Aleth Report # 14 (2001-07-03)

This report was submitted by MAJ Jahan Kalar

Welcome to another edition of the Aleth Squadron weekly report. I know that I generally start off my reports with a whitty (at least I like to think so) recount of someonthing or another that happened to me in RL, but today is different. Today, on the eve of the Independence Day of the United States of America, I'd like to take a few moments to remember all those who have given their lives for our freedom. Not just Americans, but people all over the world who would rather die on their feet than live on their knees. Their sacrifice has given freedom to millions who otherwise might not have had it. These brave people cannot, and should not, be remembered with words, but with actions. We must all remember that freedom is the most precious commodity a man (or a woman) can have. And although we may have it, that doesn't mean we won't have to fight to keep it. Freedom is something worth fighting for and although I may only be a Major in a military that exists only in our imagination, I'm telling you that freedom is worth having, and it's worth remembering those that bought it for us with their lives.

Well, now that I'm done with that, it's time for our regularly schedueled squadron report...

Fly Free-XWA #4 for AC #5, due July 11th. This is a new mission since the old mission (Free-XWA #26) was reported to me as having a bug that prevented completion of the mission by two seperate pilots before I even had a chance to fly it. The two pilots that reported this to me should submit a bug report for that mission so others know about it.
Write your INRP if you haven't already. As a side note to SL Tetragon, writing your INRP qualifies you for promotion to LT. This will also help for when I start the Aleth RPG game (soon).
Fly as many battles and missions as you can until July 8th for the FCGH competition.
Other stuff besides fumagating my cabin with a thermal detenator. LC Marden's cabin is ok, but not mine. At least I think it's ok, but I'd check with him on that. If not, there's always MAJ Osan'gar.

Wing III News is in the recent Wing III report.
Big news, LT Stirner won the XWA part of the Sov Top Gun comp. Way to go Lieutenant! Way to show 'em who's boss!
MAJ Kalar had a massive attack of needing to play with Wing III webpage coding instead of updating it (which he will do shortly). Although this may have been more fun, it isn't really all that helpful, MAJ Kalar supposes.
Two new pilots, please welcome LT Dierdre Varn (who was also promoted to LT) and SL Tetragon.
Lots of people flew battles and missions and stuff, especially LT Jabar, in a recent attack of, well...attacking. Agh, will the BSF's never end (kidding, there's nothing that makes me happier than seeing lots and lots of battles and missions for submission in my inbox...expect maybe free stuff).

Aleth Squadron Assistant
It's a grand tradition of Wing Commanders to have assistants, but I've been thinking. Why not have squadron commander assistants as well? I mean, if the guys who plan missions have assistants, why can't the guys at the pointy end of the stick have them too? Of course, since Wing Commanders are far above lowly Squadron Commanders, squadron commander's assistants should be less all powerfull to reflect their decreased influence. As such, I'm going to break new ground with the Aleth Squadron Assistant. I'd like to present you with Garnash the Mynock. He doesn't do much, mostly fly around and poop on stuff ("Sorry LC Marden, I had the MSE done for you, but gosh darn it, Garnash just swooped in pooped all over it. Sorry.") Hopefully this is a good idea, if not, you will be able to tell by me floating by outside of the Sovereign, or cleaning to axial superlaser with the new SLs.

COMMANDER: MAJ Jahan Kalar (
NICKNAME: Black Talons
BANNER: aleth.jpg
MOTTO: Fortune Helps the Brave

Nickname: Black Wraiths
Motto: The few, the proud, the totally insane
1) MAJ Jahan Kalar (
2) LT Mynock (
3) LT Daniel Sunrider (
4) LCM Scoser (

Nickname: The Hades Flyers
Motto: We just punched your ticket to Hell!
1) CM Mayk Wolverine (
2) LT Grzmot (
3) LT Arcanian Stirner (
4) LT Eriond Kath'Razzit (

Nickname: Dragon Fist
Motto: For glory and for the people!
1) CM Yun (
2) LT Dufar Jabar (
3) LT Dierdre Varn (
4) SL Tetragon (

Total: 12
FCHG Listings | Combat Ratings | Squadron Reports (22)

Squadron Citations (2):
TC-XWA Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter
TC-XWA Battle 3 - The Darkon Mystery

Words of Wisdom

"Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun."

That's all for now...until next time, shoot straight and faster than they do.

Major Jahan Kalar, Aleth Squadron Commander
CMDR/MAJ Jahan Kalar/Aleth/Wing III/SSSD Sovereign

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