Eta Report # 0 (2001-07-01)

This report was submitted by MAJ Indaro Gallia

CMDR/MAJ Indaro Gallia reporting in for Eta Squadron on the 01/07/01.

NL 75 has been released, you can download it at (4.23 mb) : (N. America - Slow) (N. America - Slow) (N. America - Slow) (Europe - Fast) (Europe - Fast)
You can view it online at: (Europe - Fast)

And Imperial Storm II has started.


The Colossus is taking on Wing XV using Free XvT #11 - Test of Skill. IS-SW For Top Scorer, IS-BW for second place. The submission deadline on this is the 2nd of July, but get them in early. Like today!


If you're planning on flying a battle for fun, I'd like to see you having a go at TC battles 1-10. We've got citations for battles 1,2,3 and 10 at the moment, I'd like us to have the other six too.

A couple of other comps for you guys:

1. Fiction - minimum of 500 words, must be centred around the colossus and Jawas MUST be involved in some way (just to make it hard). A medal will be awarded to the winner (judged by me), and the deadline will be July 7th.

2. PSI Annual Invitational Comp - Deadline is July 3rd Battle is TC-TIE 121 (attached)

3. Wing Comp, see Wing/Ship News.

BSF Count (missions):
Gallia 1 (4)
Combat 1 (4)
Sturm 4 (21)
Arestar 2 (6)

Total 8 (35)

June BSF Count (Missions):

Phalk Sturm 24 (115)
Andrew Strinder 7 (38)
Indaro Gallia 7 (18)
Wes Combat 5 (17)
Wysseri Arestar 2 (6)
Devlin 2 (2) RSV

Total 47 (196) Which is about 45 missions a week.

Pilot of the Week : Maybe I should rename this the Phalk Sturm Award?

Jar-Jar Award : Juve wins out on this one. Please contact your FL weekly!

Needless to say Phalk has performed extraordinarily this month, and as such i'll be making a medal request. Congratulations.


1. I expect all FMs to contact their Flight Leaders at least once a week, either by email, ICQ or IRC etc. At least a simple "Hello, I'm alive" :P
2. I expect everyone to participate in all competitions, except when there is a clash with important RL events, i.e. exams, illness etc

3. I want everyone to fly at least one battle or two free missions a week, alternatively you can create graphics, write fiction or create missions as long as the effort is the same as flying a battle or mission.

4. Flight Leaders - You will report to me at the end of each week detailing which of members of their flight have or haven't reported in. Also, you will pass on to me any TFRs, fiction, graphics etc. you receive from your pilots.

5. Flight leaders - You are expected to be an example to your flight members and should typify what they are trying to become. I expect regular contact from you and input into how the squadron should be run and any changes that could be made for the better.

I've Stated these again because some people aren't following them. The aim is to create a situation were everyone works for the greater good of the squad. Right now a few people are doing the majority of the work.

It doesn't take long to fly 2 free missions, you can even do it on easy if you must, you only need to fly on hard when it's a comp (such as TC-121) and scores are important.


Recruiting (not much luck this week)
Wrote this report
Usual CMDR duties
Flew TC-TIE #121

FL/LCM Andrew Strinder
Wrote Flight Report
Writing Fiction
Working on TC-TIE #121

FM/LT Wysseri Arestar
Flew TC-TIE #9
Flew Free-TIE #33
Flying TC-TIE #121

FM/LT Trowa
Has managed to get a custom battle to work, so should be flying soon.

FL/LT Phalk Sturm
Wrote Flight Report
Flew TC-TIE #3
Flew TC-TIE #48
Flew TC-TIE #15
Flew TC-TIE #13
Passed IWATS TM Course
Passed IWATS SM/2 Course

FM/LT Wes Combat
Flew TC-XvT #4
Note to Wes Combat, I mailed you yesterday and the email was returned undelivered. Wonder if he'll get this one...


FM/LCM Alain Dindareanu
Reported in


ETA SQUADRON : Assassination
COMMANDER: MAJ Indaro Gallia (
NICKNAME: The Unseen
MOTTO: We ascend to honour through the powers of the body, mind and spirit

Nickname: Spirit Flight
Motto: Success is the only option
1) MAJ Indaro Gallia (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Body Flight
Motto: Fierce when provoked
1) LCM Andrew Strinder (
2) LT Wysseri Arestar (
3) LT Trowa (
4) TBA

Nickname: Mind Flight
Motto: Mantis Hunters
1) LT Phalk Sturm (
2) LT Wes Combat (
3) CPT Juve (
4) LCM Alain Dindareanu (


Respectfully submitted

Major Indaro 'Vermin' Gallia
CMDR/MAJ Indaro Gallia/Eta/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus
TIE Corps Battlegroups Grand Champion 1999-2000 - Tempest
DJH (Sith)/House Galthain of Clan Satal Keto, GC/DC/(BN)

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