantasy Football League
It's that time of year! Football time! There is an open league for anyone in the EH who is interested in playing. If you want to play, or just want some more information, email Vice Admiral Troutrooper. Space is limited, so if you're interested, sign up today!



Tornado vs. Typhoon:
Tornado lays the smack down (see below)

New Cyclone CMDR:
Everyone join me in wishing CPT Crovax, new CMDR of Cyclone, all the very best in the future - and lots of losses against Tornado! :P

CM Nathan Summers is currently taking on the Challenge Ace Pilot (Sephiroth of Tempest) for the title. Bring it back to Tornado, Jes! :)



Tornado vs. Typhoon:
With final results in, Tornado whip Typhoon with an average of 80k against an average of 46.5k, and a participation rate of 100% against a participation rate of 60%. Well done, Tornado!!!!!!! Needless to say I'm bloody proud of you guys, and rightly so!

Operation: Results - Keyword Not Found, Please Try Again (a.k.a. Squadron League)
Still no results - despite a desperate plea from Striker! We'll never have any results!!!

Web Page
LC Hicks is currently updating the Tornado webpage for me as I haven't had time to do it. It's been suggested that we might add on our personal Star Wars and SciFi links to the page, so if you want to have your links included then email Hicks at

We're now up to 34 citations! Hooray! Keep flying! :)

Flight Leader for Flight III
A new Flight Leader has been announced! Congratulations to CM Nathan "Jester" Summers! Keep up the activity!



There's been a LOT of activity this week, so if I get something wrong, it's all my fault, and I've missed stuff out, boo hiss! :P

CMDR/COL Mairin Astoris (1-1)
- Flew FTIE 119
--> Look! The CMDR did something! Shock horror!

CPT Shakur (1-2)
- On Leave
--> Come on back soon! :)

LC Corran Horn (TAFKA Hicks) (1-3)
- Flew FTIE 119
- Flew TC TIE 74 with new battle high score!
- Flew TC TIE 18 with new mission high score!
--> Whooooo! Keep it up! :)

(1-4) - Unassigned

FL/LCM Badlan (2-1)
- Flew FTIE 119
--> Well done, Badlan! Try and increase that activity rating though... Your minimum time for promotion is coming up and I'd like to be able to rec it in good conscience! :)

CPT Veers (2-2)
- .tfr submitted by Hicks for FTIE 119
--> PLEASE get in touch with me or Badlan ASAP! This time next week is going to mean you're shipping out to the RSVs. :(

COL Piett (2-3)
- Flew FTIE 119
- Flew TC TIE 154
- Writing a 3000 word essay on Sumo Wrestling
--> We want to see the essay when it's done - submit it to the Newsletter! :)

(2-4) Unassigned

FL/CM Nathan Summers (3-1)
- Transferred from 2-4 to 3-1
- Constructed website for Flight III and currently constructing one for Flight II too - well done!
- Awarded CoB for flying more than 30 missions
- Flew TC TIE 166
- Flew TC TIE 58
- Flew TC TIE 12 (earned citation)
- Flew FTIE 119
- Flew TC TIE 77 with new mission high score!
- Flew TC TIE 59 with new mission high score!
- Flew TC TIE 125
--> Congratulations on your appointment to Flight Leader! Keep up the activity - you're doing really, really well!

LT Assassin (3-2)
- Awarded CoB for flying more than 30 missions - well done! :)
- Flew ID TIE 1
- Flew ID TIE 2
- Flew FTIE 119
--> Keep up the good work - you've done really well so far!

CM Xyrryc (3-3)
- Flew FTIE 119
- Flew TC TIE 74 with new mission high score!
--> Doing really well, but I'd like to see a bit more if you can manage it... let me know how the XTFL planning is coming along and if you need any help at all. :)

COL Striker (3-4)
- Awarded LoC x 4 for victories in XWA EuroComp 1021
- Awarded Silver Star for creating X-Wing Alliance Mission Design Course for IWATS (Everyone go take it!)
- Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross for being XWA-g0d
- Flew FTIE 119 with new mission high score! (your IS-BW for top score in Tornado vs. Typhoon is in the mail!)
- Flew TC XWA 1
- Flew TC XWA 2
--> *Goggles at all the shiny medals*



COMMANDER: COL Mairin Astoris (
BANNER: tornado.jpg
MOTTO: Before Glory, Loyalty...Before Pride, Honor...Before Self, the Empire.

Nickname: The Missile Magnets
Motto: Fighter Pilots make movies... Bomber Pilots make History
1) COL Mairin Astoris (
2) CPT Shakur (
3) LC Corran Horn (
4) TBA

Nickname: L'Oreal Flight
Motto: Because we're worth it
1) LCM Badlan (
2) CPT Veers (
3) COL Piett (
4) TBA

Nickname: The Killuminati
Motto: ...and Hell followed with them.
1) CM Nathan Summers (
2) LT Assassin (
3) CM Xyrryc (
4) COL Striker (


Quote of the Week: "Tornado - brewed longer for a richer flavour."

Love and fluffles,
CMDR/COL Mairin Astoris/Tornado/Wing X/ISD Challenge [LGNR], GS/SS/BS/ISMx2/IS-1BW/CoB/OV-2E
"Abashed the Devil stood and felt how awful goodness is..."

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