Aleth Report # 12 (2001-06-19)

This report was submitted by MAJ Jahan Kalar

Greetings and welcome to another edition of the Aleth Squadron Report. I've been a little busy lately because I started a new summer job with the Assessor's Office for my city. It's kinda boring, but I get official "Assessor's Office Representitive" signs for my car doors. Anyway, this shouldn't effect my Aleth Squadron leading stuff very much. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I will be out of touch going to my college introduction "week". This will involve lots of stuff, most of which I will forget by August, but I have to go nevertheless. But on to the report right now.

Role-Playing Story Update
I know you guys have been waiting a long time for this, and for that I appologize. It's proving to be a little harder to work out than I first imagined, but I think I finally have an idea (yeah, yeah, this time I really do). I'm going to announce the revised plan this weekend.

Aleth Competition Update
I know that AC #4 ended a few days ago, but I haven't yet finished scoring it. Expect to see results this weekend along with the announcement of the next mission or battle. That will be the last round, remember, the overall winner gets an IS-BW.

Just hang out an relax until the weekend.
Put our new squadron patch on your uniform (read about it in news).
Recruit! I'm sure you all know why. Our numbers are up, if we get some more pilots we should be able to reopen Gimel Squadron. I would really like this because Gimel was my first post, and I'd like it to be open again for new pilots.
Fly battles and stuff like that.
Squadron News
LT Eriond Kath'Razzit has joined Aleth and been promoted to LT. So now he ows us all drinks (I'll take a Lomin Ale please).
LT Arcanian Stirner's squadron patch is now official. Check it out at Good job Lieutenant!
LTs Mynock and Dufar Jabar flew XWA 3 for AC #4.
LT Stirner completed the ICQ IWATS course.
LT Jabar flew a bunch of other missions and battles.
LT Stirner helped me out with the role-playing problems.
LT Stirner was awarded an MoI for helping LT Kath'Razzit.
LT Sunrider flew AC #4.
COMMANDER: MAJ Jahan Kalar (
NICKNAME: Black Talons
BANNER: aleth.jpg
MOTTO: Fortune Helps the Brave

Nickname: Black Wraiths
Motto: The few, the proud, the totally insane
1) MAJ Jahan Kalar (
2) LT Mynock (
3) LT Daniel Sunrider (
4) LCM Scoser (

Nickname: The Hades Flyers
Motto: We just punched your ticket to Hell!
1) CM Mayk Wolverine (
2) LT Grzmot (
3) LT Arcanian Stirner (
4) LT Eriond Kath'Razzit (

Nickname: Dragon Fist
Motto: For glory and for the people!
1) CM Yun (
2) LT Dufar Jabar (
3) TBA
4) TBA


Total: 10
FCHG Listings | Combat Ratings | Squadron Reports (22)

Squadron Citations (4):
TC-XWA Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter
TC-XWA Battle 2 - First Contact
TC-XWA Battle 3 - The Darkon Mystery
TC-XWA Battle 11 - Heroes of the Immortal

Words of Wisdom

"Violence has solved more problems in the history of mankind than diplomacy ever will." --Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers.
That's all for now...until next time, shoot straight and faster than they do. Cya'll this weekend!

Major Jahan Kalar, Aleth Squadron Commander
CMDR/MAJ Jahan Kalar/Aleth/Wing III/SSSD Sovereign

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