Phoenix Report # 3 (2001-05-27)

This report was submitted by CM Wes Janson


First off Gentlemen, I apologize for the lateness of this report. I was playing baseball last week, golfing Friday, my ISP crapped out on me Saturday and I was working outside all day, and this is the first time I have had. So let's get to it.

Wes Janson walked down the corridor of the Grey Wolf, thinking about... stuff. He was recalling his late night research on Anti- Typodemon (ph34r teh TyPoDeMoN! -RA Khadgar) Weaponry, and even managed to develop his own. He now carried that weapon on his belt, next to his blaster and saber. Feeling invincible with it by his side, he wandered down the halls hoping the Typodemon would attack. And so it did. (Hollywood Convienence) With a roar, it appeared in front of him.
"Where did you come from, anyway?" Janson asked it. It shrugged.
"Mesa coem frome teh spaes, come four komik releif!" it said. Janson screamed.
"Noooo! Not teh Jar Jar Variant!" he covered his ears with a pair of ear muffs that convieniently had been placed on the floor. From around the corner came the almighty Cardinal Khadgar, Gold Staff in tow. "No! Khadgar! Use the other pair of ear muffs which have been conveniently placed on the floor next to you! It's a Jar Jar Variant of the Typodemon!"
Hearing his yelling, Khadgar quickly placed his earmuffs on his ears. A young LT came around the corner, without ear muffs as the Typodemon started speaking Jar Jar-ese. He screamed, and his head exploded. Without any other choices, Janson pulled his Anti-Typodemon-Ray-Neutralizer-Laser-Defense-Killing-Thingy-And-Combination-Julian-Fry-Slicer and took aim. He fired the weapon, simply an MS Word Spell Checker, at the Typodemon, who laughed and caused his MS Word Cannon to go to a Critical Error.
"Crap! Why did I use a Microsoft (TM) product!" he dropped the useless weapon, and used his blaster. He burned a hole in the Typodemon, who was being beaten currently by Khadgar and his Gold Staff, and it ran away screaming.

Is This The End Of The Typodemon? Tune in next week...

-Congrats to an old friend of mine, CM Hev Randrowan, on being the new Valkyrie CMDR! You deserve it Hev. Good luck! Just remember, we're all here if you need any help :)
-COM Back In The Loop
RA Khadgar returned from leave, and is now back home. Now he's going to find out I used his credit card to buy new quarters... uh oh...
-Welcome To a New Pilot!
Welcome to LT Gryffon, who joined us around the mid point of last week. Having completed his INPR, he was promoted to full LT. Congrats, and welcome aboard! Now go fly some battles :)
-Scorpion Squadron Re Opens
Scorpion Squadron, on the ISD Vanguard (Wing XV) reopened under the command of CM The_Z. Congrats!
-NYC Meet
VA Pel has announced a NYC Meet for those who can't make St. Louis or Europe. Info is on the News Page, e-mail him at for info.
-COMM Position Open
Due to the Removal of RA Coolguy, the position of COMM is open. Requirements are:

EH Membership of at least one year
Some webpage design experience
Gets along well with others
No HCI convictions or FC/XO issued disciplinary actions and not perm-banned from the #Emperor's_Hammer channel
High online/IRC time commitment
Apply to SA Kawolski and GA Ronin

If anyone has any News for next week, send it to me so I can put it in here.

Nothing really this week, though I will have a comp out soon, and I want everyone to fly TC-TIE #1 this week, if you haven't already.
Additionally, CM Cmr Brown left us this week for the RSV's. Sorry to see you go, hope you come back soon!

CM Wes Janson: Been flying at many MP comps, winning LoC's and DFC's. Picked up another MoI this week for bringing SL Gryffon to the GW.
LCM Mad Max: E-mailed me, flew F-XvT 34. Keep flying! :)
COL Donitz: He's been flying at OR, so keep it up. And let's get some SP Flying done too, alright? Maybe some e-mail?
CPT Con Selar: E-mailed me this week, been busy. Just keep going :)
LT Gryffon: Joined Phoenix, did his INPR. Got promoted to LT :) Good going
MAJ Seggybop: I believe I got an e-mail, but let's go. SP Flying or MP please :)
CM Cmr Brown: Left for RSV's
CM Andrew: Again, nothing. You have one more week to e-mail me or your AWOL.
LT Stan Cooper: Same as above
LT Kommandor: Same as above

MP Comps:
Ideally, I would like to see you all at at least one of these.
[XWA] EuroComp 5/19 (10:00 - 11:30 EST)
[XvT] EuroComp 5/19 (10:00 - 11:30 EST)
[XWA] Kampfergemetzel 5/19 (13:00 - 15:00 EST)
[JK] Outer Rim War 5/19 (14:00 - 23:00 EST)
[XvT] Outer Rim War 5/19 (14:00 - 23:00 EST)
[XWA] Outer Rim War 5/19 (14:00 - 23:00 EST)
[CS] Outer Rim War 5/19 (14:00 - 23:00 EST)
[XWA] Zone Sunday 5/20 (13:00 - 14:30 EST)
[XWA] Greenwich Wolf Comp 5/23 (15:30 - 17:30 EST)
[XvT] Greenwich Wolf Comp 5/23 (15:30 - 17:30 EST)
[XvT] ASF Competition 5/23 (19:00 - 22:30 EST)
[XWA] ASF Competition 5/23 (19:00 - 22:30 EST)
[XWA] Thursday Night Training 5/24 (20:00 - 23:00 EST)
[XvT] Thursday Night Training 5/24 (20:00 - 23:00 EST)

Khadgar Quote Of The Week!
Thank god, we got one this week! :P


[19:31] LOL

[19:31] "DUR DUR DUR!"

[19:32] Actually, StormWrath, my friend from StarCraft, invented DUR. :P

[19:32] What is DUR? :)

[19:32] "DUR DUR DUR *Runs into a wall*"

[19:32] Just something that idiots say. :P

[19:32] It's hilarious. :P

[19:32] * CMJanson coughs, noting Khadgar has sayed it several times :P

[19:33] Just something that idiots say. :P <--- We just made that up when falsely quoting our clan leader. :P


Khadgar commenting on a StarCraft Clan and things :)

Now, finally, Flight Leader of Flight 3 is open. To decide who gets it, anyone who wants it will fly FXvT 36. Highest score gets FL3. Got it? Alright gentlement, get flying.

Lastly, the GW still needs a Flight Nurse. Go to the FMC Webage and apply.

Respectfully Submitted,

CMDR-SR/CM Wes Janson/Phoenix/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf PC/ISMx2/MoI/IS-1BW-1SR/LoC-PSx70/DFC-BWx8/CoB [LGNR] {IWATS-CBX-GFX-ICQ-IIC/1/2-M/1/2-SM/2-TT} ACO Hawk Falcone (Sith)/Archanis Of Taldryan DOC/LT Wes Janson/ISD Grey Wolf {FMC}

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