Psi Report # 0 (2001-03-05)

This report was submitted by LC Ford Prefect

If you knew Peggy-Sue, then you'd know why I feel blue without Peggy, my Peggy Sue...oh well, I love you gal, yes I love you Peggy Sue...Peggy Sue, Peggy Sue, oh how my heart yearns for you...oh Peggy, my Peggy Sue...oh well, I love you gal, yes I love you Peggy Sue...

Rock 'n' roll died with Buddy Holly, folks.

-Squadron News-

- Seems to be a relatively quiet week throughout Psi, the Wing, the Sov, and the Corps in general...still some news, though.

- Ford has been appointed Professor of TIE Tactics, yay :-P Course notes and test are undergoing a revision, as well as the battle, hopefully.

- In an effort to raise squadron communication, Ford will now begin raising controversial topics that will, hopefully, raise the lot of you out of your e-mail apathy and...e-mail...and stuff...any ideas on said controversial topics? :-P

- Word to your collective mothers.

- No word yet on CM Jon Doyle if his computer's arrived yet...

- No word for a while from MAJ Sanj...need to hear something from ya, bro..

- All your base are belong to Ford.

- Deadline for Anniversary comp is being extended to the 10th...because...of...stuff...

- Psi Roster is looking cold and lonely...give it a hug! And recruit some folk to the squad while you're at it!


- LT Sunny has fixed the HTML bugs in the Psi webpage! Look for it to be updated in the near future.

- All old BSFs appear to be done, except for a pair from LCM Otter, which seem to have gotten lost in the reams of paperwork which litter Ford's desk...Ott, if you wouldn't mind re-sending TC-25 and F-TIE 1, Ford will get those BSFed ASAP.

-Wing News-

- Several long-time W2 members from Sigma have retired...join us in bidding adieu to MAJ Al R.S. and LCM Ti'Anna. Ti'Anna was, in her time, the first female member of Wing II, before Inky joined up...if Ford alzheimer's-ridden memory serves correctly :-P

- Several competitions have enveloepd the wing this month...

- FCHG competition with Wing VI! Though VI is the smallest wing on the Sov, they're out to prove they're certainly not in the basement when it comes to activity. As one would guess, the wing with the most FCHG points earned during March wins the comp. Though several negative opinions have been expressed concerning the 'quantity flying' that this type of comp is designed to create, Ford would encourage you to fly as much as possible, whether it be to hone your skills on Hard, or to have some fun on Medium.

- Sov IWATS Madness! Join in on this month's super-fun-for-the-whole-family-Sov-wide-comp! The Sov wing who completes the most IWATS courses in March gets blueberry muffins! Whee! Do lots of courses, and you get some Iron Star-type medal apparently, too :-P
::: searches frantically through wing report and old inbox for more details :::
Er...let's leave that at some Iron Star-type medal :-P
(Ford's note: Take TIE Tactics once it's back up! :P)

- Wing II Pilot League's second round ends this F-TIE 27, aka Ace-3, before the deadline. And an Iron Star - Ford Ribbon goes to the soul who can find out how Callista got 100,000 on that mission. Make sure you CC Ford in when you send your .tfr into Algaron, btw..

- Wing II is kooler than cigarettes!

-Squadron Orders-

- Take IWATS courses! Pass 'em, too :-P

- Fly!

- Last call for Psi Anniversary submissions. The details, yet again...

Fiction: Write a narrative, detailing the adventures of Psi as all the alumnis gather 'round the ol' Cantina for the big anniversary celebration!

Graphics: Design and create the new, official Psi banner!

TIE: Compete with your fellow pilots in several TIE missions, highest score of several Psi-created F-TIEs winning the category!

An Iron Star - Copper RIbbon will be awarded to the top-scorer in the TIE division, and Iron Star- Nickel Ribbon to the fiction and graphics winners!

Now, the TIE missions to be flown:

F-TIE 121, Psi Squadron's Reunion, created by GN Sasquatch
F-TIE 151, the Return of Psi Squadron - hey, it's got our name on it... :P
and finally, in honor of the old Wing Commander,
F-TIE 95, Omicron Squadron Reload, created by the eminent COL Gallows.

Again, deadline is March 10th!

- Fly F-TIE 27 for th' Wing II Pilot League!

-Squadron Activity-

CMDR/LC Lord Twinkalicious:

2.28.01 - Changes TC name to Lord Twinkalicious
3.1.01 - Appointed TIE Tactics professor
3.2.01 - Passes IWATS VBS course
3.3.01 - Begins revisions of TIE Tactics course notes.

FM/LT Draegar:

No Activity - Bad Draegar!

FM/LT Solaris Macharius:

2.26.01 - Fixes Psi roster page HTML


FL/LCM Canen F. Otter:

No Activity

FM/LCM Nurel Turr:

No Activity - Bad Turr!

FM/MAJ Sanj:

No Activity

Bad Two Flight!


FL/CM Jon Doyle:

No Activity - Bad Jon!

FM/LT Avatar:

3.5.01 - Completes TC-19

Three people with any kind of activity.
Bad Psi! Very bad Psi!

-Misc. / Fleet News-

- CGM Arania Lawakiro of the Fringe and SUST Dark Angel of the Strategists have both resigned...if you're interested in either job, apply to SA Kawolski.

- HA Kawolski was promoted back to SA, yay him.

- NL 72 released! URLs:

Download mirrors:
4.3mb - Lite Version - Missing graphics/file submissions

10mb - Full Version

Online Version

- CA:TAC2 wanted! From AD Salo:

With the moving of Admiral Havoc to CA:FO, the position of CA:TAC2 is open. I will be accepting applications for this
position starting now. Please keep in mind the following things.

A CA position is a Full Time position. You will be removed from all other positions, with extremely few
You will spend hours going over Beta Tester Reports, organizing them, sending files to the Tacticians for
correcting or to me for placement on the board, and flying corrected battles yourself. Ideally, you should be
expected to be able to fly 7 battles in approximately 2 to 2 1/2 weeks.
It is REQUIRED that you own ALL major platforms (TIE,XvT,XWA).
It is REQUIRED that you be able to handle repetitive work, such as filing reports, and managing the team.
You MUST be able to answer email within an appropriate time (24/36 hrs at most).

Interested applicants should email Admiral StarLion with the subject of the email reading "CA:TAC2 Application"...any
application without that subject will be ignored. If you try to ask me about it on IRC, your application will be ignored.
Applications will close March 10th.

- is updated, yay!

- Kermee wants an SCOA!

Yep, the Science Office is hiring again. I've decided to take on a Science Office Assistant to aid with news collection &
misc duties. Primarily, the new SCOA's role will be to perform a daily check of several major gaming and editing news sites
and to post details on any relevant items to the Science Office web site. Secondarily, the new SCOA will be asked to aid
in various occasional duties such as patch testing, document reviewing & idea formulation.

The requirements for SCOA are as follows:
* Must be able to check several (6-12+) major web sites at least once a day.
* Must have a good command of the English language, able to type news items without typos or spelling errors.
* Must have a 24 hours email response time.
* Must be trustworthy and familiar with EH rules & regulations.
* Must have some familiarity with slicing terminology in at least one field or platform.

Applications should be emailed to, cc'ing with the subject of
"SCOA Application". Applications should be sent no latter than Monday 12th March 2001, all applications will receive a
confirmation of receipt. Please do not just list yourself as fulfilling the requirements but actually explain why you would
make a better SCOA than someone else. Also note that bugging me on IRC about who has applied or what decisions
have been made will not improve you chances.

- After a long period of downtime, is working again..

- RA Woobee was promoted to COM of the ISD Grey Wolf.

- Wing X WC Darklord was promoted to GN.

- X is back on the Undernet, yay! Ford's working on getting CService bots back on #airlock54.

We'll close this week with a quote.

All Psi members who don't do lots of active-type-stuff next week will burn in purgatory, right next to Paula Abdul!

Sage advice.

CMDR-AMB-PROF/LC Lord Twinkalicious/Psi/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
[ISMx19][PCx3][BS][SS][OV][MOC - SoCx9-BoCx4-PoCx5-GoCx2][CoB][CoLx2][CAVL][LoAx2][IWATS-SM 1/2-IIC-1/2-mIRC 1/2-CBX-VBS]
Professor of TIE Tactics (

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