Hey Report # 28 (2001-05-07)

This report was submitted by MAJ Osan'gar

Greetings all, and welcome to another Hey squadron

As you have probably noticed, Seq has found himself a
new Wing III Assistant in the shape of a smallish
bantha named Ferret. Don't dress up as a Jawa and I'm
sure that he won't give you any trouble.

Also, Hey Squadron has been specially selected by FA
Kramer to have the "honor" of going to The Cage for
fielding practice. I suppose the Cage is better than
the Pit though.

*Osan'gar wonders just how hard FA Kramer could hit a
softball at him and grimaces.*

Also, remember to get your fancy cheerleading outfits
on and support Teth Squadron of Wing IV in the
Sovereign League finals. We may be flying against them
in a comp at the moment but it would be nice to see a
Sovereign Squadron win the SL so support Teth.

Would you really want to see the elite squadron
Praetorian win the SL... I thought not. If any you
happen to know any Prae Squadron members in RL then
try to sabotage their computers so that they can't fly
in the final >:P

*Osan'gar walks off with the money from Minkus to
shamelessly plug Teth in this report*

But seriouly, good luck to Teth in the SL :)

Anyway, on to the news........


- The competition against Teth continues. Please get
your files to me by the 8th so that we can beat Teth
in this comp. The scores will be released tomorrow and
not in this report as a certain Teth CMDR is CCed on
this report :P

- We have two new pilots in Hey Squadron this week -
welcome LT Ryan Tribal who joins us as the new Flight
Leader of Flight III. Congrats Ryan, I'm sure you will
do a great job.
also new to the squadron this week is SL Steven Auguri
who joins us from Daedalus. Welcome to both of you.

- Our citations now number exactly zero and we need to
get some more. Fly any and all XWA battles and our
number should increase.

- The website will be updated in a few days. I'm sorry
that it hasn't been updated for ages but I have been
busy working on a new design for the site. Expect it
to be up in a few days.

- Only myself and LCM Josh seem to be posting on the
Hey Squadron message board. Go there and post away.

- LT Dan Jenkins and LT Ryan Tribal have flown for the
TopGun comp. The rest of you have until the 8th to get
your files to Seq.

- LT Gold Finger will be transferring to Wing IV in
the next few days as he doesn't own XWA. Its been a
pleasure to have you in the squad for this short time,
and good luck in Wing IV.


- I couldn't make the Wing III meeting this week, but
from what I've seen on the Message Board today, it
looks as if LCM Josh won the trivia after the meeting.
Congrats Josh :)

If anyone has a meeting log then could they send it to

- The Wing III Survivor competition continues and this
week all the survivors have to fly all of the FXWA
missions they haven't already flown.

*Osan'gar wonders if this is a deliberate ploy to
remove him fron the W3SC as he has only flown about
half of all the FXWA missions :P*

Just kidding - I'm sure that this round will be very
tough and at the end only 3 people will remain.

- The Wing III website competition continues but I'm
not sure exactly how many people have entered so far.
If you haven't started yet - you have till the 15th
May to make a site which will be the official Wing
site. The winner will get an IS-SR and 2nd place an

- I need your submissions for the Wing III pilot
archive on the Sickbay page. I have a lot of
submissions from Hey already, but CMDRs - if you could
pass on the fact that I need fiction, graphics,
interviews and articles for this archive to your


Grey Wolf Commodore appointed
05:34 - FA Priyum Patel [spellfire@btinternet.com]
Many congratulations to Rear Admiral Khadgar who has
been appointed as the new Commodore for the ISD Grey

VanCOM promoted
05:31 - FA Priyum Patel [spellfire@btinternet.com]
At the recommendation of Vice Admiral Cyric and with
full support from the Flight Office, current Vanguard
Commodore, RA Ender mBind has been promoted to the
rank of Vice Admiral for the tireless work he's done
for his Command, and the continued dedication he's

Admiral Jarak Maldon resigns
05:22 - FA Priyum Patel [spellfire@btinternet.com]
Last night during the TIE Corps meeting, AD Jarak
Maldon announced his decision to retire from his
position as Battlegroups Commander.

[The whole post is too long to put in this report, but
if you want to see the full resignation letter then go
to http://www.tiecorps.org/news.asp ]

LSF vs EH: League war THIS Wednesday!
05:29 - HA Astatine [jpboyce@indigo.net.au]
The battle will be conducted in the Xwing vs TIE
Fighter and Xwing Alliance battlefield. It will be
held on irc.nassery.org, in the #LSFvsEH room. All
results will be posted and recorded at Battlestats. So
if you dont have an account, get one.
(www.battlestats.com) Standard BSC rules apply.

The war begins Wed, May 9th at 12:00 PM EST (noon) and
ends the following Wed, May 16th at 11:00 PM EST. Last
engagement, the EH lost badly. Come support the EH and
turn the tides of war.

EH Ladder Season 2 starts!
00:24 - HA Astatine [jpboyce@indigo.net.au]
The ladder has been wiped and you can all now sign up
again for the second season. It will also last 2
months and will finish on 4th July. You can join at

New WC of Wing IX
13:01 - AD Havoc [Pellaeon2000@cs.com]
Congrats go to MAJ Lohr Zadash, who is now the new
Wing Commander of Wing IX, on the ISD Relentless!


CPT Osan'gar - flew loads of FXWA missions and is
waiting for them to be BSFed.
- worked on the website
- Commander stuff

LCM Josh Popelka - Flew FXWA 7, 9, 11 and 13

LT Dan Jenkins - Flew for the topgun competition

LT Ryan Tribal - Flew for the topgun competition
- Assigned to the squad as the new FL
of Flight III.


- Fly FXWA 18

- Post on the message boards

- Send me submissions for the Wing III Archive

- Fly the TopGun mission.


HEY SQUADRON : Interdiction
COMMANDER: CPT Osan'gar (dclutterbuck2@yahoo.co.uk)
NICKNAME: The Demon Guard
MOTTO: Darkness is our element.
HOMEPAGE: http://www.geocities.com/heysquad/hey.html

Nickname: The Enraged
Motto: You play with fire, you're gonna get burned!
1) CPT Osan'gar (dclutterbuck2@yahoo.co.uk)
2) LT Wes Combat (StrmTrprWC@aol.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Forsaken
Motto: From the shadows comes the Inferno of Hell
1) LCM Josh Popelka (ehj_popelka@hotmail.com)
2) LT Dan Jenkins (4jenkins@prodigy.net)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Dark Knights
1) LT Ryan Tribal (RTrib@hotmail.com)
2) LT Gold Finger (p_celis_hoz@hotmail.com)
3) SL Steven Auguri (Stevenauguri@hotmail.com)
4) TBA

Citations - None :(

CRT Rating = 0

As our rating is now 0 we will be testing as soon as
the comp with Teth finishes. Lets try to get 100%
participation and get a high rating.


Song of the week is Scar Tissue by the Red hot Chilli
Peppers. Yes I know thats it an old song but I found
Californication in my very large CD collection this
week and have been listerning to this song all week.

Alternatively, the worst song of this week has to go
to Pied Piper with this rubbish garage record that
repeats "Do You really like it" for the whole song.

Also, do not buy Battle for Naboo as it may damage
your health :P Your foolish CMDR hoped that LucasArts
may have made a half decent game and bought it. It
looks exactly the same as Rouge Squadron but plays
much worse.
LucasArts really needs the get its act together and
release something half decent. Hopefully Galatic
BattleGround will be good and restore my faith in this
once good games maker.

Thats about it for this week


CPT Osan'gar
Hey Squadron Commander
Wing III Doctor
CMDR/CPT Osan'gar/Hey/Wing III/SSSD Sovereign
APP Osan'gar (Krath)

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