Demon Report # 24 (2001-05-06)

This report was submitted by CM Roth Jalis

CMDR Roth Jalis reporting in for Demon Squadron on 05/06/01

Squadron News

a.. Competition Time! - Finally! we have another ship competition. As those rebels turned arround and ran before we even started we'll start a comp for ourselfes.:) All you have to do is to fly two mission and get as high possible scores. Details and the missions can be found in the mail Adren sent out so I won't repeat all. Just read the mail! :)

b.. IAPL - As you all know Gord Darkonian is the new IAPL. I haven't heard the challenges are open again but haven't heard either they are not. I want at least one of you challeging him for this prestegious title. Contact him and cc me, the WC and COM. You'll than hear soon enough if the challenges are indeed open :P

c.. Wing GFX Comp - Spearhawk won the competition to create a new header/banner. You have all received the mail from BL so all I say now would already been said :P What I do want to repeat is that if you have a banner made don't forget to sent it in to the Newsletter.

d.. Honorary escort - Our BGCOM Jarak needs a fighter escort for official fleet events. To detemin the squadron who will get this honor a new competition will occur. Keep your eyes and ears open for more updates.

e.. Immortal Honor Guard - Dras, Lito and myself hold the Golden batallion ( FYI - to get on the Honor List you must have flown all XWA battles free missions , and to get the Golden Batallion you must have at least 5 High Scores as well )

Squadron Status

a.. Status - As we are down to 8 we should be back at reqruiting. Kadath has taken a good example and sent mails out to Daedalus. I suggest we follow his lead :P but remember, don't spam the cadets and make sure to mention we only want pilots who can be active, no one-day flies :P

b.. Monthly MSE - Recommendation have been sent out last week, now it's up to BL and Adren to approve all those medals and promotions :P

c.. Wing cantina - I haven't had much time lately to work on the cantina but did manage to find a few spare minutes to add a few parts. I'm affraid I made the cantina a bit too large, that's probably the problem that caused the.... well, just take a look at the picture attached :P

d.. IRC - No not this week, If I log into IRC I'll spend too much time there while I should be studying.

e.. Citations - Yes, one up this week. May not seem that much but losing two pilots who had flown numerous missions I expected to down this week. Lucky I proved wrong :)

f.. All reports on-line - No excuses like "I didn't know, I didn't receive the report." won't work any longer >:P Check this site for all reports>

g.. Demon webpage - We need more stuff for our homepage, things like technical data on the Te/1 , cool banners , etc. Mail your stuff to Marc ( and cc me (

Squadron Orders

a.. Fly FREE-TIE 85 and the custom made FREE-XWA mission : Starting Date 6/05/01, Ending Date 20/05/01 Those with good scores and fly the TIE mission aswell have chance to get in the top 12 squadron to fly agains ISD Colossus in a future comp.

b.. Design Immortal site - One page only and due ... uh, no due yet :)

c.. Keep your activity high, I want mail mail mail. :) If you have anything, ideas, remarks, whatever let me know. My door is always open.

Activity Reports ( merits ) *=HS

Did I miss something? Sue me! :P and I'll add it to next weeks :)

1/1 CM Roth Jalis - 178
Bad boy, this spot is too empy!! I promise to make it up next week :)

1/2 LCM Crsepe - 59
No missions this week?? Crsepe, you haven't flown all mission yet, have you? :)

1/3 COL Marc - 127

1/4 TBA

2/1 LT Kadath L'Hoon - 77
sent out reqruiting mails
Working on Immortal page

2/2 TBA

2/3 TBA

2/4 COL Dras Hempor - 381 + 12 = 393 (are you saving for another GOE?)
06/05/01 - submitted FREE-XWA-25 (+1)
06/05/01 - submitted BATTLE IW-XWA 27 (+5 + 6*) *(3x 2 points for HS)

3/1 COL Blade - 19 + 10 = 29
Released from the Bacta tank, but that Bacta smells like a Hutt. :P You're sleeping in the hospital for another week! :Þ

3/2 TBA

3/3 CM Michael Ferin - 7
Almost AWOL!!

3/4 MAJ Sanj - 6 + =
Spotted on IRC


A lot of useful stuff on our very own Demon Site -

Every day the latest news on the TieCorps news page -

Adrenaline's excellent Immortal site -

Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: CM Roth Jalis (
NICKNAME: Protectors of the Immortal
BANNER: demon.jpg
MOTTO: We offer a savage and painful death

Nickname: The Iron Wall
Motto: None may get through to harm our charges...
1) CM Roth Jalis ( [4834]
2) LCM Crsepe ( [5359]
3) COL Marc ( [187]
4) TBA

Nickname: Senseless Destruction
Motto: With Hell in our eyes and Death in our veins...
1) LT Kadath L'Hoon ( [6048]
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) COL Dras Hempor ( [1846]

Nickname: Apocalyptic Four
Motto: You tried the rest, now join the best!
1) COL Blade ( [573]
2) TBA
3) CM Michael Ferin ( [2678]
4) MAJ Sanj ( [482]

Total: 8

Squadron Citations (28):
TC-TIE Battle 1 - Capture of Zaarin
TC-TIE Battle 2 - Strike at Calamari
TC-TIE Battle 3 - New Dimensions
TC-TIE Battle 6 - Destruction
TC-TIE Battle 7 - Betrayal
TC-TIE Battle 10 - Battle for the DeathStar
TC-TIE Battle 14 - Vader Takes Command
TC-TIE Battle 17 - Zaarins Missile Boats
TC-TIE Battle 24 - Save the Emperors DNA
TC-TIE Battle 26 - The Dark Troopers
TC-TIE Battle 80 - Reassignment
TC-TIE Battle 105 - Treachery Aboard the Challenge
TC-TIE Battle 108 - Unexplored Territory
TC-TIE Battle 133 - Punishment Tour
TC-XWA Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter
TC-XWA Battle 3 - The Darkon Mystery
TC-XWA Battle 4 - Privateer
TC-XWA Battle 5 - Show of Force
TC-XWA Battle 6 - Enemy Defector
TC-XWA Battle 7 - Assault on Chimera
TC-XWA Battle 8 - Hammer to Anvil
TC-XWA Battle 9 - Defection of Kusanagi
TC-XWA Battle 10 - The Phare Encounter
TC-XWA Battle 11 - Heroes of the Immortal
IW-XWA Battle 22 - Abyssi Ianua - Gates to Hell
IW-XWA Battle 23 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Infiltrate Rion
IW-XWA Battle 24 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Seeds of Corruption
IW-XWA Battle 25 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Eliminate Friendship

FCHG Listings

Archon [ARCN] (1500 points)
a.. [1908] COL Dras Hempor (-1) hmm strange, suppose the points from the battle flown
and free mission haven't been processed yet.

Legionnaire [LGNR] (500 points)
a.. [582] MAJ Sanj

Gallant [GALL] (200 points)
a.. [244] COL Marc

Cavalier [CAVL] (150 points)
a.. [180] CM Roth Jalis

Dragoon [DRAG] (100 points)
a.. [143] LT Kadath L'Hoon
b.. [108] LTM Crsepe

Hussar [HUSS] (50 points)
a.. [59] COL Blade (+1) Don't know where you got this point, but it's enough for
the 10 extra points :P

Grenadier [GREN] (10 points)
a.. [24] CM Michael Ferin

FCHG gain master was Blade , he gets 10 bonus merits :)

Note: Tradition Time :) Pfeww, after this weekend I can't see any more beer! ... Jéééé, what am I saying? I'm paying this week! I have been too low in activity lately so I'm trying to buy your friendship :P back with a few bottles of Chiquila. :) (Is it working? :P)

Personal note: This has been a bit of a short week with the previous report coming out on Tuesday so there hasn't changed a lot. Only a few more days and I can finally increase my activity again, some RL things are just too important to put aside (such as school) but I'll be back to full activity after Wednesday.

CM Roth Jalis

CMDR/CM Roth Jalis/Demon/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
BS/PCx3/ISMx6/Mol/CoB [CALV] {IWATS-SM/2} Golden Batalion
{PIN #4834}
JH Roth Jalis (Sith)/Archanis of Taldryan
{PIN #2737}

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