Kaph Report # 4 (1999-09-19)

This report was submitted by LC Reaper


Listen up here is the latest edition of the Kaph Weekly News,

Kaph Squadron News

* I have passed the new squadron management course with 93%
* I have also completed 4 battles in the last week obtaining a highscore in the bargain.
* LT Bok has got his homepage up and running again
* LT Bok has been awarded his second MoI for recruiting another pilot into the EH
* SL Ace has been delcared AWOL
* SL Thrawn has been declared AWOL

WingIV News

* The first Wing IV meeting was held on Saturday. The log has been mailed to all Wing IV pilots
* A new wing IV comp has been annouced in the form of the Wing IV Honour Guard.
* LT Cracoucas has been promoted to FL of Flight 2 in Cheth Squadron
* LT Alexey Kolouboff has been promoted to FL of Flight 3 in Cheth
* SL Adreneline has joined Wing IV in Cheth Squadron and has been promoted to LT already
* SL Striker has been promoted to the Rank of LT
* LCM Jonathan has been promoted to the Rank of CM and to the position of FL for Flight 2 in Teth
* The first Wing IV Honour Guard contest will be between LT Beef of Zayin and myself.

SSSD Sovereign News

* The Emperor's Hammer Codex has come on line. It is available to all pilots at http://codex.tiecorps.org
* Also the new Squadron Management course is now online at http://www.tiecorps.org/sm
* Congratulations go to the following Command Staff

AD Astatine has been promoted to the Rank of FA
AD Zoomba has been promoted to the Rank of FA
AD Zoraan has been promoted to the Rank of FA
VA Eric O'Flynn has been promoted to the Rank of AD
AD Maestro has been promoted to the Rank of FA
FA Telf has been awarded the Imperial Cross for his work on the Imperial Codex.

Squadron Activity

* CM Reaper (Me) completed battles 24, 49, 77 and 78. Been credited with a Highscore for B77 Mission1, passed SM2 course, attended Wing IV and EH Meetings and taking part in the first Wing IV Honour Guard contest.
* Maj Jeff - Attended WingIV and EH Meetings
* LT Bok - Has been working on getting his homepage working again after the RedRival crash.

That was the news, until next week

Good Night
CM Reaper
CMDR/CM Reaper/Kaph 1/Wing IV/SSSD Sovereign
PC, ISM, MoC-1BoC-1GoC, {IWATS-SM1/2-M/1/2-IIC/1-TT-XTT} T/A-"The Grim Reaper"
Kaph Home Page:
ICQ#: 17504067

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