Tartarus Report # 7 (2001-06-08)

This report was submitted by CM Tomaas Banys

5 days ago, in a nearby galaxy...


by CM Tomaas A.J. WOLFMASTER Banys


Tartarus pilots have worked hard while their commander was gone, defending themselves from various rebel attacks. However, each of the attacks ended with a big drinking party.

Tartarus commander, Tomaas Banys, was shocked by that - as he planned to use the liquids to 'heal' himself from a disease that struck the planet he was on while on leave. With no treat waiting for the commander, the Tartarus Squadron is in big trouble...

However, there is still a chance. Intel reports of a hidden rebel brewery which might get Tartarus pilots back on the good side once again.


Hello, and welcome to the 7th newsletter of our beloved Tartarus Squadron. It's been a while since you last heard from me in this way. Well, I was forced to visit few places and make few things due to the finals. Luckily, the finals are ending in 10 days, so I promise that after then, we'll be working 150%.


Like in the previous issue, like now I agree that recruitment is not the biggest priority. However, should you come across with a good pilot, send him to me! We still have open spots, besides - we must strenghten ourselves in order to survive the upcoming battles.


  1. CM Drako got promoted to CPT. Congrats.
  2. CPT Arathar got promoted to MAJ. Yuppeee!!
  3. MAJ Brakka got promoted to LC. 'Gratulations!
  4. FA Absolutek got awarded with MoH. Wow.
  5. I'm back from my leave.
  6. The fighter resupplies for our mothership are in the nearby system and are awaiting transfer.
  7. emperorshammer.ca was found obsolete and is prepared for a shutdown within few days.
  8. We have few new medals this week. Check out the medal board.


by LT Arcadius Calidus

The planet Altara spinned as it did for millions of years. It's sun blinded the crew of the VSD Wraith as the ship jumped into the system. The members of the Tartatus Squadron just ended their meal and were ready to be launched for a patrol across the area. The transfer from the Grey Wolf to the Wraith at the RRF headquarters went without any problems. But RCR-453 was pretty far away from Altara. Lieutenant Arcadius Calidus felt a little bored after 36 hours of doing nothing aboard the star destroyer so he was glad it was him and lieutenant Dark C who were supposed to do the patrol.

“At last! We arrived. I thought we will never get here” lieutenant Calidus sighed.” Let’s get to our fighters”

“We’ll be in the hangar in less than a minute, but let's speed up” Dark C suggested. They walked a few moments through the corridors of the VSD.

"Hey, Dark C, where is the commander? Haven't seen him at the dinner" Arcadius said as he entered the hangar right behind his flight leader.

"Well, he's lying in bed and feeling as bad as it's simply possible." she answered "I guess we'll have to fly without him for a few days. “

"Oh... I don't think I remember him sick since I joined the squad. Maybe it was time..." suddenly they felt a huge bump and Arcadius almost felt onto the deck. To his surprise he heard the hyperdrive engines working for a few seconds..."What a fuck was that?!"

"I don't know" Dark C raised her commlink. After a moment her face went as grey as the hull of a star destroyer."Something hit the bridge before the shields were raised! We entered for a micro jump."

After the ship arrived in the system someone saw a single Z-95, which flew straight on the bridge... and hit it before the Wraith could perform any evasive manoeuvres. The chaos caused the VSD to jump by accident, but now it was again in normal space. But that didn't mean the end of trouble...

The situation on the bridge was critical. The Z-95 caused a small gap in the hull and the air was flying away from inside. Few officers tried to temporarily patch up the whole. Most of the control panels were damaged and using them was impossible. Burned bodys lay all around the deck. Those men who were still alive could easily join them. The comm panel exploded with dozens of sparkles and splinters… burning the comm officer alive. The man fell to the deck with a terrible scream. Captain Wardson, the commander of the Wraith, ran towards him. He put out the fire on his cloaths.

“Shit, is there a doctor on this ship?! Carls, why aren’t they here yet?” he yelled trying to stop blood from pooring out of a huge cut on the officers head.

“They can’t get through the door. It seems to be jammed! “ young lieutenant Carls had consternation in his eyes.

“Blow them up! We need medical equipment! “

Someone groaned when he saw one of the lieutenants, Milon, outside with widly oppened eyes. He was unlucky enough to be close to the whole after the hit… before it was mended. The captain looked at the horror around him. Fire seemed to be all over the bridge.

“Try to raise the shilds before something more hits us. This time it could be a corvette!”

The door to the bridge fell into pieces in a bright explosion.  Men with fire-extinguishers ran through what was left of them. Just behind them the half of the onboard medicals.

“Take care of this man. He is still alive.” The captain said. One of the doctors speeded towards them…

“Sorry, sir… There in nothing I can do to help him. Not anymore.”

Finally the shields were raised.

Wardson sighed and tried to make his voice as calm as it was possible… This ment not very much.

“ Find out were are we and see if it’s possible to call for help.” He said to his XO.

“Yes, sir, immediately”

“And one more thing: inform commander Banys what happened. Tell him to send all his fighters on patrols. I don’t think anything happened by accident. But try to make him STAY in his bed!”

* * *

"But sir, You're not supposed to go anywhere in this condition! The captain said…" the doctor tried to explain, but commander Banys didn't care what he will say.

 "My place is with my squadron." he snarled. "You can't stop me. Besides: it would be better if you joined the guys on the bridge instead of taking care of someone who is in THIS condition."

"But sir..." he looked at Tom and he broke off. "Yes sir".

When he entered the hangar he saw his pilots preparing themselves for some flying.

"Wolfmaster, what are you doing here?!" he heard Arcadius's voice. "I thought you were lying in bed."

"Am I your commander or not, lieutenant!?" he yelled.

"Yes, sir!" was the answer.

"So don't ask stupid questions! All pilots are to get to their fighters. Right now! We must secure the area for any rebel ships."

They immediately put on their flying suits and entered the fighters. Three minutes later all of them were in space with their eyes wide opened for any surprises.

* * *

3 Interceptors, 3 Bombers and 3 Gunboats from the Tartarus Squad patrolled the space around the VSD Wraith when they saw a flash of light, which ment ships exiting hyperspace. And they were impressed. Two MC-90 identified as the Resolution and the Democracy were still pretty far away, but they formed a thrilling view.

Arcadius whistled "Guess we've got company. Tom?"

"To all imperial ships: this is admiral Vartalian. Surrender at once or you'll be destroyed." the speakers sounded. Fighters started to pour out of the hangars of the rebel ships.

"I think I've heard this name before" Dark C said.

"Yup, but you're not scared, are you? Let's kick their asses so they remember us! That's an order!" commander Banys yelled.

A bunch of "Yes sir" were heared. Arcadius smiled. "It's time for a Hammer to fall!!!"



Recipient: LT Callousness
Medal: Commendation of Bravery
Request: [by RA Khadgar] Has flown 33 missions. Good work!

Recipient: LT Brian
Medal: Commendation of Bravery
Request: [by RA Khadgar] Has flown 38 missions. Good job!

Recipient: LT DarkC
Medal: Imperial Security Medal
Request: [by CM Tomaas Banys] Acting CMDR for 05/20/2001-06/02/2001 and doing it great while still flying a lot.

Recipient: LT Arcadius Calidus
Medal: Commendation of Bravery
Request: [by RA Khadgar] This pilot has completed 37 missions. Nicely done. :)

Recipient: COL Woobee
Medal: Legion of Combat x2
Request: [by Ops] Competition #859.

Big congratulations to all awarded!!!


No promotions inside the squadron this week.


Try to fly and it'll pay off. Look at COL Woobee - he's the mp man. He does little, but earns his share of respect. Well, you don't have to tell me about connections and all the stuff - but if you try, you succeed.


MP scores:
COL Woobee (21)
LCM Leslaw (2)
CM Tomaas Banys (1)

FCHG scores:
Centurion (400) - COL Woobee (407)
Gallant (200) - LCM Leslaw(232), LT DarkC (202)
Cavalier (150) -CM Tomaas Banys (187)
Dragoon (100) - LT Jatz Crakker (102)
Fusilier (75) - LT MadDog (91)
Hussar (50) - LT Brian (55)
Lancer (25) - LT Callousness (33), LT Vulcan (42)



Ladder is on! Brian has already flew there. It's on till the 4th of july (remember the significance of this day?) and it pays off even more. XWA, XvT, JK...I want everybodytotry at least two matches there. Details:

EHGraphicsCompetition (REPOSTED FROM LAST WSR)

Ends by 06/20/2001.A banner for EH and the RECON Office is needed. It has to be 400 x 40 pixels.
http://www.angelfire.com/pa4/RECONmanual/banners.html is the URL to check. They offer some IS-class stuff. AD Keiran Idanian( KeiranIdanian@aol.com) is the guy to ask.

Tomaas's uniform competition (REPOSTED FROM LAST WSR)

Simple and sweet, I need a new, good uniform. If I'll find the uniform nice and confortable, the author will get an ISM. If not... well,there is always another try, isn't it? In general, I'd like it to be fully official and to bear apropriate markings, no crappy-looks. 

Retribution Competition 
Starting Date: 01.06.2001
Ending Date: 01.07.2001
People involved: ISD Grey Wolf
Mission/Battle used: Any Multiplayer Competition sponsored by the COO

Each Comp Without any LoCs = 1 point
Each LoC = 2 points
Each DFC = 3 points

For a Squadron, any event where half the Squadron was at the MP event earns them 5 extra points (this is commonly called a MP Citation). If someone leaves and 50% of the rest of the Squadron has flown at the Comp, it doesn't count, 50% of the people in the Squadron at the time of the Comp have to fly in it.

Contact person: RA Khadgar
Email: dmelenchuk@home.com
Competition URL: http://isdgreywolf.emperorshammer.ca




XWA Zone Sunday

          Platform: X-Wing Alliance
          Duration: 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
          Location: Internet Gaming Zone, X-Wing Alliance, Melee Room.
          Awards: LoC for every win, DFC for overall winner.


Praetorian Competition

          Platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance
          Duration: 7:00 - 10:00 PM EST
          Location: Undernet IRC channel #Praetorian
          Awards: LoC for every win, DFC for overall winner in each


Greenwich Wolf Competition

          Platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance
          Duration: 1530 to 1730 PM EST
          Location: Undernet IRC channel #wingxiii
          Awards: LoC for every win. PC for overall winner, ISM for second

Wednesday ASF Competition

          Platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance
          Duration: 7:00 - 10:30 PM EST
          Location: Undernet IRC channel #WingXIII
          Awards: LoC for every win, DFC for overall winner in each


Avenger Training

          Platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance
          Duration: 8:00 - 11:00 PM EST
          Location: Undernet IRC channel #Avenger
          Awards: LoC for every win, DFC for overall winner in each


Euro Competition

          Platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance
          Duration: 10:00 - 11:30 AM EST
          Location: Undernet IRC channel #Euro_LoC
          Awards: LoC for every win, DFC for overall winner in each


          Platform: X-Wing Alliance
          Duration: 1:00 - 3:00 PM EST
          Location: Internet Gaming Zone, X-Wing Alliance, Melee Room
          Awards: LoC for every win, DFC for overall winner.

Outer Rim

          Platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance, Jedi Knight
          Duration: 2:00 - 11:00 PM EST
          Location: InnerNET IRC channel #OuterRim
          Awards: LoC for every win, DFC for overall winner in each
          Webpage: http://www.rebelsquadrons.org/outerrim/
          More Information: You need to visit the webpage for a PIN
          number the first time you play.


Every contact is to be made via your CMDRs office. :) Seriously, just ask me.


This was a good week, I saw most of you flying, and what else could I say? I'm happy.

Tartarus 1-1: CM Tomaas Banys (hmm, that's me).
I got back from the leave and got sick (lol) but I also tried to fly a bit. I did FREE-TIE#17-18 and TC-TIE#4-5, 37 (just to fly something). I also did a lot of paperwork stuff like the MSE, which I did 06/04/2001. Generally speaking I try to do something, but there's so little time... but there are some good sides, I showed on IRC for some time.

Tartarus 1-2: LT Callousness.
Nothing this week. Oh well, that happens, let's hope you won't completely forget how to fly... I'm considering moving you to M/FRG Phoenix where you would had much less to do, bro. You begin to leave me no choice.

Tartarus 1-3: LT Brian. 
At last. He completed DB-XvT#1, IW-XvT#10,12 and FREE-XvT#34. Good job, Brian, I expect the same next week.

Tartarus 2-1: LT DarkC.
She did TC-TIE#1,30-32,157 and IW-XWA#23,26. Good work again.
Ace of the week patch. That's my girl! I hope you'll start to do something more than only BSFs.

Tartarus 2-2: LT Arcadius Calidus.
Completed IW-XvT#23and finally the 3rd part of the fiction. Excellent.

Tartarus 2-3: LT MadDog. 
Nothing. However, it's due to problems with his targeting computer - it got totally screwed up so his fighter was under examination by all Grey Wolf techs. Hope its already repaired.

Tartarus 3-1: LCMLeslaw.
He submitted IW-XWA#24-25 but they still need to be processed. I hope they'll give us citations.
As for the TIE95, expect it soon.

Tartarus 3-2: COLWoobee.
Completed IW-XWA#24. Very good.

Tartarus 3-3: LTJatz Crakker.
ace of the week. He finished slightly better than Christina, but the difference was so minimal... the scorecard shows TC-TIE#8-10, DB-XvT#1, IW-XvT#25 and IWATS ICQ, TT and M/1 courses. This activity shows that you're a real pilot. Excellent.


COMMANDER: CM Tomaas Banys
NICKNAME: The Hellraisers
MOTTO: With Death, Comes Supreme Justice
HOMEPAGE: ***none***
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=36&v=0&s=1

NAME: Masters of Torment   MOTTO: Real men don't need shields

01] CM Tomaas Banys [T/I Andariel]
02] LT Callousness [T/I Pure Insanity]
03] LT Brian

04] ---

NAME: The Emperor's Shackles   MOTTO: Sending fools into pits of Tartarus

05] LT DarkC
06] LT Arcadius Calidus
07] LT MadDog
08] ---

NAME: The Imperial Lunatics   MOTTO: Wake up and smell the burning rebels

09] LCM Leslaw
10] COL Woobee
11] LT Jatz Crakker
12] TBA


It's good to be back. Even if it means lots of hard work, it's worth it. However, I'm pretty furious because I got very sick (Tue morning) and though I killed the fever (I had 40 degs), I still have to treat myself with amoxycylline, tussicoms, lots of other nasty stuff. That's why I spent most of my time sleeping in bed right now. This means I don't check my mailbox so often.  If you have something really urgent - that really can't wait 48 hours - call me, ok? That's what I'm here for.


Well, I should really say something here. So here it goes:
First of all, I'm happy that you got the spirit right and give me hard times with all those BSFs I have to do. That's great. That's even more. We've got 4 new citations and I'm sort of pleased right now.
However, the times seem difficult and because we don't fly MP a lot, we should at least keep the grow. That is why I demand that you fly the following, if you haven't already:

  • IW-XVT#10
  • IW-XVT#12
  • IW-XWA#24
  • TC-TIE#2

Squadron citations:14
Last week change: +4
TC-TIE Battle 1 - Capture of Zaarin
TC-XvT Battle 1 - The Verpine Encounter
TC-XvT Battle 2 - Capture of a Murderer
TC-XvT Battle 3 - Preparing for Battle
TC-XvT Battle 4 - Encounter with the Black Sun
TC-XvT Battle 5 - Phoenix Saga
TC-XvT Battle 6 - Wolf Pack Aggression
TC-XvT Battle 7 - The Resupply
TC-XvT Battle 8 - The Loshen Resistance
TC-XvT Battle 9 - The Black Sun Incident

TC-XvT Battle 10 - Abduction of VA Priyum
DB-XVT Battle 1 - Jedi Academy
IW-XvT Battle 23 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Infiltrate Rion
IW-XvT Battle 25 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Eliminate Friendship

Respectfully submitted,

CMDR/CM Tomaas A.J. WOLFMASTER Banys/Tartarus/Wing XIII
*** Wing Commander's Own [Mar-Apr 2001] ***
incomtech@poczta.wp.pl  [ +48606612184]

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