Teth Report # 0 (2001-05-28)

This report was submitted by LC Mini Minkus

Woo. Another one of the very late, very missed out a couple of weeks worth of Teth Squadron news, Teth Squadron Report. >:P Anyway, stuff's been happening, so here we go...

1. Hell does indeed freeze over, and Satan opens up a Ski Resort...

No, I haven't been promoted to Colonel, but Bret has joined Teth Squadron. >:P For the younger members of Wing IV, myself and CPT Bret K'Thraz have a very long, and very distinguished history of not liking each other, something which started as early as my second week in Wing IV, and he was one of the first reason's I got in trouble. >:P Anyway, Bret has joined for the duration of the Squadron League (coming next! >:P) and is currently sitting in Flight 2. Hard Luck Gavin, but you knew I'd find someway of getting back at ya for not submitting in the SL Quarters. >:P

2. The SSSD Squadron League.

This is going to take a lot of explaining. >:P The current situation is that all 4 Squadrons involved in the competition, know each others scores, and they read like so...

Teth Squadron - 2 898 986
Praetorian Squadron - 2 437 642
Sigma Squadron - 2 323 088
Tornado Squadron - 2 147 810

However, we are yet again, awaiting on the SL Judges. >:P After my complaint about the "new" System Wolly intoduced for the Final 4, I didn't hear nowt from the judges, apart from Gallows saying he agreed with me (Yah! We like Gallows! >:P) However, Ric later said that in a mail that none of the CMDRs got, Kramer agreed with me as well. However, still nothing from the judges. Now, discussions with the other CMDRs involved resulted that Prae, Tornado and Teth were happy to finish the SL here and now, but Sigma didn't want to, so, I asked Mai and Linkan to mail the Judges asking for information. And they did. Mai got no reply. Linkan got a reply from Gallows, saying they were waiting on Wolly. So. Guess who mailed the judges then? Yup. Me. And guess who got a reply within around 24 hours? Yup. Me. The offshot is, that we can expect the results "soon" and a decision on the the system the Playoffs will take was due... uhm, the weekend that's just gone past. *sigh* What this all boils down to? we're going to have to sit here, and wait for the SL Judges. Not had this one before, have we? >:P

3. Sovereign Top Gun Competition!

The comp to deteremine that I'm officially the best pilot on the Sov.... er... I mean whose the best pilot on the Sov... deadline was yesterday. However, I'll not be submitting my report to Devin till after I get home from work, which'll be about 7PMish GMT... so if you've got any last gasp submissions for F-TIE #93, get 'em to me by then! >:P (However, I would like to remind everyone there can only be one winner from each Squadron, and if it's not me, the Teth Distillary will be closed for the next 3 weeks. >:P)

4. Wing IV Squadron League

Well, our plan to finish 4th in this, and beat the living hell out of the Squadron that finished 1st in tha Playoffs, has gone slightly tits up, due to zero particapation by everyone else in the Wing (bar Kaph) Nice one lads. >:P Honestly, people (Wing IV), go and fly. It's one damn free mission, and we're letting you have the chance to do well. We've come up with 2 submission in 2 rounds. That's how much we're being nice to you all. Don't make us have to start getting lots of submissions to increase the particapation ratio, here... and anyway, from what Ric said, it was you lot who wanted it... so go... fly now! Now! Now! >:P Oh. Yeah. Teth peeps, F-TIE #144 for this round. I'll let ya know if we wanna bother racking up a few submissions this round, or stick with the obligatory one or two. >:P

{Minkus Disclaimer - This is meant to stir up anti-Teth feeling, so you lazy bums all fly the next round. >:P}

5. SovMan Competition.

First, we had the Month of IWATS. Now, we have the Sov Man Competition... which is to design a Uniform for SovMan, the ships resident super hero. I believe I've said enough on this topic, already. >:P

6. Teth Citation wander!

Yes, yet again, we're off on a Citation wander, to see if we can hit 100 Citations before the end of the month, so that this May isn't a complete and utter failure >:P (BSF count last May - 204, BSF Count so far this month - 50 something. >:P) Anyways, we've picked up 9 Citations in the last few days, and will get a couple more once I can be arsed to do some BSFs. >:P A special thanks to this to LCMs Mike, Bernie, Liz and Hawky, since they've done the lions share of the flying that's picked up these Citations. And, just like any Citation wander we ever do, it looks like we've prodded other Squadron into activity. >:P

7. Commander Gavin Dahl Activity Shocker!

Indeed. Commander Gavin Dahl has been tearing it up on the EH JK ladder recently, playing over 30 matches, and before his computer went tits up (which means he's currently on leave >:P) was in 1st Place on the Ladder. Yah, Gavin! >:P

8. And finally... me as Teth CMDR.

Yes, as some of you already know, I'm currently doing a lot of thinking as to my position as Teth CMDR. I've recieved a couple of interesting offers recently, and I'm sure most of you know about my "position" here on the Sov. As soon as I reach a decision, you guys will be the first to know.

COMMANDER: LC Mini Minkus (daz@mini-minkus.freeserve.co.uk)
NICKNAME: Emperor's Talons
BANNER: teth.jpg
MOTTO: Audere est Facere - To Dare IS To Do
HOMEPAGE: http://teth.squadron.org
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.sitepowerup.com/mb/view.asp?BoardID=120466

Nickname: Dominator
Motto: First into the field. Last out of it.
Homepage: http://teth.squadron.org/flight1
1) LC Mini Minkus (daz@mini-minkus.freeserve.co.uk)
2) LCM Micheal Perry (micheal_perry@hotmail.com)
3) LCM Bernie (bernie_1567@yahoo.co.uk)
4) LT Maximillian (crashhappy74@hotmail.com)

Nickname: Avenger
Motto: Teth Before Dishonour.
Homepage: http://homepages.go.com/~zionsrasta/Teth_Flight_2
1) CM Gavin Dahl (zionsrasta@yahoo.com)
2) LCM Liz (lizjflynn@hotmail.com)
3) CPT Bret K'thraz (csimo@attglobal.net )
4) CPT Steele (Nealoc187@aol.com)

Nickname: The Badger Pack
Motto: Death From Above, Below and all Around.
Homepage: http://teth.squadron.org/teth3
1) CM Badger (blakely_steve@hotmail.com)
2) LCM Hawky (cdh_hawky@hotmail.com)
3) LCM Cochrane (lordcochrane@fsmail.net)
4) LCM Alexandr III Biges (Biges@centrum.cz)

CMDR/LC Baron Mini Minkus/Teth/Wing IV/SSSD Sovereign
BSx5/PCx15/ISMx17/MoI/MoT-1gh-1bh/IS-1BW-1SW/LoC-ISx10/CoL/CoB/OV [GLDR] {IWATS-M/1-SM/2}

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